Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Tuesday 10th Week Ordinary Time. As A Christian This is What You Are.


Breakfast with The Word Tuesday 10th Week Ordinary Time


Matthew 5: 13-16




Sometimes as Christians we do not truly understand what we are and who we are. To be a Christian is not necessarily to become rich and popular.


In essence, to be a disciple of Jesus is a decision to be a change to the world and those around us, just as the disciples today were told by Jesus.


While referring to the disciples, Jesus calls them light and salt to the earth. Jesus did not tell them you will be or you may be but “You are”. This means being a disciple of Jesus is automatically a decision to be salt and light to others. 


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 You are Salt 


To be salt indicates these :


Salt is a preservative. So, as Christians, our life is not to join others in putting down and destroying Christian values but to preserve, promote justice, love, unity and peace. But today the result is the negative.


Many Christian families today are divided. It is undeniable that most Christians are those who promote these divisions. Let us always know that a Christian promotes love and not division.


Therefore, a true disciple of Jesus automatically becomes the tool of love and peace wherever he/she finds himself/herself. Hence, As a Christian, this is what you are. 


2. Salt is highly valuable: the Greeks teaches that salt contains something Divine. The Romans sometimes pay their soldiers with salt. So, salt is highly regarded by the Greeks and the Romans.

This means that to be salt, we have to bring value to people, to communities and to those who live around us. It also means that we bring values to people’s lives and not destroy them.



Therefore, our call is to show people the true way and not to deceive them. So, our lives should reflect the image of Christ that people will see and change. 


3. Salt is a seasoning agent, it gives taste to the food. Salt can destroy some microorganisms to enhance its effectiveness.


Therefore, as Christians, we are to help give people the reason to be hopeful and full of life etc. This, we can do by encouraging them, praying for them and showing people the true way to live.


So, as a Christian, this is what you are but today many pray only for themselves. In essence, Christians ought not to focus on themselves alone but also on others. 



 You Are A light.


In today’s gospel, Jesus says you are already on a hilltop and can not be hidden. Therefore, the type of life we live whether we know it or not will be reflecting on the people around us. So, to be a light to others, we have to change every negative way that we live. 


1. As light brings joy and vision, we are to be a source of joy and change to the world and not a source of sorrow and hatred. 


2. As light dispels darkness, we are to live our life pulling people from the darkness of sin. Where there is evil and hatred, we bring joy and goodness. We are to live our lives touching the lives of those around us. Therefore, as a Christian, this is what you are; a light in the midst of darkness. 


 Light and Salt.


Light and Salt possess these qualities inborn in them. What I mean here is that Light and Salt reflect these qualities because they are in them.

Hence, We can not give what we do not have. To change the world comes from what we are already. Let us transform ourselves so that we can transform the world. As a Christian, this is what you are; A change to people who go astray. Therefore, we do not lead people astray, rather we bring them back to the way.


Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not only staying holy, praying daily and going to church, pursuing wealth.

Being a disciple of Jesus Christ involves reaching out, touching souls, transforming, encouraging, teaching, changing and leading people to God. This is our call. As a Christian, this is what you are


May God bless you dearest and give you the grace to live the way God wants. May He never allow you to stumble Amen 




  1. Onyinye okonkwo says


  2. Mailoushi James says

    Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen

  3. Princess Sylvia says

    Thanks for the knowledge you impacted on me this morning on the life of Christians

  4. Chinyere Ezemelue says

    May I be a person of value who makes a positive impact on the lives of people around me Amen.
    I am a light, I shine brightly and can’t be hidden. My light is for the glory of God the Father Almighty. Amen.

  5. Ndukwe Amanda says

    Amen Fr 🙏

  6. Cecilia Christopher says

    Amen thanks Padre 🙏🙌🙏

  7. Regina Ajua Mobu says


  8. Mariajacinta Ivoke says


  9. Agina Uchenna says


  10. Odoh Nneka says


  11. Okeke Juliet Nneka says

    Amen 🙏.

  12. Grace Uba says


  13. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen. As a Christian we are may Almighty God helps us to lead many souls to Jesus Christ in Jesus name we prayed. Amen.

  14. Udemezue Martina Mary says


  15. Onyekonwu Ngozi says

    Amen! thank you Jesus for your words and empowerments

  16. Mbama Christiana says

    Amen and Amen

  17. Esimekara Nnenna says


  18. Srella Makwe says

    Thanks padre. Jesus help me to be your true disciple Amen

  19. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    A thunderous Amen


    Lord, may I be a tool of love and peace wherever I find myself through my Christian life. Amen

  21. Dodoh Peter Anthony says


  22. Anyiam Cornelia says


  23. Esther Aboje says

    Inspiring message

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