Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Thursday 12th Week in Ordinary Time.


Breakfast With the Word Thursday 12th Week in Ordinary Time


Mathew 7:21-29


When We do His Will


According to Wikipedia will generally, is the faculty of the mind that selects, at the moment of decision, a desire among the various desires present.


This is when one chooses to do a particular thing despite other inordinate desires and available options present. When we choose to do the will of God, we then make God’s word our guide and director, that despite other available options, we choose to follow what God says in that particular situation.


It simply means that even though we may be tired of praying, we pray anyway because God says pray in season and out of season ( Luke 18:1, 1 Thes 5:16-18), when we lose hope, we still remain in faith, for faith moves mountain ( Mathew 17:20), when we feel like not trusting Him, we trust Him anyway because He says those trust in the Lord are like mount zion that can never be moved ( Psalm 125:1, Isaiah 40:31), when we feel like being in sin, we run away from it because He says “blessed are the pure in heart ” ( Mathew 5:8) and when we feel like seeking for revenge, we forgive any way because He says “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive us” (Matthew 6:15 ) etc.


This is simply allowing God’s word to guide our decisions in life. The reasons are as follows


1. From the gospel, doing His will is what God essentially wants from us not how much we pray and prophesy, yet we are filled with hatred and wickedness.


2. Even when we pray, we also are doing His will. But it is empty and false if our lives do not reflect the Gospel, if we do not hear Jesus’ words and act on them.


3. Jesus was addressing His disciples. So it is what makes you a true follower. We follow with obedience and faith.


4. Not everyone who shouts Lord Lord will enter the kingdom but whoever does the will of God is certain to enter it.


5. It is the easiest way to win the heart of the Father not how many Holy Ghost fire we have shouted.


6. He who acts accordingly is a wise man and a true son of God but any one who acts the other way round is seen today as acting foolishly.



7. It is the easiest way to stand strong against challenges, temptations, difficulties and oppositions because the house is built on a solid rock. The rain, flood, wind etc can never pull Him down.


The teachings we receive from our Savior today are both serious and deep. Jesus emphasizes that it’s not sufficient to simply acknowledge Him as Lord – what truly counts is applying His teachings in our lives.


Many will approach Him on judgment day, boasting about the great things they did in His name. They will brag about their prophecies, exorcisms, and miracles. However, Jesus will tell them, “I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers!”

Why such a severe judgment? Because their deeds didn’t align with their words. They might have called Jesus “Lord,” but they didn’t follow His will. Their faith was superficial, based on self-interest and hollow religious practices.

In contrast, Jesus praises the one who listens to His teachings and puts them into action. This person is like a wise builder who constructs their house on a solid foundation – able to withstand life’s storms. When challenges arise, this house will remain standing strong, rooted in obedience to the Lord.

On the other hand, the one who hears Jesus’ words but doesn’t act upon them is like a foolish builder who constructs their house on sand. When difficulties come, that house will collapse with a loud crash, lacking a sturdy foundation.


Dear friends, the key difference between these two individuals is not their verbal declaration of faith, but their faithful deeds. Mere words like “Lord, Lord” are insufficient – we must demonstrate our commitment to Christ through obedient and serving lives.


Let’s not settle for empty words and religious rituals. Instead, let’s be practitioners of the word, translating our faith into practical actions. Let’s establish our lives on the unshakeable foundation of Christ’s teachings, standing strong against every challenge and trial.


Because it’s not those who claim to know Jesus, but those who genuinely know Him and walk in His ways, who truly matter.


Let us be people whose lives reflect the change we wish to see in the world. For it is in our faithful actions, not just our eloquent words, that we will truly make a difference.


May God help us to assimilate His words into our hearts. May He continues to protect you from evil. Amen.


Fr Sanctus Mario




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