Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Six Reasons to Pray and not Lose Heart. Saturday 32nd Week


Breakfast With the Word 32nd Week Ordinary Time of the Year B


Luke 18:1-8




There are times we feel like God is not answering our prayers. Most times we think He does not even exist.


This is because our conditions remain the same even though we pray and fast and wait on God. Sometimes when these happen, we lose hope and some people begin to hate God even.  Some people become sad, full of depression and even stop believing God.



We do not have to lose heart when we come in His presence if we truly believe that  God is the one we serve or the one we are praying to.


We do not have to pray and again lose heart if we are so certain that God listens to us.


One important thing we have to understand today is that prayer is not a mechanism to force God to do what we want, but prayer is what we ought to do every day as children of God. Whether good or bad we must not stop to pray.


To pray and lose heart should not actually be mentioned among the children of God. Having what we want from God and not having them is not a condition why we are to love God or hate Him.


So, Jesus, today is using this biblical passage to encourage His disciples never to lose heart when they come in the presence of God. Let us now see the reasons reasons we are to pray and not lose heart from the gospel.


1) He is God


In the gospel, Jesus uses the parable of the unjust judge to show the importance of being persistent at prayers.


In the parable is a judge who is not willing to answer the woman but in God, we have a Creator who is always willing to save.  He is God and not man.


If God can allow His Son to die for you, then He can do even the little things for you. The problem is that we lose heart easily.


Jesus uses this parable to show that if we who are evil know how to give good things to our children, then He who is God can do more for His beloved Children.



If the judge can at last answer the prayer of the widow, then it means God can do more than that. If we truly believe that God is Almighty and above every situation, we are not supposed to go to Him in prayer and lose heart at the same time.


Therefore, when you go in the presence of God, go with confidence.




2)We are His Children.


Something happened one day in one of the schools I worked in which I see as insightful here. A student had a little misunderstanding with a senior student. Then knowing well that He cannot fight the student, He went home and informed His parents.



Without our knowledge, the parents of the victim stormed the school in anger trying to retaliate. When I came out, I had to calm the situation and send them back.


But that day, the woman was shouting to the senior student: “do you think you can touch my child and go free”. This kept me wondering also in our relationship with God.


It means that if we truly understand who we are before God, do we think God also allow things to happen to us without His permission? Do you think He can hear our prayers and keep quiet?


There are some cases when it looks as if He doesn’t even listen. But Jesus’ words seem to provide consolation.



Jesus says in the gospel, that even if the judge delays in helping, I tell you he will surely grant justice to the woman.


Jesus then asks “Now will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them? I promise you, He will see justice done to them, and done speedily”.


In the same way, even if God seems to delay, surely He will one day surprise His children who call on Him day and night.


Thus, the problem then is that when it seems our prayers are delayed, we lose hope and become discouraged. Therefore, Whether good or bad do not pray and lose heart.



He may answer even when you least expect. His answer must not be yes. It can still be “no” knowing what is good for us or “wait” knowing the best time it will happen.




3) God is a Loving and Merciful Father


Only perseverance forced a judge to listen to a widow. If such can happen, how much more to a loving Father who can even listen to silent prayer and search the deepest heart of all.



The judge has to come in defence to stop the woman from her disturbance. But God distributes His graces freely and lovingly.


God whose heart even forgave tormentors at the cross cannot be so wicked as not to listen to me but the problem is that we are so impatient and thinks He is a machine, who works the way we want.



We have to remember that our loving God allows His beloved Son to be maimed and crucified. But despite that, It is for the good of all.




In all things, everything works together for the good of those who truly love God (Romans 8:28). So do not pray and lose heart.


4) It is a Sign We are Truly in Need


I remember one of the words of my professor then. He normally says “if you are seriously in need of something, then do as if you need it” if you want first-class, work like one who needs it. If you need money, then work like one who is in need. Hence, if we need something from God, we are also to show the signs that we are so much in need of it.


The way we approach God in prayer reveals the depth of our need. If you need a job in a company, you will work relentlessly for it. To pray and stay strong shows we are truly in need but to pray and lose heart often shows we are not even serious in what we are asking for.


5) It is A Sign of Faith

The power of prayer

One day someone came to me to request for help, I asked that He also ask a friend of mine to help. He shouted;  “oh If it is that one, please forget. He always promises and fails”.



In this statement, we can see discouragement, lack of faith, and unreliability in the person to help. When we pray and lose heart on God may be an indication that we do not truly have faith that God will answer us.




Hence, we lose hope in prayer may be because we have seen God as one who is unreliable. The only person , people do not trust is the one who is not reliable.  When people do not trust you can do something, it shows you are not reliable. Therefore, when we do not trust our God, it is a sign that we now see Him as one who is not reliable.


So, If your God is not this way, then do not pray and lose heart.If your God is reliable, trust Him beyond words and present circumstances.



Our persistence in prayer is not a force to change God’s mind but a sign of trust that He will one day remember you.


6) It is a Sign of Obedience


If God says, we should not pray and lose heart, then we should not pray and lose heart. If He says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28) then we have to pray without ceasing.



So to pray and not to lose heart is also a pointer that we are obeying God. And God loves those who obey Him. ( 1 John 5:3). So remain strong.


May God give us the strength to remain resolute even in difficulties. May He also answer your prayers. Amen


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