Sunday Breakfast with the Word. Second Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year B
1 Samuel 3:3-10,19 , 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20, ,John 1:35-42.
Recognizing the Lamb of God
Today’s text from John’s gospel continues the story of Jesus’ baptism story from a different perspective.
Here the focus is on John the Baptist and his prophetic role in announcing Jesus as the Promised Messiah.
The Baptist reveals more about who Jesus is. He stresses on the identity, life, and ministry of Jesus.
After the Epiphany in which God announces Jesus to the world, and the Baptism in which God reminds us to listen to Him, John the Baptist in today’s text, points us to Jesus Christ, reminding us that this is who we must relate with and obey.
We have to recognize that He is the lamb of God, who has come to sacrifice His life for us.
Jesus is the Center.
Today, John the Baptist fulfilled his prophetic role by pointing people not to himself but to Jesus. John is a prophetic figure but as a prophetic figure, he did not create a single attention to himself.
He shifted the attention of his followers to the Saviour, a lesson to many ministers of the gospel and prophets of today who create glory around themselves and not on Jesus.
Jesus is the center and everything points to him. Secondly, by our baptism we also become prophetic figures, we have the responsibility to point people to Jesus.
In the Gospel of John, we see a powerful encounter between John the Baptist, two of his disciples, and Jesus.
As they stood together, John’s attention was drawn to Jesus, and he exclaimed, “Look, there is the Lamb of God.” This statement carries profound meaning and significance.
To fully grasp the weight of John’s words, it is essential to understand the background.
In Jewish tradition, the term “Lamb of God” would have immediately triggered thoughts of sacrifice. The lamb was often used as a sacrificial animal, symbolising purity and the atonement for sin.
By calling Jesus the Lamb of God, John was acknowledging Jesus’ role as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
This recognition holds immense importance for our faith. It reminds us that Jesus is the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies and the ultimate Lamb who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus offers salvation and reconciliation with God. He is the one we have to run to for the remission of our sins.
2. The gospel today also invites us into a serene setting near the Jordan River, where John the Baptist stood with two of his followers.
They witnessed Jesus walking by, and as they heard John proclaim, “Look, the Lamb of God!” their lives were forever changed.
Recognizing the Lamb of God can be a life-altering experience, one that fills our hearts with awe and inspiration. Just as John and his followers experienced that divine encounter, we too must strive to recognize the presence of the Lamb in our lives.
The Lamb of Purity.
Throughout the Bible, the symbol of the lamb holds significant meaning. It represents purity, sacrifice, and redemption. Jesus, the Lamb of God, encapsulates all these profound aspects, inviting us to embark on a journey of faith and transformation.
In the biblical Jewish culture, the lamb holds significant symbolism, particularly about purity and sacrifice.
In Exodus 12:1-11, In the story of the Exodus, God commanded the Israelites to select and sacrifice a spotless lamb to mark their doorposts during the final plague in Egypt.
The blood of the lamb would protect their households from the Angel of Death. Here, the lamb represents purity and serves as a means of salvation for the Israelites.
2. In Leviticus 4:32-35, the law outlines various offerings made in the Tabernacle, including the sin offering.
In this specific offering, an unblemished lamb or goat was sacrificed to atone for unintentional sins committed by the high priest or the community.
The lamb’s purity in this context serves to cleanse and purify the people from their transgressions.
So, John the Baptist’s Statement referring to Jesus as the “Lamb of God” also signifies his purity and sacrificial role in redeeming humanity from their sins.
3. So, When we recognize the Lamb of God, we acknowledge Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. His unwavering love and selflessness compel us to reflect upon our own lives and strive to become like Him by aligning our actions with His teachings.
The Sacrificial Lamb and Our Body.
In the second reading today, Saint Paul uses the metaphor of the body to emphasize the importance of maintaining purity both physically and spiritually.
In verse 13, Paul states, “The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.”
Here, Paul emphasises that the body should be dedicated to the Lord and not defiled by immoral actions.
This echoes the idea of the lamb representing purity, as the body is to be kept untainted and pure, just as a sacrificial lamb would be without blemish.
Moreover, in verses 19-20, Paul writes, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your bodies.”
Paul highlights the sacred nature of our bodies, comparing them to temples of the Holy Spirit. This notion aligns with the concept of lambs being sacrificial offerings in the Old Testament, where the purity of the lamb represented the offering of oneself to God.
In Romans 12:1, Saint Paul says “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, because of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”
By relating the body to a temple and stressing its inherent connection to God and worship, Paul reminds us to live a life of purity, seeing it as a sacrifice we have to make.
This aligns with the symbolism of the lamb in biblical Jewish culture, where purity was an essential aspect of sacrifice.
These emphasize the significance of holiness, righteousness, and offering oneself to God in both physical and spiritual realms.
It is in recognizing the Lamb that we find the courage and strength to surrender our imperfections at the foot of the cross.
As we encounter Jesus, the Lamb of God, we become aware of His redemptive power. In recognizing Him, we acknowledge the healing and restoration that He offers to all who earnestly seek Him. It is through His grace that our past mistakes and brokenness find redemption, leading us on a path of spiritual rejuvenation.
We Are Called to Respond.
Moreover, recognizing the Lamb of God invites us into a personal relationship with Him. Just as Andrew, one of John’s disciples, went forth to follow Jesus after recognizing Him as the Lamb, we too are called to respond and set out on this transformative journey.
We are called to respond. We are called to respond to holiness, purity, discipleship and total obedience to the Father.
This is what also happened in the first reading.
The first reading recounts the story of Samuel, a young boy serving in the temple under the guidance of Eli the priest.
One night, God calls out to Samuel, but Samuel mistakes it for Eli’s voice. After the third time, Eli realises that it is God who is calling Samuel and advises him to respond, saying, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” This shows His readiness to listen to the voice of God. When God talks to us, we owe Him our homage and listening attention.
In the gospel, when John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God, the two disciples decide to follow Jesus. This also shows their readiness to follow the Messiah.
2. In the gospel, Jesus notices the presence of those John’s disciples and asks them what they seek. They respond by asking where he is staying, and Jesus invites them to come and see.
After spending time with Jesus, Andrew is convinced of Jesus’ identity and goes to find his brother Simon Peter, telling him, “We have found the Messiah.
In both instances, individuals are initially unaware of God reaching out to them. Samuel perceives that Eli is calling him, and Andrew and the other disciples are disciples of John the Baptist at first.
However, with guidance and revelation, they recognize the divine presence and respond accordingly. Therefore, they teach us the way to respond to God.
Additionally, in both cases, their response leads to a significant assignment and recognition of God’s work.
Samuel becomes a recognized prophet in Israel, while Andrew becomes a disciple and brings Simon Peter to Jesus, playing a pivotal role in the formation of the early Christian community.
Therefore, significant things happen to us when we truly recognise the Lamb of God and respond accordingly to His love, inspiration and guidance.
Also like Andrew, When we actively seek and recognize the presence of the Lamb, our faith is propelled, and we are empowered to share His light with others.
What We Have to Do
1. Just as John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God, we too should strive to recognize and acknowledge Jesus’ true identity as the Son of God and Saviour.
2. John’s intense observation of Jesus teaches us the importance of being spiritually alert and aware of God’s presence in our lives. It requires attentiveness and a willingness to seek and recognize God’s hand at work even in the time of difficulties.
3. John immediately shared his revelation with his disciples. Likewise, we should be eager to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, pointing them towards the Lamb of God who offers eternal life.
4. Jesus’ identity as the Lamb of God highlights the depth of His sacrificial love for us. We should respond by reflecting His love in our lives and sacrificially serving others.
5. The Lamb of God signifies atonement for our sins. We can find forgiveness and freedom in Jesus through His sacrifice, and we are called to extend forgiveness to others as well.
6. The disciples immediately left everything to follow Jesus. This challenges us to trust in Him fully and surrender our lives to His guidance and purposes.
7. Revelation 5:6-14, reveals the ongoing significance of the Lamb in the heavenly realm. It emphasises Jesus’ eternal reign and the worship He deserves.
As we reflect on John 1:35-42 and consider the theme of recognizing the Lamb of God, we are invited to deepen our understanding and experience of Jesus’ sacrificial love and redemption. May we, like John the Baptist and his disciples, respond with faith, awe, and a willingness to follow the Lamb of God wherever He leads.
As we encounter Jesus, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world, let us be inspired by His sacrificial love, find solace in His redemption, and commit ourselves to live authentically as His disciples.
1. We have to be fully attentive to whatever happens around us to know when God talks to us. Both passages highlight the importance of being attentive and sensitive to God’s voice in our lives, whether it comes directly or through others.
It also emphasises the importance of paying serious attention to the word of God.
2. Samuel’s response, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening,” teaches us the value of obediently responding to God’s call and following His instructions without hesitation. Our response to God must be willingly and not with grudges.
3. Andrew and the other disciples demonstrated discernment when they recognized Jesus as the Messiah through the guidance of John the Baptist. We too should seek discernment and wisdom in recognizing the work of God in our lives.
Andrew also shows initiative by immediately sharing his encounter with Jesus and bringing his brother, Simon Peter, to meet Him. We should have the initiative to share our experiences with God and invite others to encounter Him. We must live our lives touching lives as well.
4. Andrew and the other disciple’s question, “Where are you staying?” reflects their curiosity and desire to know Jesus more intimately. We should cultivate a spirit of curiosity and seek deeper fellowship with God. We should not limit ourselves only to O yes members. We need an intimate relationship with God.
5. Andrew and the other disciple’s decision to spend time with Jesus and see where He stayed demonstrates the transformative power of personal encounters with Christ in our lives. We have to learn how to spend time with the Lord. Every encounter will always change us to better people.
6. Both passages highlight moments of spiritual awakening in the lives of Samuel, Andrew, and the other disciple. We should be open to receiving such awakenings and be willing to respond accordingly.
Samuel remained faithful in his role as a prophet, and Andrew faithfully followed Jesus. This encourages us to remain steadfast in our commitments to God and to be faithful in carrying out His will.
These inspiring and practical lessons can guide us in our journey of recognizing and responding to God’s call, fostering deeper relationships with Him, and being confident witnesses of His transformative work in our lives.
May our hearts remain ever open to the voice of our Saviour, beckoning us to recognize the Lamb of God within our lives and share His boundless love with all whom we encounter.
Happy Sunday and God bless you.
Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen
Amen Fr
Happy Sunday Fr and God bless you too for this wonderful teaching
Amen, happy Sunday padre
Amen and Amen!
Happy Sunday Fr.
May God grant us the spirit of discernment. Amen
May God bless you too padre.
And bless you too fr. we wish you the best. Thank you so much for your inspiration to this reflection. Am so grateful for this and it inspired me a lot. May almighty God gives us grace to recognize him in our lives and have urge to follow hin and have a good relationship to be with him always in Jesus name we prayed. Amen.
Same u Padre, Amen

Amen. Thank you Fr. May you be richly filled the more with the Spirit of the living God whom you are cultivating in His Vineyard.. Happy Sunday.
Amen.Thanks and God bless you Padre
Amen. Thank you Fr Santus, God bless you for your efforts.