Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Mass Intentions for the 21 Days with the Archangel Gabriel


The name Gabriel means in Hebrew “God has shown might.” Therefore, the name Gabriel means “Strength from God” and thus he is invoked for strength in the time of difficulties, courage and Good News.


Many people have reported of Angel Gabriel’s help in the time of difficulties, job opportunities, financial breakthroughs and in the time of loneliness


There are times Gabriel is mentioned by name. Hence, on other occasions, Gabriel is thought to be the unnamed angel who made announcements to Moses, to Saints Joachim and Anne, to the shepherds at Jesus’ birth, and to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen him.


Use the Form below and send your mass intentions. Try your best and offer for the mass.





  1. Lawretta says

    God is doing a great work here

  2. Onuoha Joy says

    Archangel Gabriel you sent a good news of the fruit of the womb, I pray that my own good news will not pas me by I shall take in and have my baby next year Amen.
    Bless the work of my hands, increase me in my profession let there be promotion, the works of my hands let there be favour and upliftment
    Bless my husband, with a great contract, open doors of financial breakthrough for him
    Bless my marriage.
    All this I ask through the same Christ our Lord 🙏

  3. Blessing Chikadibia Mbonu says

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏽 for prayer Answered🙏🏽🙏🏽

    I love you Jesus 🙏🏽
    I Love you Archangel Gabriel 🙏🏽

  4. Mariajacinta Ivoke says

    Holiday Archangel Gabriel, please help me in this difficult situation of my life that I may be victorious in this battle in Jesus name, Amen

  5. Esenwah Christiana says

    Thank you Jesus for answered prayers.

  6. Enudu Nkechi Lilian says

    Thank you so much For Sanctus Mario for what you are doing in our lives particularly on my own self since I joined this link group Novena prayer, with beautiful words of exportation reflection that comes from you, this helps me so much in reading my Bible unlike before, May God continue to bless you for more in work of your vineyard in Jesus mighty name amen
    *Remain blessd always Fr.

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