Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Quiz Competition 18th October 2022 




Instructions for the Quiz

1. Obey the instructions

2. Send all at once. Send like this

1. Paul

2. Peter

3. Jesus Christ

3. Use the reply or the comment section to answer the Quiz

4. The first to answer correctly wins.

5. This quiz begins by 8.30pm and ends by 11 pm. Any question you answer beyond 11pm is not valid


Quiz Competition 18th October 2022 


  1. The first reading of the 29th Sunday Ordinary time of the year C is taken from where? Give the exact biblical quotation.



  1. True or False, Elijah did not run away when Jezebel threatened to kill him, rather he invoked fire from heaven


  1. True or False, Elisha was the first servant of Elijah?


  1. In the Sunday breakfast with the word, who was the person that Elijah abandoned at Beersheba?


  1. In the Sunday Breakfast with the Word, name two persons that wanted to eliminate the life of David?


  1. Name the three friends of Job mentioned in the Sunday Breakfast with the Word.



  1. In the first reading, who were the people that attacked the Isrealites?


  1. What is the name of the place where the Israelites were attacked?


  1. And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Quote



  1. Even When Faith seems to disappoint, remain faithful. Which number does this fall in the 12 things to do when God seems to be silent to our Prayers?


  1. The persistent widow has a name, what is her name according to the synoptic gospels?


  1. The persistent widow approached the Judge how many times? Stipulate.

The first to answer correctly wins

Good luck



  1. Okorie Amarachukwu says

    Exodus Chap17 :1-13

  2. Okorie Amarachukwu says

    False ,Elijah ran away

  3. Okorie Amarachukwu says


  4. Okorie Amarachukwu says


  5. Gloria Chinwendu Eze says

    1. First reading was taken from the book of Exodus 17:8-13.
    2. False.
    3. True.
    4. His wife, jezebel.
    5. Saul and his son, Absalom.
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, bildad the shuhite and zephar the naamathite.
    7. People of Amalekite.
    8. Rephidim.
    9. Heb 11:6.
    10. Number 11.
    11. There was no stipulated time. She kept pestering until she received the answer to her plea from the judge. Same way we should keep praying in faith to God.

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      You are the no 1 to answer, you failed nos, 3, and 4. you got 10/12. God bless you

  6. Okorie Amarachukwu says

    5:Saul and Absalom

  7. Okorie Amarachukwu says

    6:Bildad ,Zophar ,Elipha

  8. Akwuobi Chinaza Marycynthia says

    1.Exodus 17, 8- 3
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5.saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No 11
    11. No name was mentioned
    12. It was not mentioned

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      You are the no.2 to answer. Congrats you got the first position and won the quiz.

      1. Akwuobi Chinaza says

        Thank God! I’m so excited right now!
        May God bless you father profusely, father.

        Oh! I’ve gotten pocket money to go back to school after the long ASUU strike! 💃💃

  9. Okorie Amarachukwu says


  10. Macroven Amarachi says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13
    2) False
    3) False
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and his son Absalom
    6) Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7) The Amalekites
    8) Rephidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) Number 11
    11) It wasn’t mentioned (poor widow)
    12) She was persistent (countless times)

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      You are the no.3 to answer. Congrats. You got the second postion

  11. Igwe Lilian says

    1, Exodus 17:8-13
    3, false
    4, his servant
    5, Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7, Amalekites
    8, Rephidim
    9, Hebrews chapter 11verse 6
    10, number 11
    11, the widow
    12, continuously ie uncountable time

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      You are the no. 4 to answer, you failed no. 11.

  12. Anyanwu Francisca says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. King Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. The name of the widow wasn’t mentioned
    12. She approached the judge countless times.

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      You are the number 5 to answer. Congrats you got the third position.

  13. Angela Ekere says

    1.Exodus17: 8-13
    9.HEBREW 11:6
    10.NUMBER 11

  14. Imegwu Michael Miracle says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-12
    2. True
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5.Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    9.Hebrew author 3
    11. the importunate widow
    12. many times

    1. Imegwu Michael Miracle says

      1. Exodus 17:8-12
      2, False
      3. True
      4. Elisha
      5. Saul and his son Absalom
      6.Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
      7. the Amalekites
      9. Hebrew author
      10. no. 11
      11. importunate widow
      12. many times

  15. Oge says

    1)Exodus 17:8-13
    2) False
    4) Elisha
    5)Saul and
    6) one from Tarshish, Z
    7) Amalekites
    9) John20
    10) Number 4
    11) Not mentioned
    12) a lot of times

  16. Enyi Ujunwa Christophine says

    1: Exodus 17: 8- 13
    2: false
    3: false
    4: Elisha
    5: Saul and Absalom
    6: Eliphaz the temanite
    Bildad the shuhite
    Zophar the naamathite
    7: Amalekites
    8: Rephidim
    9: Hebrews 11: 6
    10: no 11 point
    11: a certain widow seeking justice
    12: several times

  17. Okorie Amarachukwu says


  18. Ogbonna Lynda says

    1. Exodus 17:8_13
    2.False .He ran away
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom his son
    6. Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Heb 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Importunate widow
    12. Countless times

  19. Ndukwe Amanda says

    1. Ex 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Absalom n King Saul
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    9. Hebrews11:6
    10. Number 2 Garden of Gethsemane
    11. Importunate widow
    12. Several times

  20. Chisom Egwudike says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13
    2) False
    3) False
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and his son, Absalom
    6) Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7) Amalekites
    8) Raphidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) Number 11
    11) Her name was not stated. She was simply referred to as ‘the Widow’.
    12) The number of times was not stipulated. She kept on coming until he gave her what she wanted.

  21. Felicity Odoh says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Goliath
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Job
    10. Number 11
    11. No Name just mentioned as the widow
    12. For a long time

  22. Amarachukwu says

    1) Exodus 17:8-13
    2) False
    3) false
    4) his first servant Gehazi
    5) Saul and absalom
    6) eliphaz, bildad, zophar
    7) Amalekites
    8) Amalek
    9) Hebrew 11:6
    10) no 11
    11) parable of pessisitance woman(widow)
    12) continuously/persistence

  23. Egbuhuzor Delphine says

    1 Exodus Chapter 17:8-13
    2 false
    4. His servant
    5. Saul, Absalom
    6. Eliphas, Bildad, Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9.Paul to the Hebrews 11:16
    11.Persistent widow
    12. For a long time/persistently

    1. Egbuhuzor Delphine says

      1 Exodus chapter 17:8-13
      2 false
      4.his servant Gehezel
      5.Saul, absalom
      6. Eliphas, Bildad,Zophar
      8. Rephidim
      9.Hebrews 11:16
      11.Persistent widow
      12.persistently/ for a long time

  24. Chukwuagozie Precious says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13.
    2. False.
    3. True.
    4. Elisha.
    5. Saul and Absalom.
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim.
    9. Hebrews 11:6.
    10. Number 11.
    11. Her name was not mentioned in the synoptic gospels.
    12. The number of times was not stated, for she kept coming back and back due to her persistence.

  25. Chinenye Felicia Onuzulike says

    1. Exodus 17:8-15
    2. False, he did not invoke fire
    3. False
    4.First savent
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. ELIPHAZ the Temanit
    Bildad the Shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathie
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. No name just a widow in the city
    12. She Kept going to the judge.

  26. Chinwe Agwoile says

    1) Exodus 17:8-13
    3. False
    4)his servant
    5.Absalom & Saul
    7) Amalekite
    8) Raphidim
    9) Hebrew ch 11
    10) Seek for others to pray with you
    11. Not mentioned
    12. Repeatedly. Uncountable number of times

  27. Okorie Amarachukwu says

    8: Rephidim

  28. Njideka Aniagolu says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13,2Timothy 3:14-4:2,luke18:1-8
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Absolm and Saul
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    11. Widom of Nain
    12. Many times, she kept coming back.

  29. Ikele Chinelo Geraldine says

    1. Exodus 17:8-12
    2. false
    3. false
    4. his servant
    5. Saul and his son; Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, the Temanite; Bildad, the shuhite; Zophar, the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. the woman of faith
    12. several times

  30. Okonkwo onyinye says

    1 Exodus 17v 8 to 13
    2 False
    3 True
    4 His servant
    5 saul’s had his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz the temanite,Bildad the shuhite
    And zophar the naamathite
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrews 11v 6
    10 Number 11
    11 Widow
    12 Repeatedly

  31. Macroven Chimeremebere says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13
    2) False
    3) False
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and Absalom
    6) Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7) Amalekites
    8) Rephidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) 11
    11) Not mentioned
    12) Not mentioned

  32. Chinyere onyejekwe says

    1: exodus 17: 8_13
    2. False
    3. False
    4: His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the shulite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. No name was mentioned
    12. No specific time was mentioned

  33. Ekeopara Sandra says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and his son Absolom

    6. ELIPHAZ, Bildad and Zophar

    7. Amalek

    8. Rephidim


    10. No 4

    11. Widow of Nain

    12. Countless times

  34. Eze Cynthia Eberechi says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His first servant
    5. Saul and his son absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite bildad the shuhite and zophar the naamathite
    7. The amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Heb 11:6
    10. 11
    11. No name was recorded apart from the persistent widow
    12. Many times (for a long time)

  35. Gloria Chinwendu Eze says

    1. First reading was taken from the book of Exodus 17:8-13.
    2. False.
    3. True.
    4. His wife, Jezebel.
    5, Saul and his son, Absalom.
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shuhite and zephar the Naamathite.
    7. People of Amalekite.
    8. Rephidim.
    9. Heb 11:6.
    10. Number 11.
    11. The widow of Nain.
    12. There was no stipulated time. She kept on pestering till the judge conceded to her request same way we should not give up on God when it seems to us he is not listening. We should ask continuously like the widow in faith because In persistence, we get what we want.

  36. Nnametu chioma Michelle says

    1.Exedus 17:8-13,2 Timothy 3:14:2, Luke 18:1-8
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The Amalekite
    8: Rephidim
    9: Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12: The persistent widow approached the window countless times, she never stopped approaching him untill he approved of her request.

  37. Stephen Ifeanyi says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. True, he ran away
    3. False Elisha wasn’t his first servant
    4. Obadiah
    5. Absalom and king Saul
    6. They are; Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The Amalek
    8. At Rephidim
    9. The letter to the Hebrews 11 vs 6
    10. No 11
    11. Nil( no name)
    12. She was consistent ( countless number of the)

  38. Okereke Festus says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13.

    2. False.

    3. False

    4. His servant ( no specific name was given) just the servant.

    5. Saul and Absalom.

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shalite and Zophar the Naamathite.

    7. Amalekites

    8. Rephidim

    9. HEB. 11:6

    10. The 11th.

    11. The widow

    12. A long time.

  39. Rosemary says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zoohar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11: 6
    10. Number 11
    11. Her name wasn’t mentioned
    12. She kept coming until the judge did what she was asking of him.

  40. Ukamaka Ochiaka says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His Servant
    5. Saul & Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Horeb
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. No.11
    11. The widow of Nain
    12. Uncountable times, she continued coming.

  41. Nwajuani Lotachukwu says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. No recorded
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekits
    8. Rephidim
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Not recorded
    12. Persistently

  42. Kate Ofora says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13.
    2. False.
    3. False he was not the first servant of Elijah.
    4. His servant.
    5. King Saul and his son Absalom.
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamthite.
    7. Amalekites.
    8. Rephidim.
    9. Hebrews 11:6.
    10. Number 11.
    11. The widow’s name was not mentioned
    12. Numerous times, she kept on coming until the judge listened to her please.

  43. Okoro Chioma Mercyllinna says

    1… Exodus 17:8-13
    5… Jezebel and Ahab
    6….Eliphaz,,Bildad and Zophar
    7…..The Amalekites
    9….. Hebrew 11:6
    10….. Number 11
    11…. The widow of Main
    12…. Repeatedly until the judge answered her…

  44. Ozoegwu Onyinye Okoro says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. The Amelekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. No name
    12. Severally

  45. Omorodion chinonso says

    [17/10, 8:42 pm] Chinonso: No 1 – Luke 18:1-8
    Question 2- true
    No 3 – false
    No 4 – servant
    No 5 – Abalsom and saul
    No 7 – amalekite
    No 8 – rephidim
    No 9 – hebrews 11
    No 10 – seek for others to pray along with you.
    No 11- no name
    No 12- countless times
    [17/10, 8:43 pm] Chinonso: No 6 – eliphaz, bildad, zophar

  46. Rita Nneka Dominic says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13, 2 Timothy 3: 14- 4:2, Luke 18:1-8
    2. False
    3. False
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite.
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12. Severally.

  47. Obi Juliana Obianuju says

    1 Exodus 17:8_13
    2 False
    4 his servants
    5king saul and his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar.
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    10 11
    11 the cananite woman
    12 somany time if i am to say more then 10 times that the judge had to look into her case

    1. Obi juliana obianuju says

      Have i submitted this is my First time pls

  48. Okereke Festus says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant ( no specific name was given) just the servant.

    5. Saul and Absalom.

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shalite and Zophar the Naamathite.

    7. Amalekites.

    8. Rephidim.

    9. HEB. 11:6

    10. The 11th

    11. The widow.

    12. A long time.

  49. Ogbonna Lynda says

    1.Exodus 17:8_13
    2. False
    3. False
    4.His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom his son
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9.Heb 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Unnamed
    12. Countless times

  50. Omorodion chinonso says

    [17/10, 8:42 pm] Chinonso: No 1 – Luke 18:1-8
    Question 2- true
    No 3 – false
    No 4 – servant
    No 5 – Abalsom and saul
    No 7 – amalekite
    No 8 – rephidim
    No 9 – hebrews 11
    No 10 – seek for others to pray along with you.
    No 11- no name
    No 12- countless times
    No 6 – eliphaz, bildad, zophar

  51. Jane says

    1.Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Zophar, Eliphaz, Bildad
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10 .11
    11. Importunate Widow
    12. 7

  52. Enibe Jacinta Amara says

    1.Exodus 17:8–13
    2. False
    4.His servant
    5.saul and Absalom
    6.Eliphas the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    9.Hebrew 11:6
    10.Number 11
    11.Her name was not mentioned
    12.uncountable times


    1.Exodus 17:8-13
    4.His servant
    5.Saul and Absalom
    6.Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    10.Number 11
    11.No name

  54. Ogochukwu Chikani says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8.. Rephidim
    9. When we come to God, we must believe without a doubt that He can do what we ask for.
    10. Number 11
    11. Widow of Main
    12. Three times

  55. Elendu Rosemary says

    1) Exodus 17:8-13
    2) False
    3) True
    4) The name wasn’t mentioned
    5) Saul and his son Absalom
    6) Eliphaz, Blidad and Zophar
    7) Amalekites
    8) Rephidem
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) number 11
    11) Her name wasn’t mentioned
    12) NO Number of times but persistently

  56. Immaculata Maurice says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. King Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekite
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 3 point
    11. Importunate or persistent widow
    12. The bible said many times, no specific number.

  57. Opara Angela Ijeoma says

    1. 2 Timothy 3: 14-4:2
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Jonathan
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite , Bilad the shuhite, zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No.11
    11. vindictive
    12. more than twice, persistently

  58. Okorie Amarachukwu says


    1. Okorie Amarachukwu says

      7: Rephidim

  59. Adichie Chizoba says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Namaathite.
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 2
    11. There was no name
    12. As many times possible. No number of times was mentioned

  60. Dikes thressy says

    1 Ex 17 verse 8 to 13
    2 False
    4 His servant
    5 King Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz Bidad and Zuphar
    7 Amalakites
    8 Raphidim
    9 Heb. 11 verse 6
    10 No 11
    11 Widow of Nain
    12 So many times

  61. arinze chinenye says

    1 Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Gahazi
    5.Saul and Abselem his son
    6.Eliphaz, Temanite and Bildad
    8. Rafidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Importunate widow
    12. Countless number untill she was answered

  62. Love says

    1…. Exodus 17v8_13
    4 his name was not mentioned (l to t was written his servant
    5 Saul and Absalom.
    6, Eliphaz ,bildad,zopha
    7,the Amelekites
    9. HEB 11v6
    10,. 10
    11, her name is the persistence widow
    12 many times . (The number was not mentioned

  63. Eluwa Chidinma Janefrances says

    1) Exodus chapter 17: 8-13
    2)False ,Elijah ran away
    4) His servant
    5)Saul and His son Absalom
    6) Eliphaz of Temanite, Bildad of Shuhite and Zophar of Namaathite.
    7)The Amalekites ( people of Amalek)
    8) Rephidim
    9) The Author of the book of Hebrews ( Hebrew 11: 6
    10) No 11
    11) Her name wasn’t mentioned
    12) No specific time but it was stated that it was for a long time.

  64. Helen Marcel Isangha says

    1. Exodus Chapter 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5.Paul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz, the Temanite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 11
    11 .The Cannanite
    12. Persistently

  65. Ugwu blessing says

    1. 1 Timothy
    2. False
    3. False
    4. his first servant not Elisha
    5.saul and Goliath
    6. Bilhad, Zophar and Eliezar
    7. The Amaelekites
    9. Believe in God, have faith before asking him
    10. Number 10
    12. Several times, a Did not indicate

  66. Omeh, justice chinaza says

    1.Exodus17-8-13, 2timothy 3:14-4:2, luke 18:1-8
    2.Flase,3.Ture 4.Elisha 5.Saul and his son Absalom.6.Eliphaz the temanite, Bilidad the shulite, Zophar The Naamathite 7.Amalekite 8. Rephidim 9.Heb.11:6, 10. Items No_ 11, 11 widow of Nain. 12. Thus said the judge; She kept pestering me I must give her, The just Right Or she will Persist in coming and worry me to death. No actual time she came mention … either she kept persistently until she got justice.

    1. Omeh, justice chinaza says

      Good evening Father, the result isn’t out yet..?

  67. Opara Angela Ijeoma says

    1. 2 Timothy 3: 14-4:2
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Jonathan
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite , Bilad the shuhite, zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No.11
    11. vindictive
    12. more than twice, persistently

  68. Nwajuani Lotachukwu says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. No recorded
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Not recorded
    12. Persistently


    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. Fasle
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12. Several times

  70. Richard Anekwe says

    1. Exodus 17:5-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zopgar the Naamathite
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10 number 11
    11. Not mentioned
    12. For a long time.

  71. Mary Chiemerie says

    1 Exodus 17: 8-13
    2 fuse
    3 thruth.
    7 Amalek
    8 Rephidim
    10 11
    12 for a long time ago

  72. Ogochukwu Chikani says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Before you come to God, believe without a doubt that He can do what you ask for.
    10. Number 11
    11. Widow of Main
    12. Three times

  73. Onah Rachael ogbonne says

    1: Exodus 17:8-13
    4: Elisha
    5:Saul and his son Absalom
    6:Eliphaz the Temanite,Bildad the shuhite, zophar the Namaathite
    7: Amalekites
    8: Rephidim
    9: Hebrews 11:6
    10: Number 11
    11: The persistent widow.
    12: It was not mentioned but is it more than three times.

  74. Agina Uchenna says

    1. EXODUS
    3. TRUE
    9. HEBREW 11:6
    10. NOS 11

  75. Victoria Inah-Eze says

    1. Exodus 17 : 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absolam
    6. Elijah, Billed, zophar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. HEB 10:6
    10. No 11
    11. Widow
    12. No definite number but “She kept coming”

  76. Uzoukwu lovina says

    (1) Exodus 17 8-13
    (2) false
    (3) true
    (4) Elisha
    (5)Saul and Absalom
    (6)Eliphaz, Bildad,and Zophar
    (8)Rephidim near mount Sinai
    (9) the author of Hebrews
    (10) no 1
    (11 the widow has no name
    (12) the numbers of time she approach the judge was not indicate in the bible,

  77. Adozima Chidi Helen says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 10
    11. Not mentioned
    12. Not specified but said day and night

  78. Ogbuji Vivian Daberechi says

    1.Exodus 17:8-13
    4.His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamallute
    7.The Amalekites
    9.Hebrew 11:6
    10.No 11
    11.The widow
    12.The stipulated time were not mentioned. She was persistent in her request(many times)

  79. Imegwu Michael Miracle says

    1. Exodus 17:8-12
    2, False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. the Amalekites
    9. Hebrew author
    10. no. 11
    11. importunate widow
    12. many times

  80. Ihemenam francisca says

    1. Exodus 17:5-13
    4. His servant
    5.saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shuhite, zophar the naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    9.Hebrew 11:16
    10. Number 11
    11. Widow
    12. For a long time

  81. Umukoro Anthony says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. King Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. It falls under the Things we are to do when God seems to be silent number 2 which says that before you come to Him,, Ypu must believe without a doubt that He can do what you ask for Paragraph 5.
    10. Number 11
    11. Not mentioned
    12. Not mentioned

  82. Ojiakor Chinwe says

    1.Exodus 17 verse 8-13
    4.His servant Elisha
    5.Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    9.Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11.Wasn’t mentioned but it was stated that A certain widow in a certain town
    12.Several times

  83. Gloria Azuka says

    1) 1st reading Ex 17:8-13 2nd reading 2nd Tim 3: 14-4:2 Gosp Lk 18:1-8 (2) False (3) True (4/ Elisha (5)Saul and Absolum (6) Eliphaza the Temnite, Bildad the Shulite and Zophar the Naamathite (7) Amalekites (8) Rephidim (9) He 11:6 (10) no 11 (11) Woman of Zerephat (12) for a long time

  84. MaryJane Okanume says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom his son
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 6
    11. The widow
    12. For a long time

  85. Kate Ofora says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False he was not the first servant 4. His servant
    5. king Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamthite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. Number 11
    11. The widow’s name was not mentioned
    12. Numerous times, she kept on coming until the judge granted her request.

  86. Mrs Julia Ugochi Ezurike says

    Answers to quiz
    1. EXODUS 17: 8- 13

    2. FALSE

    3. FALSE
    9. HEBREW 11: 6
    10. Number 11

  87. Anaeto Chiamaka Maureen says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. Gehazi
    5. Saul and Absalom (1 Kings 13:14)
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. 11
    11. Persistent widow
    12. Countless times

  88. Nwachukwu Jocelyn says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13.
    2) false.
    3) false.
    4) Gehazi.
    5) Saul and his son Absalom.
    6) Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite.
    8) Rephidim.
    9) Hebrews 11:6.
    10) number eleven (11).
    11) No name.
    12) kept coming, she was persistent.

  89. JustinMary says

    (1) Exodus 17:8-13

    (2) False

    (3) False

    (4) His Servant

    (5) Saul and His son Absalom

    (6) Eliphaz the temanite
    Bildad the shuhite
    Zophar the Naamthite

    (7) Amalekites

    (8) Rephidim

    (9) Hebrews 11:6

    (10) Number 11

    (11) Persistent widow

    (12) Many times

  90. Okey-Oha Jovita says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Amalek
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. No. 11
    11. Her name was not mentioned
    12. Several times

    Okey-Oha Jovita

  91. Opara Angela Ijeoma says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. his servant
    5. Saul and Jonathan
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite,Bilad the shuhite, zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 16
    10 No.11
    12. Vindictive
    13. more than twice, persistently

  92. Ifeoma Ugwueze says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. No
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shulite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalek
    8. Raphidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. No name was mentioned
    12. Not specified

  93. Obi Juliana Obianuju says

    1 Exodus 17:8_13
    2 false
    4 his servants
    5 king saul and his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad, zophar.
    8 Rephidim
    9 that os to say we have yo be faithful to God nd belive in him cos without faith we can’t achieve any thing
    10 11
    11 the cananite woman
    12 abt 10 times which made the judge to come to her aid

  94. Ekwem Emmanuela Chiamaka says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and Absalom

    6.Elipaz, Bildad and Zophar

    7. Amalek

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10. Number 11

    11. No name, was known as Persistent Widow in the gospel.

    12. Continual.

  95. Ihemenam francisca says

    1. Exodus 17:5-13
    4. His servant
    5.saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shuhite, zophar the naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    9.Hebrew 11:16
    10. Number 11
    11. Widow
    12. For a long time

  96. Chidinma Rachel says

    1: Mathew 18:19-20. It talked about Amalike attacked to isrealites at Raphidim
    4: His servant
    5: Saul and Absalom
    6:Eliphaz, zopher, Bildad
    9: Even when faith seems to disappoint, remain faithful.
    12: 7 times

  97. Ezeugwu Stella says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absolom
    6. Eliphaz the Termanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amelekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Number 2
    10. Number 11
    11. As many times it got her request to be answered

  98. Vivian Ogechukwu says

    1: Ephesians 2:1_10
    2: False
    5:Saul and Absalom
    6:Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    9: Hebrews 11:6
    11:Importunate widow
    12: persistent

  99. obi Paschal says

    1. Exodus 17:18 – 13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant (Elisha)
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7. Amalek (The Amalekites)
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No:11
    11. no name (she was only addressed as WIDOW)
    12. Severally (she kept coming, – many times)

  100. Godwin Odah says

    1: Exodus 17:5-13

    2: False

    3: False

    4: His first servant

    5: Paul and Absalom

    6: Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar

    7: The Amalekites

    8: Rephidim

    9: Hebrew 11:6

    10: It falls under number 11


    12: 3 times

  101. Anujue Ifeanyichukwu Godwin says

    1. Exodus 17 vs 8 to 13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. Name not mentioned
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite,Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11 vs 6
    10. Number 11
    11. Importunate (persistent )widow
    12. A long time.No specific amount of time stated.


  102. Chinwero ifeoma says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absolom
    6. Eliphaz , Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amelekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. No 2
    10. Np 11
    11. Many times…like 100 times

  103. Chiamaka Calista Nwadialu says

    Chiamaka Calista Nwadialu

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. Elijah’s first Servant

    5. Saul and Absalom

    6. Eliphaz of temanite, Bildad of Shuhite, Zophar of Naamathite

    7. Amalek

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10. 11

    11. She is called the Importunate widow or persistent woman

    12. Countless or several times

  104. Bernadette khaduli says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    whenever Moses held uphis hand, Israel prevailed”
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildeston and Zephar
    7. Amalakites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10., Number 11
    11. widow of Nain
    12. Not mentioned but several times.

  105. Julie Akalemeaku says

    1.Exodus 17: 8-13
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6.Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7.The Amalekites
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 12
    11. Widow
    12. So many times- continuously

  106. Celine says

    1)Exodus 17:8-13
    4) his servant
    5)Saul and his son absalom
    6)Eliphaz the terminite, bildad the shuhite, zophr the naamathite
    8)Rephidim near mount sinai
    9) the author of the book of Hebrew, hebrew11:6
    10) no 11
    11)The persistent widow
    12) the bible didn’t count

  107. Madu Onyema says

    1.) Exodus 17:8-13
    2.) False
    3.) False
    4.) His servant
    5.) Saul and Absalom
    6.) Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7.) Amalekites
    8.) Rephidim
    9.) Hebrews 11:6
    10.) Number 11
    11.) Not stated
    12.) Persistently

  108. Imegwu Michael Nkechi says

    1. Exodus 17:8-12
    2, False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. the Amalekites
    9. Hebrew author
    10. no. 11
    11. importunate widow
    12. many times

  109. Okonkwo Ogechi says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zohar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12. For a long time.

  110. Abass Musa Veronica says

    1: Exodus 17:8-13
    4::His servant
    5:Saul and Nabel
    6:Bildad, Eliphaz,Zophar
    9:Hebrew 11:16
    10:Keep talking to God
    11:parable of the importunate widow
    12: serval times until her request was granted

  111. Muojekwu Chiamaka Evan says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. True
    3. True
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6.Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite.
    9.Hebrews 11:6 , the author says
    10. 11
    11. Patience
    12. 2 times
    The widow teaches us that when God seems to be silent, it is not a condition or a person for us to stop coming to his presence.

  112. Ikeanyionwu Ukamaka says

    1.Exodus 17:18-13
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Elijah the temanite
    Bildad the shuhite and
    Zophar the Naamatite.
    7.The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11: 6
    10. Number 11
    11. Anonymous
    12. The persistent widow kept pestering the judge countless time. The exact number of times wasn’t mentioned

  113. Cynthia Anozie says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Beersheba
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zopher the Naamathite
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10.No 11
    11. The widow’s name was not mentioned according to the synoptic gospel
    12. The widow approached the judge so many times but the number of times was not specified

    1. Cynthia Anozie says

      My comments is writing awaiting moderation

  114. Exe Nnedinso B says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His( Elijah) first servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. No name
    12. Several times

  115. Anekwe Kosisochukwu says

    1- Exodus 17:8-13
    2- False
    3- False
    4-His servant
    5-Saul and Absalom
    6-Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    7- Amalekites
    9- Hebrew 11:6
    11-widow of Main

  116. Gabriel Rosemary says

    1. Exodus 17:5-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. A servant
    5. Absalom and Saul
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:16
    10. 11
    11. Not mentioned
    12. Several times

  117. Dikes thressy says

    Am sorry i mitakenly deleted my no 3 so am resending it wated to stop it but couldnt
    1 Ex 17 verse 8 to 13
    2 False
    3 False
    4 His servant
    5 King Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bidad and Zuphar
    7 Amalikites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Beb 11 verse 6
    10 No. 11
    12 Widow of Nain

  118. Okafor Rita Nwanneka says

    No1: Exodus 17:8-13, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2, Luke 18:1-8
    No2: False
    No3: True
    No5: Saul and his son Absalom
    No6: Eliphaz, Temanite and Zophar.
    No8: Rephidim.
    No9: without Faith it’s impossible to please God.
    No10: 11
    No11: persistent widow
    No12: several times
    No4: Elisha

  119. Sophia says

    1Exo 17 8 to 13
    4His servant
    5Absolom and David
    6Bilbad, eliphah and zepha
    9Hebrew 11 vs 6
    10Num 11
    12 3times

  120. MaryJane Obioha says

    1. Luke 18: 1-8
    5.saul and absalom
    6.Eliphaz, Bildad, zophar
    9.Hebrew 11vs 6
    11.Widow of nain

  121. Stella Ifeoma says

    1. Exodus 17 :8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. Gehazi
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. Widow of Nain
    12. never stopped

  122. EZENWA JACINTA says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13
    2Timothy3:14 – 4:2
    Luke 18: 1-8

    2) False
    3) false
    4) Gehizi
    5)Saul and his son Absalom
    6)Eliphaz and Temanite
    Bildad the shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite
    8) Rephidin
    9)Hebrews 11:6
    10) 11
    11) her name wasn’t mentioned
    12) persistently ( more than 3times)

  123. Kate Ofora says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False he was not the first servant
    4. His servant
    5. King Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamthite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. The widow’s name was not mentioned
    12. Numerous/ so many times, she kept on coming to the judge until she was given justice.

  124. Okolo Chinecherem says

    1: Exodus chapter 17:8-13
    4:His servant.
    5:Saul and his son Absalom.
    6: Eliphaz the Tamanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamethite.
    7: The people of Amalekites.
    8: In the place of Rephidim.
    9: The author of the book of Hebrews.
    10: Number 11.
    12: Many times

  125. Mbanugo says

    1Exo 17 8 to 13
    4His servant
    5Absolom and David
    6Bilbad, eliphah and zepha
    9Hebrew 11 vs 6
    10Num 11
    12 3times

  126. Paschal umeh says

    2. true
    4.Elijah left his servant
    6.Eliphaz, Bildad and zaphar
    7.Amalek and the Amalekites
    8. Rephidim

    12. just to encourage our faith in God


    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His Servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11.
    11. Persistent Widow.
    12. For a long time.

  128. Edith Oramalu says

    1 Hebrew 11:8-13
    2 False
    3 True
    4 Elisha
    5 Saul and his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz Bildad and Zophar
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 11
    11 Widow of Nain
    12 Continuously she remain Persistence

  129. Chikwendu Esther says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. The author of the book of Hebrews points out two important conditions for anyone who wants to come to God’s presence. Read Hebrews 11:6, the author says:
    10. Number 11
    11. She was called the importunate widow/powerless widow.
    12. It was not mentioned but it was not the first time.

  130. Nneka Okafor says

    (1) Exodus17v5-13(2)false(3)True(4)His servant Elisha(5)Saul, Absalon(6)Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar(7)Amalek (8)Rephidim (9)….(10)no 11 (11) no name given(12) many times

  131. Ikeanyionwu Ukamaka says

    Please Padre number 1. is mistake. It is Exodus 17:8-13.

  132. Agwu Maureen says

    1 Exodus 17 vs 8- 13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidims
    9. Hebrews 11 vs 6
    10. No 11
    11. The parable of the widow and the judge
    12. Countless times

  133. Rachael Chinagorom says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No 11
    11. Poor and powerless widow
    12. For a long time

  134. Okoye Juliet chidinma says

    1 Exodus 17_8_13
    2. False
    3 false
    4 his servant
    5 saul and his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz ,bildad and zophar
    7 The amaleks
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11_6
    10 No 11
    11 The parable of the widow and the judge
    12 countless times

  135. Onuoha Judith says

    1. Exodus 17 vs 8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. The servant
    5. Saul, Abalsom
    6. Bildad, eliphaz and zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew
    10. Ask for others intercessory prayer
    11. The widow
    12. Countless times

  136. Assumpta Chinwe Nwosu says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 False
    3 False
    4 Elijah”s servant
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrews 11:6
    10 No 11
    11 Widow of Nain
    12 Several times

  137. Ogochukwu Chikani says

    No.11 is Widow of Nain. I was rushing to submit.

  138. Valerie onyeka says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    3. false
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. When you don’t have faith, you can’t be close to God because he doesn’t like doubts
    10. No 5
    11. Her name was not mentioned
    12. She approached him twice and the third time he listened to her because he said the she will not allow him to rest if she continues to come here

    1. Valerie onyeka says

      1. Exodus 17:8-13
      2. False
      3. False
      4. His servant
      5. Saul and Absalom
      6. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
      7. Amalek
      8. Rephidim
      9. Before you get close to God you must believe that God is real. You must also have faith because God doesn’t like doubts.
      10. No 11
      11. Her name was not mentioned
      12. She approached him twice and then the third time he listened to her because he said that she will continue to disturb him if he doesn’t hear her

      The first one is not correct …..please this is my final answer

  139. Charity Ugwu says

    1. First Reading Exodus 17:8-13
    5.Soul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. Persistent widow/name not mentioned
    12. Several times

  140. Udenze chisom Julia says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite
    Bildad the shuhite
    zophar the naamathite
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No 11 (Eleven)
    11. Her name wasn’t mentioned.
    12. No of time was not mentioned.

  141. Gloria Azuka says

    (1) Ex 17:8-13 2nd Tim 3:14-4:2 Lk 18:1-8 (2) False (3) True (4) Elisha (5) Saul and Absolum (6) Eliphaza the Temnite. Bildad the Shulite and Zophar the Naamathite (7) Amalekites (8) Rephidim (9) Heb. 11:6 (10) No 11 (11) Woman of Zerephat (12) for a long time

  142. Njoku Jennifer says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. No name
    12. Countless times

  143. Jesusbaby says

    1. Exd. 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphad, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Heb 11:6
    10. No. 11
    11. No name
    12. Three times (3)

  144. Chikwendu Olivia says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and his son Absalom

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite

    7. Amalekites

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10. 11

    11. Importunate widow

    12. It was not stated how many time but that she continue to disturb the judge day and night until she was vindicated

  145. Anujue Ifeanyichukwu Godwin says

    1. Exodus 17 vs 8 to 13
    2. False.
    3. False
    4. Name not mentioned (his servant)
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11 vs 6
    10. Number 11
    11. Importunate (persistent) widow
    12. A long time.No specific amount of time stated.


  146. Eze Henry says

    1. Exodus 17: 8–14
    2. False
    3. False
    4. Gehazi
    5.king Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalaki
    8. Rephidim Paul
    10. No3
    12. Several times

  147. Ngongpan Hilda says

    1,Exodus 17:8_13
    2, true
    4, Elisha
    5,Jezebel and Beersheba
    6, Elijah, Elisha and Jezebel
    9, Hebrew 11
    11, widow
    12, many times

  148. Agwu Maureen says

    1. Exodus 17 vs 8 – 13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11 vs 6
    10. No 11
    11. The parables of the widow and the judge
    12. Countless times

  149. Okolo Chinecherem says

    1: Exodus chapter 17:8-13
    2: False.
    4: His servant.
    5: Saul and his son Absalom.
    6: Eliphaz the Tamanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamethite.
    7: The people of Amalekites.
    8: In the place of Rephidim.
    9: The author of the book of Hebrews.
    10: Number 11.
    12: Many times.

  150. Eririogu Fidelia says

    1.Exodus 17:8—13
    4.His servant
    5.Saul and His son Absalom
    6 .Eliphaz the Termanite,Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 Eleven (11)
    11Canaanite woman
    12.The number of times was not mentioned.She was persistence.

  151. Yolanda Malebatsane says

    1.Exodus 17:8-13,2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 Luke 18:-8
    4.his Servant Elisha
    5.Paul and his son Absalom
    6.Elpihaz Temanite,Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7.Joshau and Moses
    9.keep believing,keep praying and keep working
    10.Number 11
    11.Canaanite woman

  152. Onuoha Adeline Chidimma says

    1) Exodus 17: 8-13
    2) False
    3) False
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and Absalom his son
    6) Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7) The Amalekites
    8) Rephidim
    9) The Hebrews author
    HEB 11:6
    10) Number 11
    11) ” Patience”
    12) Several times

  153. Ozoemena chinasa says

    1. Exodus17:8-12. 2. False. 3. True, 4. Elisha. 5. Saul and his son Absalon. 6. Eliphaz the Tamanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. 7. The Amalekites. 8. Rephidim.
    9. Hebrew author.
    10. No. 11.
    11. Importunate widow. 12. Many times.

  154. UGWU CHIOMA says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4.His servant

    5. Saul and his son, Absalom

    6. Eliphaz, the Temanite
    Bildad, the Shuhite
    Zophar, the Naamathite

    7. The Amalekites

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10. 11

    11. None

    12. The number of times was not stipulated

  155. Nnenna Stephanie Odoh says

    1. Exodus 17: 8- 13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and David’s son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Temanite and and Bildad
    7. Amalekites
    9. Hebrew 11: 6
    10.No 11
    11. Persistent Widow
    12. countless times

  156. Chidimma Igwe says

    1.Exodus 17: 8-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and his son Absalom

    6. Zophar, Eliphaz and Bildad

    7. Amalek

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10.11 ( Eleven)

    11. Importunate Widow

    12. over and over no specific time was mentioned but she was resilience

  157. Okeke Tobenna says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Goliath of Gath and King Saul
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. 7
    11. Persistent widow
    12. Many times

  158. Eneh Chioma Maureen says

    3) false
    5)Saul and Absalom
    6)a) Eliphaz the Tamanite
    b) Bildad the Shuhite
    3) Zophar the Naamathite
    7) Amalekites
    8) Rephidim near mount Sinai
    9) Hebrew 11:6
    10) number 11
    11) Nain
    12) uncountable times

    1. Eneh Chioma Maureen says

      My number one was a typing error the answer is Exodus 17:8-13

      1. Eneh Chioma Maureen says

        Because I was rushing to retype when my network loged me off and later restore me back.

  159. Lizzy Charles says

    1: Exodus 17:5-14
    3: True
    4: Elisha
    5: Ahithophel& Absalom
    6: Eliphaz bildad zophar
    7: Amalek
    9: Hebrew 11:16
    10: number 3
    11: Woman with determination

  160. Onyesi Mariagoretti Ezinne says

    1 Exodus: 17: 8-13
    2Timothy 3: 14-42
    Luke 18:1-8
    2 false
    3 true
    4 Elisha
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Bildad the teminite
    Eliphas the shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite
    7 Amalek
    8 at Rephidim
    9 number 2 of what you can do when God seems silent
    10 no 7
    11 No mention in the bible
    12 uncountable number of times

  161. Gloria Azuka says

    (1) Ex 17:8-13. 2nd Tim 3:14-4:2 Lk 18:1-8 (2) False (3) True (4) Elisha (5) Saul and Absolum (6) Eliphaza the Temnite, Bildad the Shulite and Zophar the Naamathite (7) Amalekites (8) Rephidim (9) Heb 11:6 (10) No 11 (11) Woman of Zerephat (12) for a long time

  162. Chinwe says

    1. When the amalekites attacked Israel at rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, pick out men for yourself and tomorrow morning March out to engage amalek
    2. False he run away
    3. Elisha true
    4.his servant
    5. Saul and abimelek
    6. Eliphaz Temanite, bildad, the shuhite, zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9. No faith does not work when you do not believe you must have faith to please God like the widow woman
    10. keep on praying until something happen like fr. mbaka said and also believe
    11. Widow of Nain
    12. She persistent many times not given up

  163. Nnenna Stephanie Odoh says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. false
    3. false
    4. His servant
    5.Saul and David’s son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Temanite and Bildad
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11: 6
    10. No. 11
    11. Persistent Widow
    12. Countless persistent times

  164. Okoye Chinelo Gloria says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13.
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite.
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:16
    10. Number 11
    11. No name mentioned, she represents the oppressed and marginalized in our society.
    12. Repeatedly- She REPEATEDLY approached the judge.

  165. Amalu Gloria says

    1) exodus 17 vs 8 to 13. 2)false. 3) true. 4) his servant. 5) Saul and Absalom. 6) Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. 7) Amalek. 8) at Rephidim. 9) Hebrew 11 vs27. 10) 7. 11)elect or persistent widow. 12) continually or persistently

  166. UGOCHI OKORIE says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. false
    4. His Servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. The author of the book of Hebrew (Paul the Apostle)
    10. No 11
    11. Widow of Nain
    12. For long time

    Thanks and remain blessed.

    Onyiribe Ugochi

  167. Nkwonta Nneka says

    1.2 kings 5:14_17.Behold I now know that there’s no other God in all the earth but in Israel,now therefore I pray thee,take a blessing of the servant.
    3 True
    4 his servant
    5.Saul and Absalom
    8.Rephidim,near mount Sinai
    9.Hebrew 11.16
    10.nunber 11
    11widow of main
    12 3 times

  168. Helen Ekeagwu says

    Exodus 17:8-13
    His servant
    Saul and Jonathan
    Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar

    Importunate widow
    Several times

  169. Stellamaris says

    1. Exodus 17:1-18
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Not mentioned
    5. Saul and Doeg the Edomite
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Heb 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. Not mentioned
    12. Several times

  170. Ukeomah Amanda lfeoma says

    1) Exodus 17:8-13
    2) false
    3) True
    4) Elisha
    5) Saul and his son Absolom
    6) Eliphaz of Temanite ,Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7) The Amalekites
    8) Rephidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) Number 11
    11) She was just called a widow in the same town
    12) For a long time

  171. Ebhohon Agbonmwenre Queen says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. The name of the servant was not mentioned
    5. Saul and his Son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite 2. Bildad the Shuhite 3. Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Heb 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. Her name was not given
    12. Continously till her request was granted.

  172. Nneka Okafor says

    1Ex17v5-13(2)False(3)true(4)his servant Elisha(5) Saul&Absalon (6)Eliphaz,(7)Amalek (8)Rephidim (9)Hebrew 11v6(10)no 11(11)no name was given(12)many times

  173. Ogbu Anastecia Ogochukwu says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and His son Absalom
    6. Elipha the Temanite,Bildad the Shuhite and Zophard the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    10. 11
    11. To never stop
    12. She always comes to his presence

  174. Stella Ekwemalor says

    1) Exodus 17 :8-12
    3) False
    4) Servant
    5)Saul and his son Absalom
    6)Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7)The Amalak
    8) Rephidim
    9) Hebrew 11: 6
    10) number 11
    11)No Name
    12) Countless times

  175. Ruth Rudolph Kansese says

    1. Exodus 17: 8
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. Number 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12. Continuously

  176. Ojiogbu Chekwube says

    1. Exodus 17: 5-13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and Absalom

    6. Zophar, Bildad and Elipkaz

    7. The Amalekites (Amalek)

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrews 11 vs. 6

    10. No. 5

    11. Poor widow

    12. Day and night

  177. Onwuka Mary Ijeoma says

    1. EXODU 17:8-13
    4.He was not named
    5.Saul and his Son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bolded the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7.The Amalekites
    10. No. 11
    11. She was nameless. Importunate or Persistent widow
    12.For a long time or Numerous times

  178. Anne Ikolodo says

    (1) Exodus 17:8-13
    2 False
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz ,Bildal andZophar
    7 Rephidum
    8 Amalek
    9″That God rewards those who earnestly seek him”
    10 widow of Nain
    11 Severally

  179. Ihuoma says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    3. False
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    8. Rephidim
    9.Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. Countless times
    12. Persistent widow

  180. Amaraegbu Veronica says

    1. 1king 19:1-12
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His first servant
    5. saul and Abner
    6. Jephich, Jonathan and rechel
    7. Amalek
    8. Cannan
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 10
    11. Dorcas
    12. More than seven times

  181. Uche says

    1. Exedous 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and shuhite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    10. 11

  182. Kate Ofora says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False he was not the first servant
    4. His servant
    5. King Saul and His son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamthite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. The widow’s name was not mentioned.
    12. She visited the Judge consistently and persistently until her request was granted. That is until she was given justice.

  183. Chidimma Judith says

    1. Exodus 17:8- 13
    4.His servant
    5.Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bilad the shulute and Zopar the Naamilhute
    7.The Amalekies
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. Gospel of Luke
    12. Persistently, ( many times)

  184. Nkwoji Nora Oluebube says

    1.Exodus 17:8-13
    4.Elijah’s servant
    5.Saul and Absalom
    6.Eliphaz,Bildad, and Zophar
    9.Hebrew 11:6
    10.Number 11
    11.Persistent Widow
    12.Several times

  185. Amaechi Stephanie says

    1: exodus17: 8-13
    2: false
    3: true
    4: his servant
    5: saul and his son absalob
    6: eliphaz the temanite
    Zophar the naamathite
    Bildad the shuhite
    7′: the am’alek
    8: reph’idim
    9: Hebrew 11:6
    10: no 11
    11: the persistent widow ( Christians)
    12: continuously

  186. Ozoekwem Ifunanya says

    1. Exodus 17: 8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaza, Bildad, Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. No 11
    11. The widow that requires fair judgment from the judge
    12. Several times

  187. GeraldineMary says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. 1. Eliphaz the Temanite, 2. Bildad the shuhite, 3. Zophar the Naamathite.
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 2.
    11. The widow of Nain.
    12. Several times.

  188. Nancy Wibinnyuy says

    1 luke chapter 18:1-8
    2 false
    3 true
    4 Elisha
    5 Saul and his son Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
    7 Amalek
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrews 11:6
    10 11
    11 Us, children of God
    12 severally

  189. Ossai Chioma no 99 says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 true
    3 true
    4 because of great challenge
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 eliphaz and zophar
    7 the Amalekite
    8 Rephidim
    12 two times

  190. Iheme Gloria says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Goliath
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad & Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidum
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. The third one
    11. The Persistent Widow (no name)
    12. 3 times

  191. Madu Ezinne 87 says

    1: Exodus chapter 17:8_13
    2: True
    3: True
    4: Elisha
    5: Saul and Absalom
    6: Eliphaz, Temanite,Bildad
    9: Hebrews chapter 11:6
    10: 10
    11: Main
    12: Morning and night

  192. Amauba Priscilla says

    Quiz Answers
    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 True
    3 False
    4 Gehazi
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7 Amalek
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrews 11:6
    10 Number 11
    11 no name mentioned but it represents helpless people
    12No specific number of times. She approached him continually.

    1. Amauba Priscilla says

      Quiz Answers.
      1 Exodus 17:8-13
      2 True
      3 False
      4 Gehazi
      5 Saul and Absalom
      6 Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
      7 Amalek
      8 Rephidim
      9 Hebrews 11:6
      10 Number 11
      11 no name was mentioned but she represents the helpless people.
      12 no specific number mentioned but she approached him continually.

  193. Stella Nwankwo says

    1. Exodus 17 :8—13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His Servant

    5. Saul and Absalom

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite
    Bildad the Shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite

    7. Amalekites

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrews 11:16

    10. Number 11

    11. Her name was not mentioned

    12. Consistently, no specific number of times was mentioned

  194. Chibuzor says

    1) exodus 17:8-13
    2)true (1king chapter 19)
    4)his servant
    5) saul and his son absalom
    6)eliphaz the temanite, bildad the shulite, zophar the naamathite
    7) amalekites
    9)Hebrew 11:6
    10) 11
    11) not mentioned
    12) the widow was persistent
    This is why the judge say ” may be I have neither fear of God nor respect for man but since she keeps pestering me I must give this widow her justice right or she will persist in coming and worry me to death”

  195. Ugwu perpetu says

    No1 Exodus 17:8_13
    No 2 false
    No 3 false
    4 Gahazi
    5 Absalom and Saul
    6elipaz the temanite, bildad the shunting and zophar the naamathite
    7 amalekites
    9No2 in the book of Hebrew 11:6
    10 no11
    11a particular widow in a certain town
    12 continuously until she was attended to by the judge

  196. Onyesi Mariagoretti Ezinne says

    1 Exodus 17 8-13
    2timoty 3 14-42
    Luke 18 1-8
    2 false
    3 true
    4 Elisha
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Bildad the teminite
    Eliphasz the shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite
    7 Amalek
    8 at Rephidim
    9 number 2 of the what you can do when God seems silent
    10 no:11
    11 Not recorded in the bible
    12 a good number of times

  197. Ruth Rudolph Kansese says

    1. Exodus 17:8
    2. False
    3. True
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. Number 11
    11. The persistent widow
    12. Continuously

  198. Soronnadi Onyinyechi says

    1. Exodus 17: 8 – 13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. She does not have a name because this is a parable. She was referred to as the widow.
    12. She was persistent, she kept going to the judge. The number of times was not stipulated.

  199. Uchechi Nancy says

    1. Gospel account of st. Luke 18:1–8
    We frequently think about prayer as mere asking, and this parable encourages us to pester God because the wronged widow pestered the Unjust Judge. Luke’s parables are usually lively, and the characters like to speak and give an explanation for themselves! The judge’s worry of the widow may be translated that she can be able to come and ‘outface me’, however it is able to additionally be translated ‘hit me withinside the face’. But such staying power is handiest one component of Luke’s coaching on prayer. He additionally indicates us what our mind-set in prayer need to be, via way of means of the myth straight away following withinside the gospel, the Pharisee and the Tax-Collector: the tax-collector wins approval due to the fact he simply stands there, admitting his sins. Most instructive, however, is Luke’s coaching on Jesus at prayer: he reminds us that Jesus is constantly quietly at prayer to his Father. He wishes to slide away to spend the night time in prayer. Especially he prays on the maximum critical moments of his life, at his Baptism, whilst he chooses his team, earlier than he teaches them to pray, on the technique of his Passion, eventually forgiving and comforting others at his death. Paul tells us we need to pray continually. The prayer of asking ought to be constructed on a dating of affection and dependence, simply because the request of baby to mother and father is constructed on that loving dating. It does now no longer rely if the kid is naughty, so long as the connection is certainly considered one among love; so we do now no longer want to be ideal to make our requests to our Father.
    2. True
    3. True
    5.joshua and Moses
    8. On the top of the hill with the staff of God
    9. Peter
    11. Parable of the widow and the judge
    The bible told us that she will keep on coming and finally wear him out.

  200. Molokwu Obianuju says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No. 11
    11. The widow of Nain
    12. She approached him for a long time ( the exact number of times was not stated)

  201. Egwuonwu Nonyelum says

    1: Exodus (17:8-13).
    2: False.
    3: False.
    4:His servant.
    5: Saul and his son Absalom.
    6: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bilad the Shuhite & Zophar the Naamathite.
    7: The Amalekites.
    8: Rephidim.
    9: Hebrew 11.6
    10: Number 11.
    11: Persistent widow or Importnate widow.
    11: She was persistent until her request was granted.

  202. Onu Nneka Anne says

    Answers to the questions
    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. True
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildab and Zophar
    7. Amaklekites
    8. At Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. 11
    11. Persistent widow
    12. Continously.

  203. Chinasa says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    5.saul and adonijah
    6.eliphaz, bildad and zophar
    8. Rahidim

  204. Grace uba says

    1.Exodus 17:5_14
    2 false
    5.saul and absoalm

  205. Onajite Nanu says

    1 Exodus 17: 8 – 13

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His Servant

    5. Saul and Absalom

    6. Eliphaz of Temanite
    Bildad the shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite

    7. The Amalekites

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10: number 11

    11. No name, she was called ‘widow’

    12. Persistently (the Gospel says she kept coming)

  206. Odejide vivian says

    1. Exodus 17:18-13
    2. false
    3. false
    4. young servant
    5. saul, Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7. Amalekite
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:16
    10. number 11
    11. widow of Nain
    12. persistently without stopping.

  207. Concilia chikaodi says

    1)Exodus 17:8-13, 2timothy3:14-4:2,Luke18:1-8
    2)True, he ran away
    4)His servant, Elisha
    5)Elijah and Jezebel
    6)Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the shulite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7)The Amalekites
    8)At Rephidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10)No 11
    11)Canaanite woman
    12)There was no mention of time she was frustrated. She was patience enough

  208. Josephine kanu says

    1. Exodus 17:5-3
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the Shuhile, Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:16
    10. Number 11
    11. Widow
    12. For a long time

    1. Josephine kanu says


  209. Chukwudubem Emelife says

    1. Exodus 17:8_13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. He left his servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Apostle Paul
    10. Eleven
    11. Woman of faith
    12. Continuously

  210. Iheme Gloria says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad & Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidum
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. The 11th one
    11. The Persistent Widow ( no name)
    12. Several times

  211. Orinya Linda says

    1, Exodus 17:8-13, 2,false 3,false 4, Elisha 5, Saul and his son Absalom 6,Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar 7,Amalek 8,Rephidim 9,Hebrew 11:6 10, no 11. 11, widow of Nain 12, persistently

  212. Anne Ikolodo says

    1Exodus27: 8-13
    3 False
    4 Name not mentioned
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz,Bildal and Zophar
    7 Rephidum
    8 Amalek
    9″That God rewards those who earnestly seek him”
    10 Widow of Nain

  213. Olanipekun Josephine says

    No1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and Absalom his son
    6 Eliphac the termanite , Bildad the Shinhite , Zephar the Naamalthite
    7. Amalek
    8 Rephidim
    9The author of the book of heb Heb 11:6
    10 no 11
    11 Her name was not mentioned but the Widow
    12 The Widow kept coming continually.
    Thank you Padre.

  214. Ebenuwah Benedicta says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 false
    3 true
    4 Elisha
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz Bildad Sophie
    7 Amalikites
    8 Rephidim near mount Sinai
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 number 11
    11 The persistent widow
    12 Repeatedly

  215. Faleye Dora says

    1. Exodus 17:5-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Servant
    5. Sauk and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zopar
    7. Amalekeh
    8. Rephidim
    9. Before you come to him you must believe without a doubt that He can do what you ask for.
    10. No 11
    11. Elect
    12. Continual coming

  216. Chioma okafor says

    (1) Exodus 17-8-13 ( About persistence in prayer). (2) True (3) True (4) Elisha (5) Saul and son Absalom (6) Eliphaz , Bildad and Zopher. (7) Amalekites (8) Massage and Meribah (9) by faith Noah when warned about things not yet seen in holy fear built an ark to save his family. (10) be honest with him, trust him, be faithful to him, obey him, call upon him, keep his commandment, praise him, treat people good, repent from sin, remain closed to him. Love him (11) importunate (12) persistent ( many times).

  217. Asogwa christophine chidinma says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 False
    3 False
    4 His servant
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6 Eliphaz, Bildad and zophar
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 No 11
    11 The persistent widow
    11 7times

  218. Ayogu Gebechi Eliana says

    1 Exodus 17:3_ 8
    2 False
    3 False
    4 His servant
    5 Saul and Absalom
    6Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the shushite, Zophar the Naamathite
    7 Amelekite
    8 Rephidim
    10 number 11
    11 woman of faith
    12 several times

  219. Nwatu Nneka P says

    1 EXODUS 17:8-13
    2 FALSE
    3 FALSE
    4 GEHAZI
    6 BILDAD
    ELIPHAZ and
    9 HEB 11: 6
    10 NO 11

  220. Olanipekun Josephine says

    Exodus 17:8-11
    2 false
    3. False
    4 servant
    5 Saul and Absalom his son
    6 Eliphac the termanite, Bildad the Shinhite, Zephar the Naamalthite
    7 Amalek
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hab 11 :6
    10 no 11
    11 Her name was not mentioned but the Widow
    12. The Widow kept coming continually

  221. Chukwuemeka Obiageri Grace, no 77 in home of victory group 4 says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13, 2 Timothy 3:4, 4:2, Luke 18:1-8

    2. False

    3. True

    4. His Servant Elisha

    5. Saul and Absolom

    6. Eliehz the Termanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite.

    7. The Amalikites

    8. The name of place is Rephidin

    9.Paul quote to Hebrew, in Hebrew 11:6

    10. No 11

    11. The widow of Nain

    12. For a long time

  222. Asssumpta says

    No 1 – Luke 18:1-8
    Question 2- true
    No 3 – false
    No 4 – servant
    No 5 – Abalsom and saul
    No 7 – amalekite
    No 8 – rephidim
    No 9 – hebrews 11
    No 10 – seek for others to pray along with you.
    No 11- no name
    No 12- countless times

  223. Agwu Bernice says

    1 Exodus 17:8_13
    Timothy 3:14_4:2
    Luke 18:1-8
    2. False
    3. False
    5.Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz,Bildad the shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite
    9. before seeking for God’s intervention you must first have faith cause that is the only prove God need from us to show he exists and also trust that he can pull us through from any difficult circumstance because work without faith is dead
    11.Widow of Nain
    12. He approached the judge 3times.

  224. Nebo Chioma says

    (1)Exodus 17:8-13, timothy 3:14,4-2,luke18:1-8
    (4)His servant
    (5)Saul and his son Absalom
    (6) Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    (9)Anyone who comes to God must believe that truly God exist also the reason many of us lose faith in God is that we see God as someone who does not truly exist.
    (10)No 2
    (11)No, Her name was not meansured
    (12)We where not told how many times.

  225. Blessing Agbor says

    1… Exodus 17:8-13
    4 Elisha
    5..Saul and Absalom
    6…Eliphaz the termanite
    Bildad the shulite
    zophar the naamanite

    9… Hebrews11:6
    10….number 11
    11.. Widow of nain
    12…wasnt stipulated, Bible said she was persistent after the first time.

  226. Soronnadi Perpetua Chika says

    1.Exodus 17:8-13
    2Elijah ran away
    5.Saul and Absalom his son
    6.Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    9.Hebrews 11:6
    12.3 times.

  227. Okoye Chioma says

    1)Exodus 17:8-13
    5)Saul and Absalom
    6)1)Eliphaz the Tamanite
    2) Bildad the shuhite
    3)Zophar the Naamathite
    8)Rephidim near Mount Sinai
    9) Hebrew 11:6
    10)number 11
    12)countless times

  228. Blessing Iortsugh says

    1: Exodus 17 : 8- 13
    2: False
    3: False
    4: His servant
    5: Saul and his son ( Absalom)
    6: Eliphat, Bildad and Zophar
    7: Amalekites
    8: Rephidim
    9: Hebrews 11:6
    10: 11
    11: The helpless woman
    12: unnumbered

  229. Ajugweogu Chinaemerem Hilda says

    1. Exodus17:8-13.
    3. False
    4.His servant
    5.Saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bilbad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    8.At the Hilltop
    9 Hebrews 11:6
    10.Number 11
    11.The widow of Nain
    12.It was not mentioned but it was not her first time to request for it

  230. Christiana Oladipupo says

    1) Exodus17:3_13
    2) False
    3) False
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and Absalom
    6)Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shutite and Zophar the Naamathite.
    7) Amalekites
    8) Rephidim
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) no 11
    11) no name _just widow
    12) not count _ just many times.

  231. Golu Chetachukwu Angela says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13, 2Timothy 3:14-4:2, Luke 18:1-8.

    2. False.

    3. True.

    4. His servant

    5. Saul and his son Absalom

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite.

    7. Amaleks

    8. Rephidim

    9. Hebrew 11:6

    10. Number 11.

    11. Her name was not mentioned.

    12. The number of times was not defined.

  232. Igwe Chidiogo Cynthia says

    1 Exodus 17:8-13
    2 FALSE
    3 FALSE
    4 His servant
    5 Saul and His son Absalom
    6 Epihaz the Temamite, Bilad the shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7 The Amalekite
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 Number Ten” Be on the side of your faith not your worry
    11No, but she was labeled as persistent woman
    12 The bible didn’t mention how many times rather he said I quote” she kept coming “

  233. Chioma Doris Udensi says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13 (2) False (3) False (4) His servant (5) Saul and his son Absalom (6) Elephant the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zephar the Naamathite (7) Amalekites (8) Rephidim (9) Hebrews 11:6, (10) Number 11 (11) She had no name because the parable didn’t mention her name or family (12) She kept coming every day

  234. Patricia Nwanze says

    1. Exodu6 17 vs 8-13
    2. False he ran away
    3. True
    4. His Servant
    5. King saul and his son Absalom
    6. Eliphaza , Bildad, Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrew 11:6
    10. Number 11
    11. Persistent widow
    12. The bible says for how long

  235. Ikpontu Augusta no 145 says

    The answers to the questions are as follows

    1 Exodus 17:8-13, 2timonthy 3:14-4:2, Luke 18:1-8.
    2 false
    3 false
    4 his Servant
    6 Saul and his son Absalom
    7 Amalekites
    8 At Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    12 there was no mention of a time

  236. Blessing Chikadibia Mbonu says

    1==Exodus 17:8-13



    4==His Servant

    5==Saul and Absalom

    6==1.Eliphaz the Temanite,
    2.Bildad the Shuhite
    3.Zophar the Naamathite

    7==The Amalekites


    9==Hebrew 11:6

    10==No, 11

    11==Widow Mites

    12==She approached the judge Repeatedly, the number wasn’t mentioned.. (many times)

  237. Ogochukwu Azuka says

    1. Exodus 17: 5-13
    2. False
    3. False
    4. His servant
    5. Saul and absalom
    6. Zophar, eliphaz and bildad
    7. Amalek
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11: 6
    10. No 11
    11. The importunate widow
    12. Continually.

  238. Doris Emmanuel Ogban says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. false
    3. false
    4. his first servant
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. .1Eliphas 2 Bildad 3. Zophaar
    7. Amallakite
    9. Hebrews 11 vs 6
    10. no 11
    11. unstoppable unstoppable
    12. several times uncountable

  239. Okeke Mary says

    2 false
    3 True
    4 His servant
    5 Saul and Absolom
    6Eliphaz,Bildad and Zophar
    7 Amalekites
    8 Rephidim
    9 Hebrew 11:6
    10 12
    11 persistent widow
    12 several times

  240. Agha Chikwado Cornelius says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2 . False
    3. True (only
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphas, Bidad and Zophar
    7. The Amalekites
    8. Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. 11
    11. Her name was not mentioned
    12. No Stipulated time

  241. Umeasiegbu Chidiebube says

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Elisha
    5. Saul and Absalom
    6. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
    7. Amalekites
    8. Amalek
    9. ” When the son of man comes will he find any faith in you?”
    10. No:11
    11. The unjust judge
    12. Often

  242. Lucy Ohanu says

    Answers to the quiz

    1. Exodus 17:8-13
    2. False
    3. True
    4. Name not mentioned
    5. Saul and his son, Absalom
    6. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite
    7. The people of Amalek
    8. At Rephidim
    9. Hebrews 11:6
    10. No. 11
    11. Name not mentioned
    12. Severally

  243. Augusta Abu says

    1)Exodus 17:8-13
    3) No he was not
    4) His servant
    5) Saul and Abraham
    6)Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar
    7) Amalekites
    9) Hebrews 11:6
    10) 11
    11) Her name was not mentioned
    12) Countless number of times( continously)

  244. Loveth says

    1. Exodus 27:8-13.

    2. False

    3. False

    4. His name was not recorded .

    5. Saul and Absalom.

    6. Eliphaz the Temanite
    Bildad the Shuhite
    Zophar the Naamathite.

    7. Amalekites

    8. Rephidim.

    9. Hebrew 11: 6

    10. No. 11.

    11. Her name was not recorded but according to the synoptic gospel was referred to as, The Parable of the persistent Widow or The Parable of The Importunate Widow

    12. I cannot say how many times, but she must have been annoyingly consistent and persistent.

    Let me leave it here. Just Taking corrections Father.

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