Daily Reflections

Lack of Faith is also Powerful:Breakfast with the Word 19th December

  Breakfast with the Word   Luke 1:5-25   Lack of Faith is also Powerful     Lack of faith…

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Do You Believe I Can Do This?Friday First Week of Advent

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When Jesus is the Foundation.Thursday First Week of Advent

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The Secret About Jesus: Wednesday First Week of Advent

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Be Grateful to God. Tuesday First Week of Advent

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Always Remember His Word. Friday 34th Week Ordinary Time

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The Time of Tribulation will not last forever: Thursday 34th Week

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When You go Through Persecution.Wednesday 34th Week

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Be Careful of The Sadducees Who come to You:Saturday 33rd Week

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This is the Time for Clean-Up: Friday 33rd Week Ordinary Time

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This happens When we reject God: Thursday 33rd Week Ordinary Time

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4 weeks ago

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