Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections



SUNDAY BREAKFAST WITH THE WORD 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 






In today’s world, unity holds immense importance. Whether it is a nation, a community, or even a family, division can hinder growth and prosperity. Throughout history and religious texts, we have learned valuable lessons about the significance of working together and maintaining harmony. 


In today’s gospel, Jesus himself spoke about the consequences of a divided kingdom when he responded to his critics who accused him of using dark forces to cast out demons. He stated, “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand” (Mark 3:24). These words shed light on the vulnerability and fragility that exist within any divided entity..When you are divided in your homes, families and organizations, you are gone already. Nothing works in a fragmented organization.


The Consequences of Division


In the first reading, God confronts Adam and Eve after they eat the forbidden fruit, highlighting the division that arises between them and God.

Before this event Adam and Eve have been enjoying a lot of divine privileges but their disobedience to God brought a big separation between them and God. Therefore, they lost all the privileges accorded to them. When we separate ourselves from God, we bring to ourselves a division which amounts to consequences. When we separate ourselves from God, through our sinful living, we also bring curses, punishments and consequences due to our sins. 


The division between them and God is evident when God calls out to Adam, asking, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). 


This question reveals that there is now a separation between Adam and God, as sin creates a barrier between them. Prior to the Fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed a close relationship with God, walking and talking with Him in the Garden of Eden. However, their disobedience caused division and a rupture in their once harmonious connection. Therefore, when we are divided, we are bound to fall. When we separate ourselves from God, there is a also the consequences that follow.


2.In the Old Testament, the kingdom of Israel serves as a perfect example of division. After the reign of Solomon, the united kingdom split into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. 


This division led to political strife, weakened defenses, and ultimately resulted in the fall of both kingdoms to outside forces.


b.The Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11 shows how division can have negative consequences. The people came together to build a tower to reach heaven, but when God mixed up their languages, division and chaos followed. Their unity disappeared, and their common goal fell apart. This biblical story reminds us that without unity, our actions can result in chaos and ruin.


In today’s world, we see the negative effects of a kingdom that is not united. Political differences, social conflicts, and family disputes all arise from a lack of unity. This division slows progress, creates hostility, and undermines society. Only by coming together can we achieve long-lasting peace and prosperity.


Therefore, it is essential for both leaders and individuals to work towards unity and push back against divisive forces. By looking to biblical teachings, we can avoid repeating past errors and strive to build a kingdom that stays united.

To sum up, a kingdom that is divided within itself is bound to collapse.


A Kingdom Divided


Today’s gospel continues from where Jesus’ relatives believed he had lost his mind because he refused to eat and rest. 


Meanwhile, some scribes and elders from Jerusalem, possibly part of the crowd that came to see Jesus, joined his relatives in speaking ill of him.


Jesus’ relatives claimed he was out of his mind for not resting, while the scribes accused him of being possessed by Beelzebub. They went as far as saying, “Beelzebul is in him,” and “He casts out devils through the prince of devils.”


 If we analyze this critically, we can see the scribes’ envy, hatred, and jealousy towards Jesus. 


One may ask “What does eating and resting have to do with the power Jesus possesses?”


 It is clear that they are envious of him. The scribes accuse Jesus of working under the influence of Beelzebub because they recognize that his actions go beyond human capabilities. 



Instead of praising God for this, they choose to accuse Jesus of being associated with evil. The scribes hold positions of authority, but they lack the power that Jesus possesses. Rather than seeking to learn from Jesus or giving glory to God, they choose to accuse him out of envy. This is a clear example of how envy can lead to division.


Whenever we see someone doing or having something that we lack, there is always the temptation to become envious. This envy then leads to division among us.


 A kingdom that is divided against itself cannot progress. When we see something admirable in another person, what they need from us is encouragement and support. We should focus on uplifting them rather than tearing them down.


If A Kingdom Is Divided Against Itself.


When the scribes accuse Jesus of working with Beelzebub, Jesus calls them to him and speaks to them in parables. 

 Jesus asks them ‘How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last. And if a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand. Now if Satan has rebelled against himself and is divided, he cannot stand either – it is the end of him. But no one can make his way into a strong man’s house and burgle his property unless he has tied up the strong man first. Only then can he burgle his house.

Jesus wasted no time in addressing the accusations thrown at him by the scribes. Instead of harboring resentment, he called them over and began to educate them through parables.

Likewise, when faced with division within a kingdom, it is crucial to address the root cause and bring about reconciliation.


 Confronting those responsible for discord is more effective than holding grudges or seeking revenge.


If someone spreads false information about us, it is best to approach them directly and advise them to cease such actions. A divided kingdom requires unity and peace, not further chaos. Division only leads to destruction and must be resolved for the greater good of all.


  1. Jesus emphasizes the importance of unity by stating that a kingdom divided against itself cannot endure. He explains that even Satan, if divided, will face its downfall. Division is the surest path to destruction.

Therefore, it is essential to mend any divisions within a kingdom or household to ensure its survival. Just as a burglar cannot enter a strong man’s house without first subduing him, unity is necessary for strength and protection.




1.Adam and Eve’s disobedience of God’s command brought forth serious consequences. The serpent is cursed, and the relationship between humanity and the serpent is forever changed. We learn that our actions have consequences, and it’s important to consider the potential outcomes before making decisions. Think twice before you separate tp aoid had I KNow.


  1. Jesus faced opposition and criticism from both his relatives and the scribes. This teaches us that even when we are doing good and following God’s will, there may still be people who misunderstand, doubt, or even oppose us. It reminds us to stay focused on our purpose and not let external opinions deter us. 


2.Jesus uses the example of a divided kingdom and household to illustrate the importance of unity. He emphasizes that division leads to destruction, while unity strengthens and upholds. It reminds us of the significance of unity within our families, communities, and relationships.


  1. Jesus warns about the eternal sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. This teaches us the importance of discernment and not attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to evil or dismissing the divine presence in our lives. It reminds us to be cautious and respectful in our understanding and interpretation of spiritual matters.


  1. When Jesus’ relatives come looking for him, he expands the idea of family to include those who do the will of God. This reminds us that our spiritual family extends beyond blood ties, emphasizing the importance of shared values, faith, and actions. It teaches us to prioritize relationships based on spiritual alignment and shared purpose. 


  1. Jesus emphasizes the significance of doing the will of God. He implies that obedience to God’s commands and alignment with His purposes form the true basis of a deep spiritual bond. This reminds us of the importance of actively living out our faith and seeking to follow God’s guidance in our daily lives. These lessons offer insights into the challenges, priorities, and values that we can apply to our own lives. 


They highlight the importance of unity, discernment, obedience, and expanding our understanding of family in the context of our relationship with God.


God bless You



  1. Angela lkeota says

    Amen,Happy Sunday padre

  2. Mailoushi James says

    Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen

  3. Onyinye okonkwo says


  4. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen. May almighty God continue to bless you too, Padre Okey . May the inspiration we got through this reflection help us to maintain unity in our individual homes and society at large in Jesus name we prayed. Amen.

  5. Chizoba Ekwueme says

    God bless you too Fr.

  6. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    And u too Fr Sanctus. Happy Sunday Fr

  7. Nnametu Michelle says

    Happy Sunday

  8. Udemezue Martina Mary says


  9. Regina Ajua Mobu says


  10. Mariajacinta Ivoke says


  11. Jane chuks says

    And bless you more Father

  12. Dr. Julie says

    Amen 🙏. Bless you too Father.

  13. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    United we stand but divided we fall. Fr Sanctus God bless you richly Amen.

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