Daily Reflections

When We do not Understand What God is doing. Wed 3rd Week Advent

Breakfast with the Word Wednesday Third Week of Advent

3 years ago

Action makes the Difference: Tuesday Third Week of Advent Year C

Breakfast with the Word Tuesday Third Week of Advent Year C

3 years ago

Do You Believe I Can Do This?Friday First Week of Advent

Breakfast with the Word Friday First Week of Advent

3 years ago

When Jesus is the Foundation.Thursday First  Week of Advent

Breakfast with the Word Thursday First  Week of Advent

3 years ago

God exalts the Humble.Saturday 30th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

Breakfast with the Word Saturday 30th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

3 years ago

Total Dedication to God: Feast of Saint Simon and Saint Jude

 Breakfast With the Word Feast of Saint Simon and Saint Jude

3 years ago

The Journey of a Small Beginning: Tuesday 30th Week Ordinary Time

Breakfast With the Word Tuesday 30th Week Ordinary Time Year B

3 years ago

The Value of Human Life. Monday 30th Week Ordinary Time.

Breakfast With the Word Monday 30th Week Ordinary Time of the Year

3 years ago

This happens Unless We change. Saturday 29th Week Ordinary Time

Breakfast With the word Saturday 29th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

3 years ago

When the Cloud is looming. Friday 29th Week Ordinary Time Year B

Breakfast with the Word Friday 29th Week Ordinary Time Year B

3 years ago

The Fire on Earth: Thursday 29th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

The Fire on Earth: Thursday 29th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

3 years ago

Always Be Open and Sincere:Breakfast with the Word Fri 28th Week

Breakfast with the Word Friday 28th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

3 years ago

What God demands. Wednesday 28th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

Breakfast with the Word Wednesday 28th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B

3 years ago

God is More interested on the Inside.Tuesday 28th Week Ordinary Time

Breakfast With the Word Tuesday 28th Week Ordinary Time Year B

3 years ago

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