Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

July 21 The Feast Day of St. Aloysius Gonzaga: A Saint for Young People


Today July 21 is the Feast Day of St. Aloysius Gonzaga: A Saint for Young People


St. Aloysius Gonzaga was an Italian nobleman who lived a short but impactful life. Born in 1568, he was raised to be a soldier, but illness led him on a different path. Aloysius felt a calling to God and the priesthood. Against his father’s wishes, he joined the Jesuits at 18, giving up his inheritance.


Aloysius was known for his devotion to his studies and his care for others. He became a teacher and helped the poor. When a plague struck Rome in 1591, Aloysius volunteered to care for the sick, despite the risk. Sadly, he contracted the illness himself and died at the young age of 23.


**Lessons from St. Aloysius Gonzaga**



1.Follow your calling: Aloysius listened to his inner voice and pursued a life dedicated to God, even if it meant disappointing his family.


2. Education matters: Aloysius valued education and used his knowledge to help others.


3. Help those in need: Aloysius showed compassion by teaching the poor and caring for the sick during the plague.


4. Courage in the face of difficulty: Aloysius bravely risked his life to help others during a dangerous time.

5. Live a life of purpose: Despite his short life, Aloysius made a significant impact through his faith and service to others.


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