Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help for Different Intentions


Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help for Different Intentions


“Dear Mother Mary of Perpetual Help,

In this time of difficulty and trouble, I turn to you, the mother who always hears and understands. You are the one who offers comfort and refuge to those in need.


In the midst of my challenges, I ask for your intercession and guidance. Help me to find strength and courage to face these difficulties with trust and hope. Like you, Mother Mary, may I have unwavering faith in God’s plan for me.


Please bring my intentions before the throne of your Son, Jesus. Ask Him to hear my prayers and grant me the grace to overcome these troubles. Help me to remember that, with God’s grace, nothing is impossible.


Mother Mary, you have always been known as the Help of Christians. I humbly ask for your help and protection in my time of need. I trust that you will intercede for me and bring my petitions to God.


Please wrap me in your loving embrace, Mother Mary, and guide me through these challenges. Help me to persevere in faith, hope, and love. And when these difficulties have passed, may I forever be grateful for your intercession and never stop praising your name.


Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.




  1. Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help seeking for Child Birth or Conception


“O Most Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, I come before you with a humble and contrite heart, seeking your intercession and guidance.


You know the desires of my heart, and you understand the longing within me to conceive and give birth to a child, to experience the joy and miracle of motherhood.


I come to you, dear Mother Mary, knowing that you are the Mother of all, full of compassion and love. I ask for your help and intercession to obtain the gift of fertility and a healthy conception.


Please present my prayers and intentions to your Son, Jesus, asking Him to bless me with the ability to conceive,

to grant me the precious gift of a child,

in accordance with His Divine Will.


Mother Mary, you who experienced the miracle of the Immaculate Conception,

help me to trust in God’s perfect timing and plan. Please guide me on this journey,

and bring comfort to my heart during times of uncertainty.


I place my faith and hope in you, Mother Mary, trusting in your motherly care and protection.

May your love and grace surround me, as I await the blessing of new life.


Mother of Perpetual Help, I ask for your prayers and intercession,

that I may experience the joy of motherhood, and raise a child in faith and love.


I promise to honor you and spread devotion to you, and to be a loving and devoted mother to my child, teaching them to love and follow your Son, Jesus.


Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, hear my prayers, and grant me this request,

if it is God’s holy will. I trust in your powerful intercession and know that with you, all things are possible. 




  1. Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Times of Pregnancy


O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, I come before you with a grateful and joyful heart, as I carry new life within me. I humbly ask for your intercession and protection

during this precious time of pregnancy.


You who bore the Son of God in your womb, understand the joys and challenges of carrying a child. I entrust myself and my baby to your loving care, knowing that you are the Mother of all mothers.


Mary, full of grace, please intercede for me and my unborn child. Protect us from all harm, physical and spiritual, and surround us with your mantle of love.


As you watched over Jesus from His conception to birth, watch over us with your motherly gaze.

Guide us safely through each trimester, as our baby grows and develops within me.



Please pray for the health and well-being of my baby, that he may grow strong and healthy in body and spirit. Grant me the strength and patience to endure any discomfort

or challenges that may arise during this pregnancy. During the time of my delivery, pray for me that I may have a safe delivery. 


Mary, I ask for your guidance and wisdom as I make decisions regarding the well-being of my child. Help me to always seek what is best for them, and to trust in God’s plan for their life. 

I also pray for all mothers-to-be, that they may experience the joy and wonder of pregnancy,

and that they may always feel supported and loved.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, be with me as I journey through this pregnancy.

Teach me to be a loving and nurturing mother, following your example of selflessness and devotion.


I place my trust in your motherly care, knowing that you will always be there for me

and for my child. Amen.”


4.Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help for Marital Settlement and Seeking for A Spouse


“Dear Mother Mary,

I come before you with a humble and longing heart, seeking your intercession and guidance in my search for marital settlement and the perfect spouse. You are the epitome of love, grace, and strength, and I believe in your endless compassion and wisdom.


Please pray for me and intercede on my behalf, that I may find a loving and compatible partner who will support and cherish me as we journey through life together. Guide my steps and lead me to the right person, someone who will bring joy, love, and harmony into my life. Mother Mary, you know the desires of my heart and the qualities I seek in a spouse. I trust in your divine intervention to bring this prayer before your Son, Jesus. Soften my heart and open my eyes to recognize and embrace the person whom God has prepared for me.


Grant me patience, faith, and hope during this waiting period. Help me to surrender my worries and insecurities into your caring hands. May your comforting presence be with me as I navigate this process, reminding me that God’s timing is perfect. 


Mother Mary, I also pray for those who are already married but facing difficulties or seeking reconciliation. Pour your love and healing into their hearts and guide them towards harmony, forgiveness, and understanding. Bless their union with a renewed sense of commitment and love.


I commit these prayers to you, Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, knowing that you will intercede for me and all who seek your assistance. Thank you for your love, protection, and blessings. Amen.”


  1. Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help For Family Peace


“Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, we come before you today seeking your intercession for peace within our family. You are known for your compassion, love, and understanding. We humbly ask that you extend your motherly protection to our family and guide us towards harmony and unity.


Help us to let go of any resentments or misunderstandings that may exist amongst us. Grant us the humility to forgive one another and to seek reconciliation. Strengthen the bonds of love and respect between family members, and remove any division or strife that may be present.


We ask for your guidance and wisdom in resolving conflicts and disagreements. Help us to communicate effectively and with kindness, so that we may understand one another’s needs and find peaceful solutions to our problems.


Mary, you who are the example of patience and perseverance, help us to be patient with one another and to never lose hope in the power of love to heal and transform. Protect us from any external influences that may harm our family unity and keep us steadfast in our commitment to one another.


We trust in your motherly care, Mary, and we thank you for the peace that you will bring to our family. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”


  1. Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help for Healing and Restoration of Health


“Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, loving mother and compassionate healer, we turn to you in our time of need. You are known for your intercessory power and your ability to bring comfort to those who are suffering. Today, we come before you humbly and ask for your healing touch upon us.


Dear Lord,  [ mention Name(s) of person(s) or (you)] in need of healing] is/are, I am,  facing health challenges that are causing me (him, her, them) pain and distress. We ask that you place your gentle hands upon me (him, her, them)  and bring forth your miraculous healing power. Surround me (him, her, them) with your love and envelop me (him, her, them) with your comforting presence.


Mother Mary, we know that you understand our pain and suffering, for you too witnessed the difficulties and anguish faced by your Son, Jesus. We ask for your intercession to our Lord, that I (He, She, they )  may restore strength, health, and complete well-being to me or (mention your name or their Name(s)].


Grant me (him, her, them) the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing they need. Help me, (him, her, them) to find peace amidst their pain and hope amidst their struggles. Guide me, (him, her, them) towards the right treatments, skilled healthcare professionals, and the necessary support system.


 Mother Mary, we ask that you restore their health and bring forth a renewal of vitality. May they experience your compassionate presence and experience the power of your intercession.


We also pray for the well-being and strength of their caregivers. Grant them patience, resilience, and compassion as they support and care for their loved one(s). Give them the wisdom to make the right decisions and the strength to persevere during difficult moments.


We entrust ourselves and our prayers to your intercession, Mother Mary of Perpetual Help. May your love and healing bring transformation and restoration to us and to [Name(s)] and all those who are in need of healing. We offer this prayer in faith and with gratitude. Amen.”


7.Prayer to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help for Good Luck


“Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, most gracious and loving mother, we come before you seeking your assistance and blessing. You are known for your unwavering support, guidance, and intercession. Today, we humbly ask for your help in attracting good luck into our lives.


Mother Mary, we recognize that luck is not solely dependent on chance but also on divine providence. We ask for your intercession to our Lord, that He may bless us with good fortune and favorable opportunities. Guide us towards the path of success and bless our endeavors with fruitful outcomes.


Grant us the strength and wisdom to recognize and seize the opportunities that come our way. Remove any obstacles, doubts, or hesitations that may hinder our progress. Fill our hearts with faith, hope, and positivity, so that we may attract abundance and prosperity into every aspect of our lives.


Mother Mary, you know the desires and dreams that lie within our hearts. We ask that you intercede on our behalf, presenting our intentions to your Son, Jesus. Pray for us that we may receive the favor and blessings needed for our success and happiness.


Help us to cultivate a grateful spirit and to always remain mindful of the gifts we receive. May good luck be a testament to your loving care and the benevolence of our Heavenly Father. Let it inspire us to share our blessings and bring joy to others.


Mother Mary, we trust in your motherly love and your powerful intercession. May your guidance and protection always be with us as we journey through life. We offer this prayer with sincerity and gratitude, knowing that you will always be there to help us. Amen.”


  1. Eze Sopuluchukwu perpetua says


  2. Dinmah Lucy says


    1. Cecilia Christopher says

      Amen 🙏🙌🙏

  3. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen mother of perpetual help pray for us.

  4. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    A thunderous Amen

  5. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen. Our Mother Mary of Perpetual help, pray for us.

  6. Ifesinachi Okeke says


  7. Ifesinachi Okeke says

    Amen 🙏

  8. Esimekara Nnenna says


  9. Mirabel Ogochukwu says


  10. Mirabel Ogochukwu says


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