To become a Catholic priest, you must be a devout Roman Catholic male willing to lead an unmarried, celibate lifestyle.…
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 13th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
Today again we celebrate the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Immaculate indicates something that is clean, spotless and…
The solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of the Heart that experienced suffering, torture, pain and pierce…
St. Catherine de Ricci was born was born in 1522 in Florence, Italy to Peter de Ricci (her father) who was…
In Jeremiah 1:5, God says to Jeremiah ‘before I formed you in the womb, I know you, I have set…
In today's gospel, Jesus teaches us how to live especially in our daily interaction with one another. So, in today's…
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples ‘Do not judge, and you will not be judged". The reason is that…
The Church Jesus established is thus the Church in spiritual and organizational communion with the successor of St. Peter
Sunday Breakfast With the Word Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
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