Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections



The novena to Saint Jude begins on the 19th day of every month of October. The feast of Saint Jude comes up on every 28th of October.


Saint Jude, is popularly known  as Thaddeus. He is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He is believed to have written the Letter of Jude, one of the shortest books of the Bible.


Saint Jude is also known as the saint of impossible, desperate and hopeless cases. The novena is a very powerful novena. So many testimonies have been attributed to the powerful intercession of Saint Jude.


You can join us in the nine days novena. You can say it with the October devotion, or say it alone.

1. Firstly send your prayer requests and mass Intentions directed to Saint Jude.

Write like this “through your powerful Intercession Saint Jude, I believe that my request on ( write the intentions) will be granted.


You can use the email to send your intentions. We use the direct email so that I can be able to send a reply to you.

Put your name

WhatsApp number and


Home of Victory group.

Send your intentions to

Tap on the email or copy and send your intentions.

If you find it hard to send through email feel free to send me a message through the WhatsApp.

Use the 3123262795 FIrst Bank for the mass stipend. You can offer whatever you want.


2. Use the links below and download the booklets of the Novena to Saint Jude. We pray and hope for a fruitful Novena.


Download The Booklet Here





  1. Chisom Egwudike says

    Praying and hoping for a fruitful novena. Amen!

  2. Dorathy Ezeora No 180 says

    No 1. Exo. 17: 8 – 13
    No 2 false
    No 3 true
    No 4. Disciple
    No 6. Eliphaz, bildad and zophar
    No 5. Saul and Absolam
    No. 7.Amalekits
    No. 8 Rephidim
    No. 9 Heb. 11:6
    No.10 11
    No. 11 persistent widow
    No. 12. Several times

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