Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

When We keep His Word.Monday Fifth week of Easter


 John 14:21-26
One of the greatest challenges Christians face is living according to God’s commandments in a world already affected by so many external factors.



But sometimes we need to ask the reason it’s challenging to keep or obey what God says. Why do we find it easy to disobey than to obey? It’s somehow.



Example, doing good is fine. When we do good, it brings happiness, joy and even eternal life.


Yet we find it difficult to do that good that will bring good to us. You see that this is an irony.


When we keep the word of God, we do not keep them for God. We do it for the sake of our good.



The word of God is like a guide for every Christian not to be misled.


So, when we keep His word, it’s means that we are invariably walking on the right path.


Despite these, we find very challenging to do so. The reason is that we see the word of God as a burden.


It should not be a burden to us. We have to see as an advice regulating our behavior.


Keeping God’s word is a testament to the love we have for Jesus.



What happens When We keep His Word




Therefore, when we keep His word, it is the only way to to show how much we truly love Jesus.




In the gospel Jesus says,’ “They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me”.





Therefore, we keep His word because the word is not just ordinary. It comes from God.


So, we do it because it came from Him and would not want Him to be angry. We keep it to make Him happy too.




We try to make our parents happy not that we are always free to do whatever they say but because we want to show them how much we love to see them happy. Let us do the same for God.



So, when we keep His word, we do it because the word is coming from a divine source. We do it to make this our God happy always.



2. It is the easiest way to win the heart of Jesus and the Father.




Jesus says in the gospel whoever keeps my word loves me, and whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them.



Therefore, Jesus promises to love anyone that keeps the Word of God. In essence, when we keep His word, we also win His favour and tap His grace.


3. It is another way to have an encounter. In the gospel, Jesus says I will reveal myself to them.



Therefore, if we want to have a true Encounter with the Lord, let’s keep His Word. In essence, when we keep it always, our life changes. We become like Him in everything.
4. When We keep His word, we become the abode of the Trinity.
When Judas asked him, ‘Lord, how is it that you will reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?’
Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
Keeping His Word is a way to be faithful to Him and a way to invite God into our lives.


When we do this, it means we are giving a place for God into our lives. We make ourselves the abode of the Trinity.


5. To keep the word is a sign of total obedience to Father.
Jesus says :the word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father”.
Therefore, to keep the Word is to obey the Father.


Let us not joke with the Word for this is not ours but God’s. But man abandons  God’s word, He does not have hunger for it, He prefers that of the World than God, yet man claims He loves God.



6. Living by the word of God is the only way to glorify God.


If we love Jesus Christ, the highest good we do for Him is to glorify Him.
Jesus glorified the Father by obeying all that the Father commanded.
So, to obey Jesus is to glorify God. When we sin, we dishonor Him.




 When We Do not love God.
Today Jesus says “Whoever does not love me, does not keep my words.
This becomes evident when we become tired of the Word.


This is when we prefer the world than God, when we prefer worldly demands and desires than Godly demands.
1 John 2:15 says “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him”.
James 4:4 warns  “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God”.




John 14:15 says “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments”. Therefore, not to keep His Word is already a message that we take God for granted and we don’t love Him. If we love Him, keeping it should be a hobby.
In John 14:21, he says “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; …”
John 14:23: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; …”


John 14:24: “He who does not love Me does not keep My words; …”



Therefore, the Love for Jesus Christ motivates us to obey Him.


 The Holy Spirit is the Helper


Jesus just promised the disciples that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, would soon be with them forever (John 14:16-17).
Paul makes it clear (Gal. 5:16-23) that the way  not to carry out the desires of the flesh but rather to develop the fruit of the Spirit is to walk in dependence on the Spirit.
With the Holy Spirit, we can. The Holy Spirit keeps our hearts burning with zeal for His Word.


May God bless us with His Divine Spirit that we will find joy keeping His Words. May He continues to protect you from danger Amen.
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  1. Mrs Nora Nkoli Anabiri says


  2. Marita-margaret Awum says


    1. Dorothy Mary Iyinbor says

      Amen thanks Padre God

    2. Helen says

      Amen 🙏🏼🙏🙏

      Thank you Padre.!!!

  3. Mailoushi James says

    Amen, remain blessed Fr.

  4. Onyekonwu Ngozi says

    Amen. Thank you Jesus for another opportunity to be in your presence and dine with you. Lord Jesus give me grace to love you by keeping your commandments.

  5. Sheila says


  6. Mbama Christiana says

    Amen. Lord grant me the grace to obey Your word. Amen

  7. Rosemary Umeze says


  8. Chinyere Ezemelue says

    Loving Jesus is shown by abiding in his word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. To abide in the word is to have the Trinity in me.

  9. Adichie Chizoba says


  10. Eluwa Chidinma Janefrances says


  11. Yolanda Malebatsane says




  13. Alphonsus says

    Thank you dear Padre.
    God bless you and grant you your heart’s desires. May He always provide your needs. Amen.

  14. Ogwa Oluchi Rose says


  15. Blessing Anne says


  16. Dr Nicholas Onyia A. says

    Amen and amen. Remain blessed, fr.

  17. Ifeoma Ugwueze says


  18. Mirian igwe says

    Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  19. Carmela U. Ekwem says

    Amen! & Amen! Thanks and God bless you too Fr.
    May God grant us the grace to always keep his words and commandments, even in the Moment of difficulties, Amen!

    1. Julie Akalemeaku says


  20. Stella Ekwemalor says


  21. Regina Mobu says

    Amen! Thank you father.

  22. Ekwem Emmanuela Chiamaka says


  23. Dodoh Peter Anthony says


  24. Eze, Blessing Chinasa says


    Thank you Father.

  25. Ugwu Grace Ngozi says


  26. Michael Jones says


  27. Gabriel-Martin says

    Amen Fr

  28. Enibe Jacinta Amara says


  29. Julie Akalemeaku says


  30. Chisom Egwudike says


  31. Kaycee Omeke says

    Thank you Fr

  32. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    Amen like thunder

  33. Uzoma Daniel chidera says

    Amen ,

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