
Kingsley Okoro
- 346 posts
Kingsley Okoro is lover of God's word, Our mother Mary and the catholic teachings and articles. He draws His inspiration to write from the help of the Holy Spirit. He is graduate of Applied Biology and Biotechnology from Enugu state university. He is also a website developer and also a graphic designer. He hails from Enugu state Nigeria.
Breakfast with the Word Monday Second Week Ordinary Time of The Year
Seeking The Most Important Treasure. Feast of Michael Iwene Tansi
Breakfast with the Word Feast of Blessed Cyprian Iwene Tansi
Breakfast with the Word 4th January: Come and See: A Call to Come closer to Jesus Christ
When someone says "come and see things for yourself", it means the person wants you to have a one and one encounter with him. He…
Breakfast with the Word January 3rd: Pointing People to Jesus Christ
After the next day, when some of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist who he was, Joh
Breakfast with the Word 2nd January: Always Know Who You Are
There is always this natural inclination to be what we are not.
When We lose the reverence for the Spiritual. Monday 3rd week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Monday 3rd week of Advent
When You are Weary and Overburdened. Wednesday 2nd week Advent
Breakfast with the Word Wednesday Second Week of Advent
He hates No Soul. Tuesday Second Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Tuesday Second Week of Advent Year C
Novena prayer to Angel Gabriel, asking for his intercession and guidance for academic success
Angel of illumination and revelation, Help me grasp the depth and breadth of my subjects.
The Harvest is Rich. Saturday First Week of Advent
Breakfast With the Word Saturday First Week of Advent
Do You Believe I Can Do This?Friday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Friday First Week of Advent
When Jesus is the Foundation.Thursday First Week of Advent
Breakfast with the Word Thursday First Week of Advent
Let Nothing Stop You : Breakfast with the Word Thursday 30th week
Breakfast with the Word Thursday 30th week in Ordinary Time
Enter Through the Narrow Door. Wednesday 30th Week
Breakfast With the Word Wednesday 30th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
The Journey of a Small Beginning: Tuesday 30th Week Ordinary Time
Breakfast With the Word Tuesday 30th Week Ordinary Time Year B