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Sunday Breakfast with the word is a weekly reflection, especially for Sunday sermons and homilies. We break the word every Sunday to enrich our souls with the word of God
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 26th Week in Ordinary Time of the Year B
The True Meaning of Greatness. 25th Week Ordinary Time
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 25th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Jesus Does All Things Well.23rd Sunday Ordinary Time
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year B
Choose to Remain With Jesus. 21st Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year
Choose to Remain With Jesus. 21st Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year
Jesus As the Bread of Life. Sunday 19th Week Ordinary Time Year B
Sunday Breakfast With the Word Sunday 19th Week Ordinary Time Year B
What God desires From Us. 18th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Sunday Breakfast With the Word 18th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Do Not Limit What God Can Do. 17th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Sunday Breakfast With the Word 17th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B