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Breakfast with the Word is a daily food of the soul through the Word of God. Here you will find daily reflections every morning to feed the soul. Just as the body needs food, the soul also needs food. Here we feed the soul every day with the word of God. Our topics come from the Catholic Liturgical readings of the day.
Breakfast with the Word Friday 26th Week Ordinary Time of the Year C
Working for God: What We need to do. Thursday 26th Week
Breakfast with the Word Thursday 26th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
The Guardian Angels and How to Relate with them.Breakfast with the word
Breakfast with the Word. Memorial of The Guardian Angels
Mary As Our Queen. Our Lady, Queen and Patroness of Nigeria
Breakfast With the Word Our Lady, Queen and Patroness of Nigeria
The Way to be Great through Discipleship. Monday 26th Week
Breakfast With the Word Monday 26th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Suffering Can Be Part of The Destiny. Saturday 25th Week
Breakfast With the Word Saturday 25th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Who does the Crowd say I am? Friday 25th Week Ordinary Time
Breakfast with the Word Friday 25th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B