Breakfast with the Word Tuesday First Week of Lent
Our Father is a prayer that almost every catholic knows how to pray. In every prayer of the church, there must be a time to say “our father”.
The gospel today shows us that this is not just a prayer but a way Jesus teaches us how to pray.
In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus teaches His apostles the need not to advertise their piety or prayerful life to attract unnecessary attention or to babble as the Pharisees do.
He then says “you should pray like this”. Then comes “Our father”. Jesus’ first statement means a lot if we can fully understand that.
To teach His apostles how to pray, Jesus begins with the phrase “Our father”. This has a lot of messages to communicate with us.
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We have to know This.
One important message we have to know is that in every prayer we say, God is wholly involved. Hence, prayer is the communication between us and God. The use of the word “our” denotes possession. It is a word someone uses to indicate what belongs to him/her.
This means that the prayer we say is also a recognition of what God means to us. We pray to God not necessarily because of what we are to gain or lose, but we pray to God as His children.
“Father” here indicates that we come from Him. Using our earthly fathers as an analogy, we share the same bloodline with them and proceeds from them. To call God our Father is an affirmation that He is our Father. We share in His image and likeness. Therefore, we have to be taking Him as a Father.
Jesus’ use of “Our Father” means that there must be truly a close relationship between us and God. This relationship should be a relationship between Father and Son, or Father and daughter. When we understand this, we will not even find it difficult to communicate with God day and night.
If God is the Father.
1. If God is then our father as we pray, we have to develop a strong faith that He sees us as His children. No father can abandon His child. So, God can never abandon us.
We have to be continually certain that we are protected in His hands. This reveals the importance of faith. Faith is like an oil when we pray.
This is because God does not fail in His promises. His promises for His children will always come to pass (Joshua 21:45). If God cannot fail, then why do we lose faith in Him as if the reason we only go to God is because of the gain?
“Our Father” indicates that our relationship with God should not be conditioned by “if He works or not works”. The truth is that God allows things to happen to show His power and how He so much loves us. But we easily lose hope even before He could. He may allow a problem to come and even reign as if it will not stop, then He shows up when you least expect.
2. If God is our Father, we have to go in the presence of the Father always, persistently and every time.
We should not treat prayers as if it is a burden. There should be this inner joy to approach the divine throne of the Father. Have you seen that we neglect God so much because we hardly have a single time for Him?
3. If God is our Father, and we know He is, we should treat Him with respect. So, we do not go in His presence and yet we are busy on social media. This is when we come in His presence and also busy chatting on the social media. This is not prayer. We do this because we see prayer as a waste of time, or something mechanical. When we do this, we show a lack of respect to God.
Also, we do not go to church only to make noise from the beginning to the end.
Do we go in His presence because others are going, or do we go because we truly believe that we are in the presence of the Father? Therefore, If God is the Father, our prayers to Him must be done respectfully and with humility. We should not rush the prayers.
4. To see God as a loving father is already an indication that He sees you as a loving Child. Hence, we have to be assured of His love despite how hard life seems to be. Our attitude should be that “Hardship will not tell me how to worship my God’. But today, we allow difficulties to dictate how our relationship with God will be.
5. If God is truly a loving Father to us, then we have to go to God with this full assurance that He will answer our prayers. Therefore, we do not have to go in the presence of God with an already defeated or negative mind. Also, we do not see God as one who is deaf and heart hardened.
Some people will say; let me try God. Does it mean He is only an option in your life? As a father, we are supposed to let Him know everything that happens to us from the beginning. So, we should not treat God as an option, but as a Father He is.
Therefore, as our Father, He should know everything. He should know the beginning and the end. He should know when we began and when we stopped. We have to update Him often. Before, we do anything, He must be the first to know it. Let us stop treating God as an option.
If God is our father, we do not remember Him only when the situation becomes hard. He must be aware of all the plans that we make.
May God bless you and give us the grace to understand how close He is to us. May He never allow you to stumble. Amen.
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Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Fr Sanctus.Amen to all our prayers this solemn period in God be our guide..Amen
Oh God forgive me for treating you as an option and Empower me to believe.accepted and respected you as a Loveable Father
Thank you Fr.
Our father in heaven, hold me closer to you. Amen
Amen, Oh Lord, please help me to know and love you better.
Good morning Padre
I thank you Lord for your Faithfulness to me.
Amen, remain blessed Fr., to the glory of God
A resounding Aman.
My God listen to my suplication.
Amen thanks Padre
Amen 🙏
Amen. Remain blessed, father.
Oh Lord, please forgive my sins against You and grant me grace to place You first in all things (Amen)
May God bless his word in our hearts through Christ our Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you my loving father for all you do for my family and I. Never allow a moment pass me by without having recourse to you through Christ our Lord Amen
Lord give me the grace to remember you in both difficult and happy moments of my life. Amen
Amen! Thank you father for this words of encouragement.
Amen! & Amen! Thanks and God bless you too Fr.
Amennnoooo! Thank you Daddy.b I love you so my God. Pardon me for the way I have been disrespecting you Lord for I will learn from my mistake in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Lord make us to put our trust in you. And not to see our fellow man as God because he does miracles. Amen
Amen. Lord give me the grace to build a strong relationship with You.
Amen and Amen
Amen thanks Padre
Lord Jesus, You’ve taught me that Prayer is the inner engine that I need in order to keep going. You Yourself prayed at different occasions.
My Father and my God, please accept my prayer of praise and adoration. I give You my agenda, my time and my heart. Let Your will, not mine, be done. Teach me how to pray. with utmost respect, devotion and trust. Tell me what to do, where to go, and how to speak. Help me to forgive all who have offended me. Amen! Thanks a million, Padre! O ga-adiririri gi na mma!
Amen Fr
Amen. Thank you Padré
Amen. Hold my strong so that I may never fall.
God bless you father
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Amen! Thank you Padre.
Thank you Padre
Remain Blessed 🌹🙏
Amen, remain blessed Fr to the glory of God’s name, Amen
Amen 🙏
Thank you father for the breakfast of the word that remind us that we must always confide to our in every instance in jesus name amen🙏
I thank God for His Breakfast today. I pray that through His Grace, I will be able to see Him as a father and not as an option in everyday of my life and may I be able to create a more close relationship with Him through prayers……………. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen, thanks Padre
Amennnnnnn and Amennnnnnn and Amennnnnnn. Thanks Padre
Amen, may God almighty give us the grace to pray always
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
My Father and God, have mercy on me and grant me the grave to live my life entirely for you and increase my faith in you that I won’t see you as an option through Christ our Lord, AMEN!
Amen , Lord please keep us strengthen always .
Amen. With this I now know why I always forget night prayer though after praying all through the day. God please forgive me but keep reminding me,U know how to get my attention,use any means.
Give me the grace to follow you all the days of my life and not to stumble Amen.
Lord, please help me to seek you at all times, even when it seems irrelevant… Amen
Amen and Amen oooooo
Amen. Thanks a lot Fr., May God continue to enrich you with His Divine wisdom and continue to order your footsteps towards His Divine will through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Amede Collinswest New member. Day 6. DONE.
Thank you Jesus for making me your daughter 🕯🙏
Amen 🙏
Amen! Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Padre
Amen Fr
Amen and Amen 🙏
Amen 🙏.