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Daily Reflections
Breakfast with the Word Wednesday Week 2 in Ordinary Time of the Year
What We say About Others: Breakfast With the Word
Breakfast With the Word Saturday After Epiphany
New Year Breakfast With the Word: Make Everything New.
The New Year is here!! We give God all the glory and honour. The New Year is new, unadulterated etc. New literally means something…
Total Dedication to God : Breakfast with the Word 30th December
Breakfast with the Word 30th December
The Feast of Holy Innocents: A Reminder of what to expect in the World
Breakfast with the Word Feast of the Holy Innocents
Saint Stephen: A Reminder of What it means to accept Jesus
Breakfast with the Word Feast of St. Stephine
Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59, Matthew 10:17-22
A Reminder of What it…
The Canticle of Zechariah, Bless the Lord at All Times. 24th December
Breakfast with the Word 24th December
This is The Spirit of Christmas: Breakfast with the Word: December 21
Breakfast with the December 21
Lack of Faith is also Powerful:Breakfast with the Word 19th December
Breakfast with the Word
Luke 1:5-25
Lack of Faith is also Powerful
When We truly belong to God: Breakfast with the Word: December 18
Breakfast with the Word 18th of December
When We lose the reverence for the Spiritual. Monday 3rd week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Monday 3rd week of Advent
Do You Believe I Can Do This?Friday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Friday First Week of Advent
When Jesus is the Foundation.Thursday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Thursday First Week of Advent
The Secret About Jesus: Wednesday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Wednesday First Week of Advent
Be Grateful to God. Tuesday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Tuesday First Week of Advent