2 years ago
Sanctus Mario


The Sleep of Jesus during the storm

12 hours ago

The Sleep of Jesus during the storm

What does even the wind and waves obey him mean?

12 hours ago

What does even the wind and waves obey him mean?

Ten Inspiring Lessons one can learn from the biblical passage Mark 4:35-41:

13 hours ago

Ten Inspiring Lessons one can learn from the biblical passage Mark 4:35-41: 

Beyond the Storm: The Two Most Powerful Forces in the World.

1 day ago

There are two most powerful forces in the world. These Two Most Powerful Forces in the World play a vital role…

Saturday 11th Week Ordinary Time. Living in Worry: Eleven Reasons You Should Stop Worrying. of the Year.

1 day ago

There is a difference between thinking out solutions to a problem and worrying about the problem.

July 21 The Feast Day of St. Aloysius Gonzaga: A Saint for Young People

2 days ago

Today July 21 is the Feast Day of St. Aloysius Gonzaga: A Saint for Young People

Friday 11th Week Ordinary Time. Where Do We Store Our Treasure?

2 days ago

Treasure is what we have. They involve material and spiritual deposits that we hustle to store up for ourselves. 

Thursday 11th Week Ordinary Time of the Year. How to Pray: The 3 Most Effective Guides to Prayer

4 days ago

It is so certain that we do pray to God. It is not debatable that many do not fail to…

Wednesday 11th Week Ordinary Time of the Year. What Happens When We Work and Pray for Human Appraisal

4 days ago

It is always normal for us to do good things so that people can see and appreciate us.

Powerful Daily Declaration to the Angel Gabriel for financial Breakthrough

5 days ago

Powerful Daily Declaration to the Angel Gabriel for financial Breakthrough

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