Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Give It to the People to Eat: Sharing Blessings for Abundant Blessings


Title: Give It to the People to Eat: Sharing Blessings for Abundant Blessings

2 Kings 4:42-44, John 6:1-15


In the above readings, we see a common theme emphasized by both Elisha and Jesus: the importance of giving and sharing with others.


Their words, “Give it to the people to eat,” carry a profound meaning that extends beyond physical nourishment.


It reminds us to share our talents, gifts, prayers, and advice with others, for in doing so, we open ourselves up to abundant blessings from God.

Elisha said “‘Give it to the people to eat. Jesus said give something to the people to eat: In essence, whatever we have, whatever we can do is actually for the people and not for us.

Give it to the people to eat, could also mean, serve and give the people your talent, your gift, that little prayer, that little advice, for them to benefit from. The more we do this, God knows how to bless you. What can we share? They are:


1. Sharing our Resources:

Elisha’s command to “Give it to the people to eat” teaches us that our possessions and resources are not meant solely for our own benefit but for the well-being of others.

Similarly, Jesus’ call to provide bread to the crowd signifies the importance of sharing what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, for the benefit of others.

Luke 6:38 reminds us that when we give, it will be given back to us in abundance.

2. Giving our Talents and Gifts:

The act of giving should go beyond material possessions. We are also called to share our talents and gifts with others. Just as Elisha and Jesus gave their time, wisdom, and healing abilities, we should also use our unique abilities to bless and serve those around us. 1 Peter 4:10 encourages us to use our gifts to serve others faithfully.

3. The Power of Little Acts:

Both readings illustrate that even the smallest acts of kindness can have profound effects. The story of the feeding of the five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish shows us that when we offer what appears to be insufficient, God can multiply our efforts.

It is a testament to God’s ability to work miracles through our willingness to give. Matthew 25:40 reminds us that when we serve others, we are serving Jesus Himself.

4. Trusting in God’s Provision:
Ultimately, when we give and share with others, we demonstrate our trust in God’s provision. We acknowledge that our blessings come from Him, and by freely giving, we place our faith in His ability to multiply and bless us abundantly in return. Proverbs 11:24-25 affirms that generous souls will be enriched by God’s faithfulness.

“Give It to the People to Eat” encompasses the concept of selfless giving, extending to not only physical provisions but also our talents, gifts, and acts of kindness.

By following the examples set by Elisha and Jesus, we can experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from sharing our blessings with others. As we trust in God’s provision, we open ourselves up to abundant blessings and a deeper connection with Him. Let us embrace the opportunity to serve and bless those around us, knowing that our acts of giving have eternal value.


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  1. […] Give It to the People to Eat: Sharing Blessings for Abundant Blessings […]

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