Luke 10:1-12
Our vocation is to work for the glory of God. We live in working for God and not for praise nor gain. Working for God should give us joy. In this work, there are many things we need to do God’s work effectively. Working for God demands our time and focus.
In Luke 9, Jesus previously sends the twelve apostles and exhorts them to heal the sick, drive out demons and proclaim the kingdom of God. And, today Jesus takes more proactive measures by sending the seventy-two disciples with the same instructions.
One peculiar stand-out instruction in this missionary mandate is that “the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few”.
This indicates that there are many things to be done. We have many works to do in the vineyard of God but only a few labourers. Therefore, working for God demands our sincere attention.
We can serve God with our gifts, talents, positions wherever we are and whichever little we have. God’s work can never be exhausted.
When we passionately look around ourselves, we will observe that many apostolates are around us. These apostolates are looking for those who are willing to take them up. To do this, there are many things we need to undertake this journey. They are:
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We Need Each Other
In today’s, Jesus sends them out in pairs. But in Luke 9, there was no mention of this. This second group is sent to a larger audience than the first group.
This style of moving in pairs can be seen in the acts of the apostles; Peter and John (Acts 3), Paul and Silas (Acts 16), Paul and Barnabas (Acts 11).
This essentially teaches that we need each other. God’s work is not a one-man business. There are many things to do for God. Because of this, there are times you may need the mutual support and encouragement of the other person.
In times of despair and moments of difficulties, we need people who will always stand by us both in good and in bad times. We need what the other person can contribute. We cannot do the work alone.
Lambs among Wolves.
While sending them out, Jesus reminds us that He is sending out like lambs among wolves. This allegorical statement brings to our knowledge that the field must not be an easy one.
Jesus hence prepares his disciple for rejection, attack, hatred, persecution, satanic manipulations and spiritual combats etc. He knows that the work is full of challenges. Working for God means working against the devil.
Hence, the devil will not fold hands and allow us to destroy his kingdom. He is also ready to challenge and bring us down. He is ready to raise his disciples who will constantly challenge God’s ministers.
Let us always know that in working for God, it is not every person that is going to believe and accept whatever we say. Many people are going to be against us. In John 16:33, He tells His disciples that in the world, they will truly have trouble. But they have to be strong because He has conquered the world.
Therefore, the harvest is indeed plenty but many are going to misunderstand you. Some may reject you and say all sorts of things against you both good and bad. Many people will attack you if you make a single mistake but in all these, never give up. Always know it is part of the mission.
Working for God is not for the rosy and glorious part of it. We have to be ready to face the challenges that come with it.
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest.
While preparing His disciples for the work ahead, Jesus says “‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest”.
This statement is a reminder that this work is not ours. It is the work of God. In essence, this shows that we are just mere instruments God is using.
Therefore, to be fruitful, let us always seek the help, blessings and grace of the Lord of the Harvest.
It means also that we must look to the Lord for the success of our work. A man of prayer wins more spiritual battles and depends on the grace of God to pave the way for Him.
Spend time with the Blessed Sacrament and ask the Lord to guide your steps and decisions. Ask Him for helpers. He is always there to find those who are going to be there for you.
Also when working for God, we have to know that the vineyard belongs to God. He is the lord of the harvest. We do not work, as if we are the Lord, seeking honour and worship.
So, We do not work for God so that people will clap and praise us. We work for God so that souls can be saved.
We are promoting the evangelization of souls. Let us always understand that in every work, we are serving the Lord. We are not serving ourselves. Hence, we have to avoid lording it over ourselves. We need to work for God with humility.
Promote Peace.
In the gospel, Jesus tells His disciples, “Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, “Peace to this house!” And if a man of peace lives there, your peace will go and rest on him; if not, it will come back to you”.
Therefore, we have to be harbingers of peace. Our work is to promote peace. The gospel that we preach is not only in what we write or talk but in what we do.
Therefore, when people encounter us, they have to encounter light, peace, joy, holiness etc. Working for God is done also through the life we live.
If we are truly sons of God, then we have to become the same to people that we encounter. Let us be that living gospel that brings people back to God.
May God bless you dearest and May He never forsake you. Amen