Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

The Little Should Not Stop You; Lesson from the Feeding of Five Thousand


Title: The Little Should Not Stop You: The Essence of Giving and Imparting

2 Kings 4:42-44, John 6:1-15

In the readings from 2 Kings 4:42-44 and John 6:1-15, we witness the power of faith and the miracles that can happen when we overcome the limitations of our resources.


These stories teach us an invaluable lesson: that the little we have should not stop us from giving and imparting the world and the people around us with our blessings.

When the man from Baal-shalishah brought Elisha twenty barley loaves and fresh grain, it seemed insufficient to feed a hundred men.


However, Elisha believed in the power of God’s provision, and he instructed his servant to distribute the little that they had. Miraculously, everyone ate and had some left over, as the Lord had promised. This account demonstrates that when we have faith and trust in God’s providence, our meager offerings can transform into an abundance of blessings. Therefore, the little we can give, can have a tremendous effect. Therefore, the little should not stop You.

Jesus’ Feeding of the Five Thousand:


In the New Testament, we witness a similar miracle performed by Jesus. Faced with the daunting task of feeding a large crowd with only five barley loaves and two fish, Jesus did not allow the little to deter him.


He gave thanks for the meager provision, distributed it among the people, and astoundingly, everyone was satisfied.


The fragments that remained were gathered, filling twelve baskets with leftovers. This event not only displayed Jesus’ divine power but also served as a powerful lesson in selfless giving.

The Essence of Giving Despite Little

Both these accounts emphasize the importance of giving and imparting goodness, even when we feel limited by what we have.


We should not allow the size or value of our resources to hinder our compassion towards others.

The Bible teaches us that it is through giving that we receive, and it is in sharing the little we have that miracles can occur.
The Bible says:
1. 2 Corinthians 9:7 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2. Luke 6:38 – “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”


The stories of Elisha and Jesus’ feeding miracles serve as a constant reminder that the little we possess should never hinder our willingness to give and impart goodness in the world.


When we demonstrate faith and compassion, miracles happen, and our small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those around us.


Let us be inspired to overcome our reservations about giving and embrace the opportunity to be instruments of positive change, trusting in the limitless abundance that God provides.



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  1. […] The Little Should Not Stop You; Lesson from the Feeding of Five Thousand […]

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