feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Invite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran BasilicaInvite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Invite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Today the church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica which is the oldest of the major basilicas…

4 months ago
Invite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran BasilicaInvite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Invite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Today the church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica which is the oldest of the major basilicas…

1 year ago