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Reflections are the food of the soul. When we reflect through divine mysteries and on the biblical truths. our knowledge of God increases, hence our faith in God becomes constantly rejuvenated. We need daily reflections to keep ourselves going. Here, you will find a list of daily reflections on the bible to keep our faith alive again.
Breakfast with the Word 18th of December
The Wisdom of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ:17th December
Breakfast with the Word 17th December
When We lose the reverence for the Spiritual. Monday 3rd week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Monday 3rd week of Advent
Rejoice in the Lord Always. 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C
Behind the Opposite of We Want:Matthew 17:10-13. Sat 2nd Week Advent
Breakfast with the Word Saturday second week of advent Year C
The Only Way to Avoid Criticism. Friday Second Week of Advent
Breakfast With the Word Friday Second Week of Advent
The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence.Thursday 2nd Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Thursday Second Week of Advent