- Do not answer twice, submit once
- Check your spellings before you answer
- First to answer correctly wins.
- If you fail more than 3 questions you are disqualified for the second round
- Use the reply section to answer correctly
- Answer in this way:
A. Peter. B. Paul C. John, D. Jesus Christ E. Blessed Virgin Mary. Then submit at once through the reply section
A. True or false, Originally, Pentecost as a feast has nothing to do with the coming of the Holy Spirit?
B. True or false? The church cannot celebrate any sacrament without the invocation of the Holy Spirit?
C. The Hebrew word for Pentecost is called what?
D. Literally, the word Pentecost means what?
E. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, You shall receive Power. Quote?
F. True or false the Holy Mass is celebrated on Good Friday?
G. True or false, the Holy Spirit makes us living witnesses.
H. The Hebrew word for the Breath of God is called?
I. Apart from Judas Iscariot, which of the apostles was not present on the day of Pentecost?
J. True or false Immediately after the ascension of Jesus, the apostles waited for nine days before going to the upper room?
You can use the reply section and answer. Good Luck
A. Judaea. B. Herod Antiphas. C. No, High Priest. D. Malchus. E. Sacrifice. F. False.
A. true
B. True
C. Shauvot
D. Fiftieth
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All were present
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, you passed for the final round. Congrats
C. Shavout
D.Feast day
H. Ruach
I. Thomas
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no.D, E and I but passed for the final round. Congrats
A. True B. True. C. Shavuot. D. Harvest of Barley and Shavuot E. Act 1:8 F. True G. True. H. Ruah I. Peter J. False
A. True B. True C. Shavuot D. Harvest of Barley and Shavuot now solemnity of descent of the Holy Spirit . E. Act 1:8. F. True G. True H. Ruah I. Peter J. False
A.false,B.true,C.Hag shavout,D.fifieth, shall be my witness,tell people about me everywhere,F.false,G.true,H.Ruach,I.Matthias,J.false.
A. False B. False C. Shavuot D. Descent of the Holy Spirit on disciples of Jesus after his Ascension. E. Acts 1:8 F. False G.True H. Ruach I. Thomas J. False
From Sophie Omondi.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, B,D, and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A.True B.True C.Shavout D.Fifieth day E.Acts 1:8 F.False G.True H.Rauch I.Mathias J.False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None, all the Apostles were present
J. False
A. False
B. False
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth
E. Act 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. Peter
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Passover of the first fruits. Wheat of harvest. Feast of weeks.
E. Acts 5
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None
J. False
A. Roman province of Judea. B. Herod Antipas. C. No, he was Jewish high priest. D. Malchus. E. It signifies Idiocy. F. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
E. Acts 1vs 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Timothy
J. False
A. True
B. True
D. Weeks
E.Luke 24:49
F. False
A. False. B. False. C. Shavuot. D. Jewish festival of Shavuot. E. Telling people about me every were in Jerusalem. F. False. G. True. H. Ruach. I. Matthias. J. True. K.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, B,D, E, I and J . you are not allowed for the final round.
Oh I missed the Quiz😓😓.
C: Shavuot
D: literally Pentecost was Jewish feast Shavuot meaning feast of weeks
E:”You shall receive Spiritual power and anointing of the Holy Spirit” Acts 5:12_32
A. False
B. True
D. 50
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. None
1. True
2. True
3. Shavuot
4. An agricultural festival.
5. Acts 1:8
6. False
7. True
8. Ruah
9. None
10. False.
Chinwendu Alice Chukwudi No 14, Home of Victory 12
A) True
B) True
C) Fiftieth day
D) First fruit or Feast of week
E) John 14 vs 26
F) False
G) True
H) Paraclete
I) None
J) False
A. True B. True. C.
D. Fifty. E. Acts1: 18 F. False G. True
H. Locus I. None. J. False
A. True
B. False
C. Shavuot
D. 50 days after Easter
E. Acts of Apostles 1 vs 8
F. Yes
G. Yes
H. Ruach
I. Thomas
J. Fifty days
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, F,I, and J. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth Day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Rush
I. None (I.e the remaining 11 apostles were all present).
J. False.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot meaning Weeks
D. Fiftieth day
E. In Acts 1:8 Jesus promises the apostles that when the holy spirit comes on the apostles, they shall receive power
F. False
G. True
H. Wind
I. All were present expect Judas Iscariot
J. False
1) True
3) Shavuot
4) Jewish feast day
5) false
6) false
9) false
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 2, 4,5, 8 . you are not allowed for the final round.
A. False. BTrue C. Shavuot. D. The coming of the holy spirit E. Act1VS8. F. False . G. True. H. Reach. I.None was absent . J. false.
A. True B. True C. Shavuot D. Fiftieth day E. Acts 1:8 F. False G. True H. Ruah J. True
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot meaning “weeks”
D. Fiftieth day or seven full weeks
E. Act 1:8 But when the Holy spirit comes upon you, you shall receive power,and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all judea and samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None was absent, all eleven was present
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, you passed for the final round. Congrats
A.. True
C… Shavuot meaning weeks
D ..the fiftieth day
E…..Acts 1,8
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Feast of weeks
E. Acts 1 vs 8
F. False
G . True
H. Shavout
I. All were present
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Hag Shavuot
D. Pentecost literally means 50
E. Acts chapter 1 verse 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. Thomas
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. weeks
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None.
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D but passed for the final round. Congrats
A. True
D.Weeks or Feast of Weeks
E.John 14:23-26
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D, E but passed for the final round
1 True
3 shavuot
4 Descent of the holy spirit
5 Acts 1v8
7 True
8 Ruach
9 mother mary
10 False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 4, and 9 but passed for the final round
A.True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. Fiftieth Day. E. Jesus Christ. F. False. G. True. H. Ruach. I. Thomas. J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. E and I but passed for the final round. Congrats
A True
B True
C Shavuot
D Feast of weeks
G True
H Ruah
J False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D, E and I but passed for the final round. Congrats
A True
B Truue
C Shavuot
D fiftieth
F False
G True
J True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. E and H, I and J. You are not allowed for the final round.
A) True
B) False
C) Shavuot
D) Fiftieth
E) Acts 1:8
G) True
H) Ruah
I) None of the Apostles
J) false
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. B but passed for the final round. Congrats
Thank you Padre.
Please I need the link to continue
A.True B.true C.shavuot D.feast of weeks E. You shall receive power to preach the gospel
F.true G.true H.
I. J.false
You failed D, E, F, , H, and I, You are not allowed to participate in the final round.
A : True
B : True
C : Shavuot
D : The feast of weeks
E : Act 1:8
F : False.
G: True.
H : Ruah.
I: No one was absent apart from Judas
J : False.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D but passed for the final round. Congrats
C. Shavout
D.Feast day
H. Ruach
I. Thomas
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D, E and I but passed for the final round. Congrats
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
E. Acts 1vs 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Timothy
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D and I but passed for the final round. Congrats
A ,false
B, false
C, pentikost
D, feast of weeks
J, false
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, B,C, D, E, F, H. You are not allowed to participate for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Pentecost means the fiftieth day after easter, the day the holy spirit descended on the apostles causing them to speak in tongues
E. Act 1vs 8
F. False
H. Ruach
I. None
J. True
A True
B False
C Ashvot
D Feast week
E acts 12:1-2
F False
G True
H Wind
I Matthias
J True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. B, C,D, E, H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. False b. True c. Pentecostal d. 50 days from Easter or agriculture harvest e. Jesus f.true g. True h. Rua I. Thomas j. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, C,E, F, and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Matthias
J. True
1. True
2. True
4. The coming
6. False
7. True
9. Non
10. True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 3, 4,8, 9, 10 . you are not allowed for the final round.
A true
B true
C Shavuot
D weeks
F false
G true
I Thomas
J true
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D, I,J, H . you are not allowed for the final round.
A.True B. TRUE C.shavaut D.fifty(50) E.John F.FALSE G. TRUE H. RU’Ak Adonai
I.None. J.False
A: False
B. True C. Hag Shavuot. D.”50″ E. Acts 1:8
F. True
G. True H.The spirit or Ruach
I. Thomas
A: False
C: Shavuot
D:. The day the holy spirit descended on the apostle (50 days after easter)
E:Act of the apostle chapter 1:8
F: True
G: True
H: Ruach
I: Thomas
J: false
A. True B.true C.shavuot D. Feast of the wheat harvest. E. F. false. G.True. H. Ruah. I. No other apostle was absent asides judas who was replaced by mathias J. False
E. ACTS 1:8
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. B, C,H, and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. False
B. True.
C. Shavuot
D. 50
E. Acts 1:8 “But when the holy spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me I’m Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
F. False
G. True.
H. Ruach
I. Thomas.
J. False.
A) True
C) Shavuot
D)The fiftieth day after Passover( or the feast of weeks)
E)Acts of the Apostles 1:8
I)St Matthias
A. True B. True C. Shavout D. The fiftieth day E. Acts 1:8 F. False G. True H. Ruach I.
None J. True
A True
B True
C Shavuot
D 50th day
E Acts 1vs 8
F False
G True
H Ruah
I None
J False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The fiftieth day
E. Acts 5: 12-32
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Thomas
J. False
A, True; B, True; C, Shavuot; D, 50; E, Acts 1:8; F, False; G, True; H, Ruach; I, Thomas; J, False
Good evening Fr. Please am I eligible for the final round.
A.False. B. True. C.shavuot D. 50 E. F. FALSE G.True. H. Ruach I. Matthias J.False.
These are my answers to the quiz
A. True
C. Shavout
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Rush
I. Thomas
J. False
A. True, B. True, C. Shavuot. D. Pentecost means”weeks”. it’s know as the feast of weeks. E. Jesus in Luke 24:49. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. All except Judas, J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot, feast of the first fruit
D. Feast of weeks
E. Acts 1:8
F. false
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Only Judas was absent
J. False
A. true.
B. True
D. Feast of Thanksgiving celebrated 59 days afte r Passover..
E. John 20 vs 19 to 23
F. False.
G. True.
I. None.
J. False.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. C,D, E, H you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True, B.True, C. Shavuot, D. Feast of weeks, E. You receive inner ability to live in a Godly manner, F. False, G.True, H. Ruah, I. Peter, J. True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D,E, I, and J. you are not allowed for the final round.
A True
B True
C Shavout
D Fifthiet day
E Acts1:8
F False
G True
H Rush
I Mathias
J False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts. 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All were present except Judas.
J. False
A-True, B-True,C-Shavuot,D-Feast of weeks,E-Acts 1:8,F-False,G-True,H-Wind,I-None,J-False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The Fiftieth Day
E. Jesus
F. False
G. True
H. Rush
I. None the Apostles are present in the upper room, Mathias was Judas replacement
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. 50
E. Acts 1 vs 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. Matthias
A. True
B. True
C shavout
D. Weeks
E. Act 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Thomas
J. False
A true
B true
C Shavuot
D coming of the holy Spirit
E it is because holy Spirit will come as a person to posses u
F False
G true
H ruack
I James
J true
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D,E,H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth (50th)
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Matthew
J. False
E. ACTS 1:8
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. B, C, H and J. you are not allowed for the final round.
A True
B False
C Shavuot
D Feasts week
E Acts 1:8
F False
G True
H Ruah
I Matthias
J True
A :True
B : True
C : shavout
D : fiftieth
E: Acts chapter 1 verse 8
F: False
G: True
H: Ruah
I: None
J: false
A. True
B. True
E. (Acts 1:8) by Jesus Christ
F. False
I. None, all was present.
J. False
A True
B True
C Shavuot
D Feast of Weeks (Fiftieth Day or 7 weeks after Passover
E Acts 1:8
F False
G True
H Ruah
I None ( They were all present)
J False
1. False
2. True
3. Shavout
4. 50
5. Act 1:8
6. False.
7. True
8. Ruah or Ruach
9. None
10. False
A) True
B) True
C) Shavuot
D) feast of weeks
E) Acts 1:8
F) False
G) True
H) Ruach Elohim
I) Thomas
J) False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Feast of weeks (harvest festival)
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Paul
J. False
C-Hag Shavuot(festival of the week)
D-fifty(50)days after Easter
E-Act of Apostle 1vs 8
G-True(it makes us witness of hope)
H- Ruach
I- Thomas
A: false,
B: true
C: conclusion
D:50th day after Easter
E: acts 1:8
F: false
G: true
H: the spirit
I: Thomas
J: false.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, C, H and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A true
B true
C Shavuot
D coming of the holy Spirit
E it is because the holy Spirit is a person and it will posses u
F False
G true
H ruach
I James
J true
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D,E,and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
E)Acts 1vs 8
F) false
A. True B. True C. Shavout D. Fiftieth day E.Act1:8 F. False G.True H. Ruach I. Thomas J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Feast of the weeks
E. Act: 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Paul
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. None
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The Fiftieth Day
E. Jesus
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None they are all present
J. False
A. True B. True C. Shavuot D. Harvest of Barley and Shavuot now solemnity of descent of the Holy Spirit . E. Act 1:8. F. True G. True H. Ruah I. Peter J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth day
E. and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.(from good news Bible)
F. True
G. True
H. Ruach
I. He was the only one not present and was replaced by Mathias
J. False
Good evening father, please you didn’t attend to my answers.
A. True
B. True
C. Sharuot
D. Fiftieth Day
E. Acts 1: 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Thomas
J. False
D.the fiftieth day
F. False
I.none they are all present
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Weeks
F. false
G. True
H Ruah
I Mattias
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot meaning “weeks”
D. Fiftieth day or seven full weeks
E. Acts 1:8 but when the Holy spirit comes upon you,you will be filled with power,and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem,in all judea and samaria, and to the ends of the earth
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. NONE ,The Eleven apostle were presence except judas Iscariot
J. False
Question 1 -True
Question B: False they can celebrate
Question C: shevuoc
Question D: Fulfilment of Jesus Christ promise to his disciples
Question E: Jesus Christ to his disciples in the book of Acts 1vs 7
Question F: True
Question G: True ( according to Act 1 vs 6-8)
Question H: Milk( all was around apart from him)
Question I: Ruach
Question J: False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 2, C,D, E,F, H . you are not allowed for the final round.
C: Shavuot
D: literally Pentecost was Jewish feast Shavuot meaning feast of weeks
E:”You shall receive Spiritual power and anointing of the Holy Spirit” Acts 5:12_32
D.the fiftieth day
F. False
A. True.
B. True.
C. Shavuout.
D. Fiftieth Day( feast of weeks).
E. You shall receive power and anointing
of the holy spirit.
F. True.
G. True.
H. Ruah.
I. Thomas.
J. True.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. E, F, and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
D.the fiftieth day
E.quoted by Jesus
F. False
A: True
B: True
C: shauvot
D: fiftieth.
E: Acts : 1:8
F: false
G: True
H: Ruah
I: All were present
J: false.
A: True
C: Shavuot
D: fiftieth day
E: In acts 1:8 when the Holy Spirit came on the apostles they received great power and anointing from God
G: True
I: Thomas
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot meaning weeks
D. Fiftieth day
E. Yes, in Act 1:8, Jesus promises the apostles that when the holy ghost comes on the apostles, they shall receive power
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Thomas
J. False
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot
D. Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. E. Yes F. False. G. True
H. Ruah I. Thomas the twin
J. False
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. Feast of weeks. E. You shall receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem throughout judea, in samaria and to the ends of the earth. F. False. G. True. H. Ruach. I. Thomas. J. False
A. False
B. False
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth
E. Act 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. Peter
J. False
A. True B. True C. Shavuot D. Feast of weeks E. In Acts 1:8 Jesus promises the apostles that when the Holy spirit comes on the apostles they shall receive power. And when the Holy spirit came on the apostles they received great power and anointing from God. F. False G.True H. The Mighty Wind. I. Everyother apostles were present on the day of pentecost. J. False .
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The Fiftieth Day
E. Quoted by Jesus
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All the Apostles are present
J. False
A. False
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth
E. Act 1:8
F. No
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None
J. False
A) False
C)Hag Shavuot
D)50 days after Easter
E)Acts 1:8
F) False
G) True
H) Ruach
I) Thomos
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The 50th day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. None
J. True
A true,
B false, C atzeret,
D pentecost is the celebrating the descent of the holy spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension,,
F false,
G false,
H ruach,
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. B, C,D, G, and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A- True
B- True
C- Shavuot
D- Fiftieth day after Easter celebration
E- Acts 1:8…. But you shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall e witnesses to me and Samaria and to the end of the earth.
F- False
G- True
H- Ruach
I- Thomas
J- False
A. False
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth
E. Act 1:8
F. No
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None
J. False
B. True
D.feast of weeks
F. False
H. 🤔
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D,E, H and and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A- False
B- True
C- Shavout
D- The fiftieth day
E- Fr. Sanctus Mario on breakfast of word for pentecost sunday said that “when the Holy Spirit comes upon you there is always an effect.”
F- False
G- True
H- Ruah
I- Thomas
J- False
A. True
B. True
C Shavuot
D 50
E ACT :1:8
F False
G True
H Ruach
I none
J false
A: True
B: True
C: shauvot
D: Fiftieth
E: Acts 1:8
F: false
G: True
H: Ruah
I: all were present
A) False
C) Shavuot
D) Fifty days after Easter
E) Acts chapter 1 verse 8
F) False
G) True
H) Ruach
I) None
J) False
A. False
B. True
C. Fiftieth
D. 50 days after Easter
E. And you will be my witness and tell people about me everywhere, Jerusalem.
F. False
G. Nephesh
G. True
H. All the disciples were present on the day of Pentecost.
I. False.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A,E, G, H . you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True B. True C. Ḥag Shavuot D. Our Pouring of the Holy Spirit E.Act 1:8 F. No. G. Yes H. Ruach I. Thomas J. False
A) True
B) True
C) Shavuot
D Fiftieth day
E) Act 1:8
F) False
G) True
H) Pentekoste
I) None
J) False
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. The fiftieth day. E. Acts 1:8. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. Thomas. J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot ( meaning feast of the weeks)
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8 ” but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth”
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All the Apostles were present (except Judas Iscariot)
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. 50
E. Acts 1 vs 8. But ye shall receive power, after the holy ghost come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. All were present
J. False
B. True
C Shavuot
E. Act 1:8
F. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D, and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Pentecost was one of the Jewish feast days,Pentecost comes 50 days after the passover event.
E. Act of apostles 1:8
G. True
I. None
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The Fiftieth day
E. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises the apostles that when the Holy spirit comes on the apostles,they shall receive power
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Fiftieth
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
I. Thomas
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Fiftieth
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
I. Thomas
J. False
ANS for second batch quiz
B True
C Shavuot
D.decent of the Holy Spirit
E. Act1:8
I. St Matthias
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. 50
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. Thomas
J. False
1 False
2 True
3 Shavuot in full Hag shavuot
4 The Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension .
5 Act 1 verse 8
6 False
7 True
8 Ruach
9 Thomas
10 False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. The Fifteenth day
E. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises the apostles that when the Holy spirit comes on the apostles, they shall receive power.
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All of them was present except Judas Iscariot.
J. False
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. The fiftieth day. E. Acts 1 vs 8. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. Thomas. J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Fifteith day or 50
E . Act 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Rush
I. Mathias who replaced Judas Iscariot
J. False
Onuoha Adeline Chidimma
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot (festival of weeks)
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Rauch
I. None
J. False
A. True B. True. C.
D. Fifty. E. Acts1: 18 F. False G. True
H. Locus I. None. J. False
B. True
C. Hag shavout
D. Feast of first fruit.
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. God’s breath
I. Thomas
J. False
A. True. B. True. C.Shavuot. D. festival of weeks ( fiftieth). E. Jesus. F. False. G. True. H. Ruach. I. None J. False.
1 False
2 True
3 shavuot
4 Acts1:8 and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
5 True
6 Ruach(roo-akh)
7 Thomas
8 True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 1, 5,7, 8, . you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True. B. True C. Shavuot. D. Fiftieth day. E. Acts 1:8. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. Not specific. J. False
A true
B true
C Shavuot
D 50
E you shall receive power… is a statement
F false.
G True.
H Ruah
I Thomas
J False
A. True B. True C.Shavuot D. Fifty
E. Act 1:8 F. False G. True H. Ruah
I. Matthias J. False
A.True B.True C.Shavuot D.Fifthiet Day
E.Acts 1:8 F.False G.True H.Ruach
I.Mathias J.False
A. True
B. True
D. Fifty( 50)
E. iPower to witness for Christ.
ii Receive power of boldness not of timidity
F. False
G Living witness to the Gospel
H. Life
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no.E, G, H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Weeks
D. 50 days
E. Jesus
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
1. Apart from Judas Iscariot other apostles were present.
2. False
D.”fiftieth”which refers to the Jewish festival of shavout,celebrated on the fiftieth day after passover.
E.Acts of the apostles chapter 1 verse 8
But,when the holy spirit comes upon you ,you will be filled with power and you will be witnesses for me in jerusalem ,in all judea and samaria ,and to the ends of the earth”.
I.All the twelve was present on the pentecost day,including matthais who was chosen to replace judas iscariot .
D.The Decent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles 50days after Easter
E.Acts 1:8
H.נשימת אלוהים
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. The fiftieth day. E. Acts of apostle 1:8. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. Thomas. J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot meaning weeks
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Thomas
J. False
A True
B True
C Shavout
D 50th
E Acts 1:8
F False
G True
H Ruah
I Luke
J False
A True
B True
C Shavout
D 50th
E Acts 1:8
F False
G True
H Ruah
I Luke
J False
C. Shavuot
d . After fiftieth
e . Acts 1:8
G. True
I Thomas
J False
A. True
B. True.
D. Coming of The Holy Spirit.
E. Act. 1:8
F. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. C,D, G, H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True. B. True. C. Shavuot. D. The fiftieth day. E. No. F. False. G. True. H. Ruah. I. None. J. True
A false, B true, C feast of harvest, D it means 50, E acts 1:8kjv, F false, G true, H roo-akh, I Thomas, J false
A – True
B – True
C – Festival of the weeks
D – 50
E – Acts 1:8
F – False
G – False
H – Ruach/ The Spirit
I – None
J – True
A. True
B. True
D.50 days after resurrection
E. Acts of the apostles
F. True
G. True
I. Thomas
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. C,E, F, H and J . you are not allowed for the final round.
A: True
B: True
C: Shavuot
D: Fiftieth day
E: Jesus Christ
H: Ruach
I: None
J: False
A. True B. True C. Shavuot D. Fiftieth E. Acts 1:8 F. False G. True H. Reach I. All of them were present J. False
D.The fiftieth day after Easter
E. Jesus made the statement
F. false
I. None, all the eleven apostles were present.
A = false B = false C Shavuot D whitsun or whitsunday E Acts 1vs 8 F false G true H I None (all of them where present) J false
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, B,D, but passed the final round.
A. True
E.and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth Acts 1vs 8
F. No
J. False
Am sorry for I did not know about this. Yes I have never commented anything on the web apart from whatsapp.
Am just a prayer partner. I apologize for this.
Still am not sure if this is the reply section
These were my answers
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Harvest Feast
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. All were present
J. False.
Abuah Judith no 12.
A. True
B. True
C. None (it is a Jewish word)
D. Pentecost is the day Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Roman Catholic Church, it is said to be seventh Sunday after Easter, a day the Jewish people celebrate their harvest in the past.
E. Act 1:8 “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
F. False
G. True
H. ruach (Roo-akh)
I. None
J. False
Thanks fr.
A. False
B. True
D. The day the Holy Ghost descended on the apostles of Christ.
E. And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes… Said Jesus
F. False
G. True
I. Mattias
J. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D,E, H and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. 50th day
E. Acts 1 vs 8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None
J. False
A – True
B – True
C – Shavuot
D – The fiftieth day (Feast of the weeks)
E – Acts 1:8
F – False
G – True
H – Ruah
I – Mathias
J – False
A. False
B. False
C. Hag Shavuot
D. Pentecost literally means 50
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Reach
I. Mathias
J. True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, B, H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Feast of weeks/ (50thday after Easter)
E. Act of apostle 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. Mathias
J. False
A. – false. B. – True . C – Counsellor. E – Letter of Saint Paul to Roman 8 – 8 -17. F. – True. G. -True . H. – Counsellor. I -nil. J. True.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, C,E, F, H and J and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
1. True
2. False
3. Hag Shavuot
4. Fifty
5. Acts ofApostle 1: 8
6. False
7. True
8. Ruach
9. The eleven apostles were all present.
10. False
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. 2, and but passed for the final round. Congrats
E. ACTS 1-8
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D, J, and I. You are not allowed for the final round.
A. False
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Descent of the holy Spirit.
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Rauch
I. Thomas
J. True.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D, H, I, and J. You are not allowed for the final round.
A) True
B) True
C) Shavuot
D) The Fifthet Day
E) Act 1:8
F) False
G) True
H) Ruah
I) Thomas
J) True
A) True.
D) Festival of weeks.
E)u will be my witnesses in Jerusalem throughout Judea n Samaria n to the ends of the earth.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. D, E, H, I, . you are not allowed for the final round.
A.true B.true C. Hag Shavuot D. Fifty .E. Jesus said” But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” F. False. G. True. H .Spirit of God . I. Thomas .J False
A. False. BTrue C Hag Shavuot. D The coming of the holy spirit E Act1VS8. F false G. True H. Ruach. I. They were all present J. False.
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. 50
E. But when the holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth ( Acts 1:8)
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
J. False
A: false
B: true
C: conclusion
D:50th day after Passover
E: acts 1:8
G: true
H:the spirit
I: Thomas
J:: false
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, C, H and and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A. True
B. False
C. Shavuot
D. The Feast of Weeks
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruah
I. None, even after the election of Matthias Luke recorded in Acts that they were together in one accord in prayers. This implies that all the Apostles were present during the Pentecost .
J. False.
A, true.B, True C, shavout D, feast of weeks E,act 1vs 8 F,false G, true H, Ruah I Paul J, true
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Weeks
E Luke 24:49
F. False
G. True
H. Wind
I. Paul
J. False
So sorry Fr. I sent my reply today again because I felt it wasn’t sent yesterday due to the fact that it wasn’t going when I try sending, no feed back was given either tnx.
1) True
3) Hag Shavuot
6) False
7) True
8) Ruach
9) Thomas
10) False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavout
D. Fifty (50)
E. Acts1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. None
J. False
A. True
B. True
C. Shavuot
D. Fiftieth day
E. Acts 1:8
F. False
G. True
H. Ruach
I. They were together
J. False