Sunday Breakfast with the Word 29th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
Exodus 17:8-13, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2, Luke 18:1-8
12 Things to do When God Seems to be Silent
It is always frustrating after exercising your faith, believing in God, praying to Him over a particular situation, and nothing happens at last.
Also, It is always discouraging and challenging to sacrifice a lot, to make sure you are very close to God, but in times of trouble, it will look as if God leaves you to suffer.
It is highly frustrating and depressing when God seems to be silent to your requests. How do you feel when after fasting, crying, praying, singing praises, and doing all the necessary things required, yet everything seems to be locked up?
The time of God’s seeming silence is one of those tempting times that challenges our faith and love for God. Imagine how depressing it is always when we hoped that our testimonies must surely come to pass, yet at last nothing happens.
When you read through the readings of this Sunday, you may conclude immediately that the readings are just focusing on being persistent in prayer, no. The lessons of today’s readings go beyond this to help us understand what we have to do when God seems to be silent to our prayers.
From these readings, we have to sieve out twelve things to do when God seems to be silent. We shall take them one by one.
Hence, before we proceed, it is good also to note that what is happening to you right now, did not and is not happening to you alone. We have to understand that many of God’s beloved have experienced what we call “dry moments” in their spiritual journey. Let us take a brief look at the bible first.
When God is Silent to His Beloved Ones.
Before we proceed, when we go through the scriptures we shall see people who are strongly devoted and close to God. There are moments these people expressed their emotions to Him, but He seems to be silent.
What is so glaring in these times, is that God did not truly abandon them. In all these times of seeming silence, there are things He is doing out of them.
The reason, I try to go through these is to encourage many of us who have lost hope in God because our prayers were not answered the way we expected.
We have to know that God is not ATM or a genie that must obey us when we command it. When He seems to be silent, His seeming silence may still be an answer to the prayer. Let us look at these moments of God’s silence:
1. First is the encounter between Elijah and Jezebel. Did you remember how powerful Elijah is? Did you remember all the mighty works, He did and how even invoked fire from heaven? Elijah was a strong man of God. God used Him to do mighty things.
Now, did you remember that when Jezebel had threatened to kill Elijah, the powerful prophet ran away, (read 1 Kings chapter 19).
Did you remember that the mighty prophet Elijah even abandoned his servant at Beersheba? In this time of great challenge, Elijah did not remember again how to pray down fire from heaven, rather the miracle-working prophet ran away and prayed that he might die.
God was silent to him, and he voiced out saying “I have had enough, Lord, “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors”.
Hence, this time became a moment, Elijah had an encounter with God in a gentle breeze. After, the seeming silent moments comes a time of great encounter and upliftment at another level in the spirit world.
Elijah thought God was silent but God uses that encounter to tell Elijah that He was not silent. He proved to him that despite those times of seeming silence, Elijah was not alone.
Then, it was this that led to the appointment of Elisha, as a replacement for the servant Elijah abandoned when He was running away.
Maybe without these silent moments, Elisha would not have been chosen. Every seeming silent moment has a reason and the reason may still be for our good.
2. Let us walk through the garden of Gethsemane in Matthew 26:39 and Luke 22:42, when Jesus even prayed with tears saying “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me”. It was as if the Father was so silent on Jesus.
Also, did you remember that when Jesus could no longer bear the pains of the cross, at the moment when Jesus dies on the cross, he shouts from the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
We see this in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. We imagine the pains, tears and suffering He is undergoing, yet the Father keeps silent.
I was expecting there would be something like thunder from heaven to intervene, but still, the Father seems to be silent.
The point here is that God has a reason for this which is the reason Jesus comes to the world. God is more interested in the reason Jesus comes to the world.
In essence, when God sets you on the journey to your destiny, there could also be a lot of sacrifices you have to make. There could be some challenges and difficulties you must face.
Those sacrifices do not mean God hates you or that He is keeping silent but they are part of the processes and part of the requirements for the greater things that lie ahead of you.
Hence, during these times, your friends come to deceive you that one spirit is calling you or that someone is behind your predicament. Or sometimes we give up along the way. When God seems to be silent, it can be for a reason best known to Him.
2. Do we also remember that David was called a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). King David knew God deeply, but at some points in his life, he felt like the Lord had forsaken him. David cried to God when Saul and His son Absalom wanted to eliminate His life.
It took David several years and it was as if God was so silent on Him. He waited to the extent that he cried in Psalm 28:1-5 – “Unto You will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if you are silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit”.
In Psalm 22, he also cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel”.
Still, God allowed David to pass through all these. But one thing is sure, there was victory at the end. When God seems to be silent. It is not that those times are the end of you. There is also a greater destiny ahead. There is also a time of Victory.
Many different references abound. Hence, let us keep to these.
One of The Reasons to hold on to God When He seems to be Silent.
1. The reason, Jesus tells the parable in the gospel is not necessarily because the widow was persistent nor to tell us that whenever we are persistent over a request, we must get what we want.
In that gospel, Luke outlines that Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never lose heart. In essence, we have to pray and not lose heart, because we are praying to someone who is ever compassionate and full of love. We are praying to a Father.
1b. The aim of prayers is not necessarily to get something from God. The aim of prayers is to bring us closer to God, this is the main essence of prayer.
This is the reason I always tell us to come close to God because we love Him, not necessarily because we have a need so that in those seemingly dry and silent moments, we will not lose hope in God.
2. Remember that, in that parable, the request was made to a judge who does not even fear God or man. So, if this man can grant the widow her request, what of God who is so compassionate, loving and extra merciful? What of Jesus who could not withstand the tears of the widow of Nain in Luke 7:11-17, the cry of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52, the request of a thief in Luke 23:42 etc?
3. If the judge who does not fear God can grant a request because the woman always comes to his presence, what of Jesus who could not withstand seeing the crowd die in hunger in Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44, that he was moved to give the crowd, despite how large they are, everything they had. Jesus fed the crowd out of pity. Let us remember this when God seems to be silent on us. He is full of love and must not necessarily be silent on you.
4. The point is that why it is this way, is because you gave up and lost faith easily. In fact God is so disappointed that you gave up on Him because of a challenge or a need.
God is disappointed that you gave up on Him, and neglected His love all this while. Only that, He decided to test you in this one. God became so disappointed.
He thought that you love him but now He knows that the reason you come to Him is only because of the things He will do for you. When God seems to be silent, do not forget that He may be testing how you truly love Him.
The Things We are to do When God Seems to be Silent.
When we pray and it seems as if our prayers are not answered, there are still things we are to do. Do not be discouraged.
These seemingly silent moments can be golden. Those moments can be moments of trial and test. They can also be moments God is working on us for a thing that lies ahead of us.
They could be happening because it is the will of God that they must happen. Hence, in every challenging moment, let us keep our faith strong and hope our alive. This is the main message of today’s gospel. Therefore, from the readings, these are what we can do when God seems to be silent.
1. Seek the Support and Prayer of Others.
The first point that we have to gather from the parable in the gospel is that the widow who had something against his enemy did not fight the battle alone. She came seeking the help of a judge to help her.
James 5:16, says “pray for one another, that you may be healed”. Therefore, we need the support and prayers of others.
In the book of Job 42, God told Eliphaz who is a friend of job that He is very angry with him and his two friends because they have not spoken the truth about God, as Job has.
God then instructs him to take seven bulls and seven rams and go to Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for themselves.
God instructs them that His servant Job will pray for them. Hence, God will accept the prayer of the job and forgive their mistakes.
So, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite did what the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job’s prayer. In verse 10, After Job had prayed for his friends, God restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.
This is the reason, booking masses are very important and very powerful. At the Holy Mass, the priest continues to pray for you, while you also pray for yourself. It is very good to ask or seek the prayers of others.
2. This is what happened in the first reading. When the Amalekites attacked Israel at Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, ‘Pick out men for yourself, and tomorrow morning march out to engage Amalek.
Meanwhile, He will stand on the hilltop, with the staff of God in His hand.’ Joshua did as Moses told him and marched out to engage Amalek, while Moses and Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
As long as Moses kept his arms raised, Israel had the advantage; when he let his arms fall, the advantage went to Amalek.
But Moses’ arms grew heavy, so they took a stone and put it under him and on this, he sat, Aaron and Hur supporting his arms, one on one side, one on the other; and his arms remained firm till sunset.
With the edge of the sword, Joshua cut down Amalek and his people. Imagine what would have happened if Moses was not supported by Aaron and Hur.
This is why many family problems can never be won by a single person suffering himself/herself with fasting.
When a problem involves the entire members of the family, the family must come together and seek the presence of God.
We need multi hands in some spiritual battles and not a single hand. Battles are won easily when people come together to fight both the physical and the spiritual war.
In essence, God may seem to be silent, or you may have gone tired easily because you are fighting alone. Jesus says, where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there (Matthew. 18:19–20).
2. Before You Come to Him, You must believe without a doubt that He can do What You ask for.
There is no need to come to God if you do not believe He can do it. If you do not have this type of faith, sorry, you will lose hope when God seems to be silent.
Before the widow comes to the judge, she knows and believes that the judge has what it takes to save her, otherwise she would not have persistently come to the judge.
It is only when you strongly believe that God can do what you ask for, is when you will continually seek His presence, even when God seems to be silent.
The author of the book of Hebrews points out two important conditions for anyone who wants to come to God’s presence. Read Hebrews 11:6, the author says:
And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Therefore, the First, condition is that anyone who comes to God must believe that truly God exists. The reason many Catholics do not go to mass or book masses is that they are yet to be convinced of the power of the Holy mass.
The reason many Catholics do not pray their rosary is that they do not understand the power of the rosary. Also, the reason many of us lose faith in God is that we see God as someone who does not truly exist, or that God is just an imagination.
Any person who desires to draw near to God must have a deep-rooted belief that God is real. This is not mere intellectual knowledge. It is not just because of what you read on paper but a wholehearted devotion to His presence and a strong relationship with Him.
Without a genuine conviction that God exists, it is impossible to remain close to God, when He seems to be silent to your prayers.
The Second condition is that we must believe “that God rewards those who earnestly seek him.” in the gospel, despite the seeming silence of the Judge, I strongly believe that the widow believes that the judge is capable of listening to her. That is why she keeps pestering him, otherwise, why is she wasting her time?
So, in the same manner, we have to do the same, according to Hebrews 11:6. This is when we trust in God’s character as a good, loving, generous, gracious, ever-willing, Almighty and merciful Father (James 1:17; Psalm 84:11; Lamentations 3:22–23).
3. Keep on coming to Him even When He seems to be silent.
What I so much admire in the persistent widow is that the more, the judge is persistent in delaying her, the more she is persistent in coming to the presence of the judge.
This widow teaches us that when God seems to be silent, it is not a condition or a reason for us to stop coming to His presence.
Hence, the seeming silence of God should be the more reason we have to come to His presence often.
This is what the Canaanite woman did in Matthew 15:21-28. It is also what the blind Bartimaeus did in Mark 10: 46–52. They kept asking, shouting at a time when it seems Jesus does not want to listen to them.
Something hard to break does not anymore need soft handling, rather we have to match it with strength to strength until it breaks.
Therefore, we have to intensify our relationship with God, when he seems to be silent. Keep on coming to Him just as the widow did.
Also, in the first reading, Moses continues to raise His hand and did not think of giving up until the battle is won. This is a great message for us. In essence, the spiritual battle is not for the weak, it is for the strong.
4. When God delays, We have to be patient.
When the judge was delaying the widow, the widow did not bother, She did not complain. At the time of the delay, there was no mention of a time she was frustrated. She did not worry.
One very important virtue that this woman exhibited was patience. Patience is not just waiting on God, no, Patience consists in hoping, believing and expecting something to happen even the time it seems to happen has passed.
Patience consists in waiting on God because of the deep trust that you have in Him. It is expecting God to do something when it seems He is delaying.
Patience is when we can be strong against the odds because we know that the person we are waiting for o, does not disappoint.
Therefore, when God seems to be silent, we have to be patient like the persistent widow. You may have some delays but that does not mean God will not fulfil His promises.
5. It’s not about the length of your prayer, it’s the strength of your faith.
When you look at the request of the widow in the gospel, we see that God is not interested in how long our requests are.
A simple request with strong faith is more powerful than a long request without any atom of faith. The request of the persistent widow is simple.
The request is “I want justice from you against my enemy!”, this is like the simple request of the Blessed Virgin Mary in John 2.
Her request was “they have no wine”, and the request of Bartimaeus was “Jesus son of David, have mercy on me”.
The repentant thief only says “lord remember me in your paradise” These people teach us that a simple request backed with trust and strong faith works great wonders. Therefore, what it means is that, when we pray, we have to mean what we say.
6. Trust God’s Time.
Another thing we have to discover in the first reading is that the first time, Moses raises the staff of God is not when the Amalekites were defeated.
We were not told how many times he raises his hands. Also, it is quite obvious that when the Judge intervened in the case of the persistent widow, is not the first time she requested it.
Secondly, when the judge intervened or decides to intervene in the case of the woman was not determined by the woman.
The judge decided when he intervened. Therefore, in the same vein, when God seems to be silent, we have to trust His time.
When He will answer our prayers may take us unawares. God decides when He is to answer. We are not to determine for Him. Let us always trust His time. God’s time is the best.
7. Keep believing, keep praying, and keep working.
Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka says “pray until something happens”. So, when God seems to be silent, we have to keep believing, keep praying and keep working.
It is not a time to give up on God. The persistent widow was persistent and this is why the judge says “Maybe I have neither fear of God nor respect for man, but since she keeps pestering me I must give this widow her just rights, or she will persist in coming and worry me to death.”’
Therefore, Be the type of person who is passionate about prayer because that is the kind of person who will also be effective in prayer!
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and God will open the door for you.” (Luke 11:9,).
In the first reading, Joshua did not stop fighting even though Moses was tired. Even when the Amalekites are winning, Joshua keeps fighting.
Also, Moses keeps raising His hands even when it is obvious that He is becoming weak. Therefore, when God seems to be silent, keep believing, keep asking, keep praying and also keep working. Your open doors will happen to you by surprise one day.
The woman did not get down, therefore, do not get down even when it is obvious that all hope is lost. Remember that in God there is no limitation.
8. Do not Conclude when God has Not.
We have to know that even if it seems that everything is late for us, it may not be the same for God. Therefore, do not conclude that it is already late when it is not.
In the gospel, Jesus says “For a long time he refused, but at last, he said to himself” Remember that word “for a long time, he refused”, therefore, it took quite a long time.
The persistent widow may have concluded that it is already late. At last, her breakthrough came. Therefore, do not conclude your case or matter when God has not. Do not be fast to lose hope when God is yet to answer. When it seems God is silent, do not conclude immediately until God concludes your case.
9. When you cry to God.
After the parable, Jesus says “And the Lord said ‘You notice what the unjust judge has to say? Now will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them?”.
In essence, God cannot be so heart-hardened to see your tears morning and night and keeps quiet, unless he has a reason for what is happening at the moment.
I have said before that crying can be an effective means of prayer. Do not waste your tears. Go to the Blessed Sacrament and cry it. God always wipes away our tears. When we cry in His presence, we easily attract His mercy.
10. Be on the Side of Faith, not Your Worry.
In the gospel, Jesus asks “when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?’” Therefore, it means that in our times of great challenges, in those times when it seems that God is silent, we have to be on the side of faith and not on the side of doubt. Stay faithful. What God demands is our faith and not our worry.
11. Even When Faith seems to disappoint, remain faithful.
When your faith seems to disappoint, the best thing is not to shift to a lack of faith. It is not also the best option to lose hope or to worry, the best option is not to start questioning God.
The persistent widow did not do any of these. Moses did not do any of these. When it seems that Moses was failing, they have to find support for him.
Therefore, when your faith seems to go down, when it seems to disappoint, do not lose it. Rather, find a place and hang your faith there.
12. Always Remember His Word.
In the second reading, Paul tells Timothy that, All scripture is inspired by God and can profitably be used for teaching, refuting error, guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy.
This is how the man who dedicates himself to God equips himself and becomes ready for any good work. Therefore, to equip ourselves spiritually we need the word of God.
In the moments of seemingly God’s silence, in our spiritual battles, Paul advises us in Ephesians 6:17 to take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
1. What we have to know in all these is that God can still turn any situation around. It is not yet over until over. Let us not give up or lose faith when God has not done so. In the presence of God, no situation is a dead end.
2. Do you agree with me that the day you may give up may be the day, God may decide to answer? Imagine if the woman stops coming to the judge. Imagine when she turns and begins to talk against the judge. This woman teaches us to pray unlimitedly.
She is teaching us that we do not have to do three days of prayer and lose hope. We do not have to do one monthly program and become tired already. The woman teaches us that our prayer must be in season and out of season.
She teaches us that if we truly need something from God, we must truly show it in our prayers, words and actions.
Our problem is when we do 21 days of prayer and then go back to sleep. Or when we try to follow the October devotion and later go back to where we are, No. God needs us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
3. Sometimes when it seems God is silent, may also be a time of the test. Sometimes we feel as if God is far and a million miles away. It’s easy to think something must be wrong. But remember, this could be a test. Therefore, we have to pass the test.
So, Keep stretching, praying, and believing. After the moments of silence, comes a time of breakthrough. So, when God is silent, let us not assume He hates us or that He has abandoned us or is mad at us. He is right there with you, even during the test.
His silence is a sign that He has great confidence in you and He has prepared you, and now He is watching to see if you have learned. He knows you will come through the test victoriously or He would not have permitted you to be tested. Keep being your best with what you have.
4. Therefore, beloved, just as the widow’s case one day came to pass, this too shall pass. One day, everything shall come to pass. The day of joy is coming. God will remember you one day.
Just as the judge remembered the persistent widow even though she did not expect it, God will also remember you when you least expect it.
Therefore, When God seems to be silent, always remember that this too shall pass. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
May God bless you and give you the grace to overcome your challenges. Amen
N/B (This particular Breakfast with the Word is sponsored by Anonymous, who prays for God’s intervention in His problem.
So, do not forget to, drop a word of prayer for him. May he also be a partaker of the grace that comes because of the people that this reflection will help or touch their lives. I also ask priests who will see this to remember him in your masses).
May God bless you Padre for this spiritual food. I pray for more grace to function upon you.
For the anonymous sponsor may God see you through in your problems. You shall testiy in Jesus name. Amen
May God in his infinite Mercy hear and answer his prayers.Amen..
AMEN. May the lord increase him all round
Lord create me a prayerful heart,Amen
May GOD answer his prayers
Thank you Lord for the words of wisdom and encouragement . Lord give me the spirit to be patient and encouraged to your answers for our prayers Amen. Please pray for my daughters to get their rightful husband.
May God remember his problem and answer him in due time, amen.
I always appreciate you my padre for drawing us close to God.May God bless you abundantly. Please remember my daughters in prayers for their rightful husband
Amen! May God in his infinite mercy bless this person to the glory of his name, Amen. HAPPY SUNDAY
Thank you so much Fr.
May God in His Infinite Mercy grant and help him out of his problem and Grant his good heart Desires. Amen
May the Good Lord hear the prayers of our sponsor and wipe his tears with answers to his prayers and may our Mother Mary intercede for him and us all who look up to God for help. Amen.
May God bless all our priests.
Hmmm, I am richly blessed
may the good Lord grant the good intentions of this sponsor and also you that have given your time in preparing this spiritual food always
. Lord I love you and I trust all about me will end in praise
Heavenly Father, the all-knowing and all-sufficient God, I’m begging you to come to the aid of this poor servant, kindly come through for him, pull him through that he may not have any course to question your existence in his situation, and have mercy upon him and let your light shine brightly upon this day and always through Christ our Lord, Amen.
I was truly blessed and inspired by this reflection.
Thanks for sharing, father.
Oh Lord God Almighty, Your servant has chosen to come before You to seek Your intervention in the problems he/she is passing through.
Father in heaven, please do not abandon this request. Please Lord, come through for him and help him by Your grace. May our prayers find favour in Your sight Oh Lord I pray in Jesus name Amen.
Thanks Fr…
Today’s reflection is one of the best because almost everyone falls victim. Truly Patience is a virtue as well as faith in God.
I pray that the Eucharistic Jesus Christ continue to bless, protect, preserve and strengthen you. Amen
Lord,give me the grace to always believe,hope and have faith in you even when it seems things are not the way I want.Teach me Lord to love you for you and not for what you do for me or will do for me.Lord do not turn your back on me even when I do so to you,always hold me firmly for I do not have any other alternative.
Thank You Jesus
Wow! Today’s breakfast with the words seems to be the summit of all reflection. It is inspirational, faith-building, self-evaluating, soul-searching and encouraging. I couldn’t stop but got to the end. I am really touched and happy because the seemly silence of God is for a purpose. May God give us the grace to decipher the reason in any such situation through Christ Our Lord..amen.
Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to go through these breakfast words. I pray for God to answer the prayers of the anonymous who gave us this exaltation to encourage us not to lose faith when God seems to be silent in our challenges cases through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
May the good Lord help me to hold steadfastly into him all the days of my life,Amen.
I am inspired by this breakfast wit d word…thank u holy spirit for opening my mind to read ND understand it….I pray may we never give up on time….God pls let us have dis great virtue…patience inorder for our request to b answered….tnk u lord
May the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart be acceptable in the Lord’s sight
May God meet you at the point of ur needs in Jesus name
May God answer all your prayers and answer us too, Amen
Today’s breakfast with the word was really insightful, I must say I am guilty of most things said here… May God continue to strengthen us
May God bless and see him though his problems Amen..
Thank God for His word today. May God Almighty continue to bless and uphold the sponsor of today’s breakfast with the Lord. I pray the Lord meets him at his points of need.
1. 12 things to do when God Seems to be Silent. Exodus 17:8-13. 2Timothy 3:14; 4:2. Luke 18: 1-8.
2. False
3. True
4. Elisha
5. Saul and Absalom
6. Amalekites
7. Rephidim
8. Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite.
9. Hebrew 11:6
10. 11
11. Widow of Nain
12. Uncountable times.
May God give us the grace to stand strong in our faith with him even as we seek for healings in our spiritual, mental, physical and emotional health. Amen.
To stay in fellowship with him even when our prayers seems not to be answered because his time is the best.
it take the grace of God to be patient and wait on the Lord for a expected answer to prayers, glory to God for his grace has been sufficient unto those who trust on the Lord wether in good time or in bad situations.
Lord, please grant the heartfelt desires of the sponsor of this Breakfast with the word. Amen!
Thank you Fr. For this homily and thanks to our anonymous brother. May God meet us at the point of our needs.
I obtain grace to be patient and persistent in prayer, I also pray that God will strengthen my faith as I come before His presence, Amen.
May you be bless Fr. For all that you do for us. May the Spirit of our God rest upon you to reach out to more souls.
May his preserve your life and protect your from all seen and unseen dangers, Amen
God be with you and us all, Amen.
Thank Father for this insight. It is very true that when God seem silent in response to our prayers yet too near, He does this strategically and for a reason. I am a witness of the same and great things have followed His silence in my life. Just believe and trust that He is at work for your goodness and for His glory. Amen
Amen. may God grant the sponsor’s desire
I am so happy to be the partaker of this Sunday breakfast with the word. I can boldly and confidently testify that God is still saying something concerning me and my family. I pray, may he give us the grace to wait on him, hope and strongly believe that he will definitely answer us Amen.
I pray to God the Father, God the son and God the holy spirit to answer and Grant heart desires of the sponsor of today’s word. Amen.
I pray that God will give us the grace and the strength that we need to stand firm till the end
I was late for Mass as it took almost one hour to go through it. My parish Priest’s homily was almost exactly the same Thank you for feeding us with the word but sometimes when it’s so long, we get distracted along the way there seem to be a lot of repetition. Thank you very much. I always read it
May God of surprises meet him at the moment he/she least expect and grant all he/she has asked of the Lord….
And may God continue to help us remain faithful to him and trust in what he (God) can do in our lives, now without end.. Amen
I really learnt a lot from today’s breakfast with the word. May the lord give me the grace to persevere and to always have recourse to him in prayers Amen.
Dear Lord I pray for your unending blessings upon the sponsor of today’s reflection, that You meet him at the point of his needs.
Lord pour your blessings upon the sponsor
Quite inspiring and encouraging. Filled with proofs of God’s faithfulness. Thanks to the writer and more grace to him or her. May God grant us grace to persevere in his presence, amen
Thank you for this reflection…it came at the right time, exactly when I needed it. I see testimonies of others and I feel sad when I have not received answers to my prayers. I thank God for this reflection as it has helped to boost my faith now. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you so much!
I thank God for using you to teach me so many things, I passing through depression but I’m relieved , more grace dear
Thank you Fr. for this wonderful episode. May God bless you and may the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you. Truly I learnt a lot.
In the year 2020, I decided to invest in an online business. I visited the Blessed Sacrament praying with some sacrifice for over a month asking God for his guidance. I borrowed 800,000.00 and later invested all in the business around November 2020. By 25th December 2020, everything went down the drain. I lost all. As a matter of fact am still paying the loan.
But in all I thank God for this revelation for I now know what could be the problem why my prayers was not answered.
Thank you God the Holy Spirit for your inspiration and wisdom. I also pray for whosoever sponsored today’s breakfast with the word, that God will intervene in whatever that concerns him in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
Jovita Okey-Oha
May God help us and give is the grace to wait upon Him because He is the author and fincher of our lives. To you father l pray for God’s continuous wisdom and anointing and to the sponsor may God visit him in his time of need through Christ our Lord amen
It is settled
Thank you, Padre for this. I really needed to hear this. May God bless and keep you,and the sponsor.

This breakfast really touched my life positively, I pray for the sponsor and myself that God will help me to be persistent, having patience as I wait for my own time of answered prayer.
May God bless the anonymous and grant his heart desire Amen
This is spirit filled padre, I learnt a lot from this May God continue to strengthen you to keep up the good work. AMEN
May God grant him his good heart desires.
God bless strengthen my faith and grant me my good heart desires, please help me to always hope and trust in you in good and bad times especially in this moment of challenges in my life. Amen
Father help me to keep my faith in you and never to give up on you. Also remember your who sponsored this your word, Grant him all his good heart desires in Jesus name. Amen
May God bless you Fr, bless him and bless us and forgives my sins and our sins. Fr please pray for me, I want to know God more
I pray that what ever Mr. Anonymous seek if the lord may it come to accomplishment in Jesus name. Amen
Have faith because God has already intervened in your matter. Believe it and have peace.
Thank you so much For Sanctus for giving us this opportunity engaging ourselves in daily prayer, with Bible reading,
May God bless you and d Ananymous sponsorship and inspiration,may God blessn never ceases in you Amen,
May God give us the grace to be persistent in prayer and also the grace to pertiently wait for God’s time
Wow! So much to learn!
-I ought 2pray always as Jesus wants me to
-Prayer ought 2be an essential part of my everyday life.It ought 2be the engine in my life.
-There’s need 4me 2know more about other types of prayer apart from prayer of petition &intercession.
-To pray¬ 2loose heart means 2be in constant presence &awareness of God, that is, to live a contemplative life, in my sacred space and even while I’m actively carrying out my duties.
Am I in constant communion with God without unnecessary distractions from the social media?
Do I continuously seek God’s face in my war room?
Lord Jesus, You’re the God that answers prayers. Thank You 4hearing my prayers4 protection and mercy. Thank You 4hearing my supplications, and for providing my spiritual and material needs. Help me 2have an unwavering trust in You, especially during those times when I feel like giving up the practice of prayer. I pray for a more ardent spiritual life. May I also listen to the cry of those who seek my help. Amen!

Praying for God’s blessing and grace upon him
So so inspiring. I m truly filled with this teaching. May God continue to help us to always come to Him with faith, persistency, patience and all that required from us to pass His tests.
May the anonymous member be blessed richly by God almighty and may we always have to grace to never give up on God. Amen.
Thank you Jesus and thank you Padre for this detailed explanation. I now understand fully why I
Should be truly be patient and never lose faith even if my prayers are taken time to be answered. I will continue to persevere, allow othe people to help me in my prayers like booking Mass and Novena. This particular breakfast with word has really strengthened my faith and is forward ever
So help me God Amen!
Amen Fr
God bless grant Him his heart desires. Amen
Amen. Wow, this breakfast is very long but worth the time I spent meditating on it. May God bless the Anonymous that sponsored this breakfast and may God intervene for him in any area his facing challenges or having problem. May he also be a partaker of the graces that comes from anyone who this breakfast will touch or change their lives. Amen.
Very heart warming.
Thaoonks Father. More grace.
Amen, Lord Hear Our Prayers!
May the good Lord hear him and grant him all his good heart desires in accordance with His Will, Amen!
May God bless the anonymous that sponsored this breakfast see him/her through in whatever his/her intention may be in Jesus name, Amen.
May God intervene in his or her situation in Jesus mighty name amen. I’m strengthened through today’s breakfast with the word. Thanks and God bless you fr.
May God continue to bless and intervene on your problem

may the Almighty God bless you Fr
may he also bless the sponsor and answers his request through Christ our Lord.
Amen. may God give me to grace to Wait on him.
To be patient in the face of challenges is a worthwhile asset, a strong virtue. It’s great to develop a relationship with God and learn to have unflinching faith in him.
May God show me mercy and grant my heart desires.
God bless you Padre and always guide and guard you as you win souls for Him.
I also pray that God in His infinite mercy bless the sponsor of this enriching episode with his heart desires.
Thank you
Good day padre, thanks for this wonderful sermon..i am not shaking on this heavenly..i will be persistence from now on..
thanks so much,more grace padre.
May the good lord strength nd may he find favour in the eyes of God Amen
My spirit is highly lifted and updated after reading today’s breakfast,I bless the day I joined this prayer life has changed for good,I thank God that I have encountered holy spirit in my life.i pray for the sponsor of this breakfast that the Almighty God will bless and grant him or her heart desires and prayer points.Amen
Amen..May God bless the Annonymous that sponsored this breakfast with the word and meet all his need and us too in Jesus name Amen.
No_11 is for me, i thank God who gives me the grace to remain faithful all these years of seeming like my faith in God is disappointing me.
I pray His favour and mercy locates me to the greater glory of His holy name and for the good of my family members and myself. Amen.
I pray for our brother;the sponsor of today’s breakfast with the word that God in His infinite goodness may meet him in his points of need. All these and more I pray through Christ our Lord. Amen
May the good lord answer his prayer, amen. This breakfast is reflecting my present situation entirely.
Amen! May God grant him his heart desires according to his riches in glory.
May God bless you and give you his grace and courage to continue to trust in him alone.
And may God bless and keep him – the sponsor -faithful to His word as well as strengthen him with the word of the holy scriptures, and also grant him whatever he is desiring and believing God Almighty for through Jesus Christ our Lord – Amen
Thank you so much father. Today’s reflection really lifted my spirit.
My prayer is for God’s Grace to continously guide you as you shepherd us towards our race to heaven.
May God grant the prayers and heart desires of the sponsor of today’s reflection according to His Divine Will. Amen
Thank you God for this powerful massage from you, I Josephine Esirah Effiong Marshall will wait till you answer all my prayers especially for a good job opportunity Amen.
Fir the sponsor may the good Lord grsnd your request through the intercession of our mother of perpetual and St. Joseph Amen.
God bless u for all u do and d teachings of faith. Today actually lifted my soul was down but after doing this today’s prayer I was relieved. May God help us to know him and draw closer to him always.
Wow! What a wonderful reflection. This one deeply touched my heart. May God bless you
May God hear and answer his deepest heart desires
Highly enlightening reflection. Thank You Father.
I pray God to intervene in what ever problem he’s facing and relieve him of it because he is a compassionate God.
Amen oo
Thanks father
May God grant him,his heart desires
Very deep and inspiring! Thank you so much dear Padre.More grace and wisdom from above in Jesus Christ mighty name I pray Amen Amen Amen and Amen.And to the sponsor, Your pocket will never run dry and so shall it be in Jesus Christ mighty name Amen.
May God bless the sponsor and intervene in his/her case.
I pray on this day that whatever his or her intentions is that God will answer by them all, keep faith, pray always and don’t let God’s silent gets to you because he who kept silent is still with you .
May God bless him that sponsored the particular breakfast with the lord Amen,am inspired by this,lord please give. Me the grace never to ever loose faith in you Amen
Amen. May God harken to the prayer of the sponsor and come by for him/her in Christ Jesus.
Thank my padre, may God continue to straighten u, and may God bless d family dat sponsor d breakfast and Grant them there heart desires.
So inspiring..
May Almighty God continue to strengthen you Fr. and also grant the heart desires of the sponsor Amen
More of God’s grace to remain faithful and be patient and increase of faith through Christ our Lord, Amen
May God Almighty grant his good heart desires in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Amen, may God meet him at the point of his needs. May his grace be continually sufficient for us to wait patiently on him. Amen.
May God increase our faith, give the grace to carry our daily cross patiently till the end in Jesus name amen
Thank God for you padre; God will continue to enrich you with his wisdom and understanding
Loved this write up father,it spoke to something deep within me.God bless your ministry always
This message is indeed an eye opener to me. This is exactly what I’m passing through at the moment, my trial moments, at a time, it became unbearable, and I started to grow week in body but never in faith, I cried countless times but it seemed like God was silent, but I never stopped praying and asking rather I asked God to strengthen my weakened body and be my footprints when the journey seems to be long and tough, this message is a big encouragement to me, it reviewed to me that God’s never asleep neither do he slumber and one thing I promise heaven and earth is that nothing, I repeat nothing will stop me from serving the Lord, even if I’m to loose my life doing it, I have given him everything that I have and I ask him to take the lead.
Again, I thank the writer of this message and Reverend Father Sanctus Mario for this wonderful insight on God’s words, may he continue to guide, guard and protect you all, may thst fire in you never stop burning, and may the peace of the Almighty that surpasses all understanding be with you both now and forever Amen. Remain blessed!!!!
May God please hear the prayers of our brother and grant him his good heart desires and may he be blessed richly in Jesus name amen.
May God give me the grace to be steadfast in my faith and persevere in my prayers through Christ our Lord amen
May God help us !
This has really encouraged me to continue praying after I became a bit discouraged after steadfastly following Precious Blood novena without missing and May devotion and my payer point was not answered I became discouraged but this breakfast has energised me to continue
Thank you father
Lord, thank you for opening my eyes and widening my scope. May I always have faith and perseverance even when things don’t seem to be working. My only hope is in you or God. Keep showing me mercy. May you also bless the sponsor and meet him/her at the point of his/her need.
May the lord hear our prayers (Amen) ……..
Thank you padre and God bless you and us all (Amen)
No matter what happens let nothing take my heart away from you my loving father. I pray also for the sponsor of this wore of today. May you meet him or her at the point of their needs through Christ our Lord Amen
Amen and Amen. May almighty God shower his blessings upon the person who is responsible for this reflection.
May the Lord show the person who has sponsored this reflection mercy

Amen, thank God for the sponsor may God grant him his heart desires in Jesus mighty name amen
God help me to have strong faith in you
. May God answer all our prayers especially that of the sponsor 
God bless the sponsor Amen
This is a very good lesson for me because I kept asking God when will my prayers be answered and I give testimony like others. But after going through this, I know that God is planning a very big surprise for me. Thank you Jesus..
May God bless him or her and grant him or her whatever he or seeks
Through Jesus Christ our lord
May God grant his intentions to the glory of His name
May God bless this sponsor in Jesus name.
Thank you so much for this great and encouragement,may God bless and reward the sponsor abundantly in Jesus mighty name
This is one of the hardest things to do when God is silent but if done the reward is really overwhelming may the help us to perceive whenever He is silent. Thanks fr. I am richly blessed and encourage.
Lord give me the grace to be patient and trust your time
Amen, may the Lord replenish the pocket of the person that sponsored the word, I learnt alot.
But Padre, in No. 6 ( trust Gods time) we were advised to not give God time but trust His own time. Does it mean that it’s wrong to pray with telling God a specific date or time u wanted something to happen in your life.
you can if there is an official date for it like interviews, but dont do as if you are commanding HIm
. May God bless the sponsor and meet him at the point of his needs and more to the glory of God. Amen.
Aaaaamen.O dear Lord have mercy upon the anonymous who sponsored this reflection, listen to his/her prayers and grant his/her good heart desires in Jesus name Amen.
Amen. I pray that God will grant our brother his heart desires in Jesus Name. Amen.
So lengthy
Thanks Fr.
May God bless and answer the anonymous sponsor, and grant his heart desire more than he has desired in Jesus name AMEN.
May God help me to build up my faith in and out of season. I must confess this is really tough… but why must God always wait for the the 11th hour, or when one is fainted before coming through. Then all the strength to sing for joy must have gone.
I don’t know, but I just pray to be counted among those standing after all said and done.
God bless the donor Amen
Oh lord please hear the cry of your faithful servants, pls do not delay & give us the grace to wait for the appointed time. Amen!
God help me
for the sponsor
of this edition
GOD please grant his secret
May God remember you when you least expect in Jesus Name Amen
God may I continue to have faith in u all the day of my life
May God make him partaker of the heavenly blessings here on Earth and after through Christ our Lord Amen
Hod will remember us all
I thank God almighty for being a part of this victorious group and also for the sponsor of this breakfast with the word, that God almighty will meet him at the point of his needs. May the word of God continually dwell in our hearts in Jesus name, amen
I am edified. May God bless the sponsor and come to his aid
Thanks Padre, God bless you and may He show the anonymous sponsor mercy and come to his aid Amen
May God perfect all that concerns him
May God in his infinite mercy bless the hand that sponsored this and as well solve the problem of that individual. Whatever that the problem is the impossibility can make it possible. Lord please to the aid of the person and have mercy in Jesus name. Amen
This breakfast with the word spoke to me directly. Sometimes, I am tempted to ask God questions but now, I know better and have been encourage through this powerful piece. Thank you Fr. and to the sponsor, may God come through for you and wipe away your troubles and tears. Amen
Thank you Father
Thanks so much Fr for this great sermon.May God answer the prayers of the sponsor in Jesus name.Amen
Almighty God I thank you for your word which you have to us through fr. Sanctus mario. Please guide him , protect him , bless him, uphold him , empower him greatly, give him long life and good health, increase his wisdom and knowledge expecialy in you vain yard. God protect fr. Sanctus mario for me because you used him as an instrument of peace to my life. All this point is absolutely beautiful and true because I’m a living testimony to them. God bless you father. God bless Mrs Oluchi Ugwueze who introduced me to this great family.
2) my prayer for the anonymous is for God to up hold him in is not easy to keep faith but he / she should try. My prayer for him is that God in his infinite mercy will show him mercy and Grant him his heart desires that is not evil or the one that will lead him to unfavourable end. God answers prayer when you keep to rules of prayer. God please i join him/her in faith to intercede on what ever thing that may be a problem. Please for him to also pertake in you prayer answered. True Christ our Lord.Amen
Thank you Fr.
I pray that God Almighty in His infinite mercy hears and answer the intentions of the Anonymous. Amen
Amen.Thanks father.I pray with tears in my eyes
, please there answer him,put a smile,joy, happiness on his face, may he received favour he has not received before in his life this week.
Please dear God not there
Hmmmm, May God continue to strengthen us and give us the grace to have patience until he answers us. May His will be done. Amen
Amen. God give me the grace to hold onto you.
May God continue to bless him for bringing out his resources for the spread of the Lord’s gospel. May he replenish your pocket in hundred fold. Your prayers are answered in Jesus name amen.
Thanks and May God Continue to Bless and Give him more inspirations through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Wow!….This is so fulfilling and encouraging
May God bless you Padre and more blessings on our brother who sponsored this…Amen
Thanks and May God Continue to Bless and Give him More Inspirations on the Word through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Lord have mercy and see your servant in his or her difficulty. Amen. More grace on father santus amen
I really enjoyed reading this.. thanks.
May God’s anointing never cease in your life Father Mario, May the Holy Spirit keep inspiring you…I sincerely pray for the anonymous who who sponsored this breakfast with the word, as you have sown in our lives and watered us with God’s word, May God’s speedy intervention come upon your life and the challenges you are facing. You are blessed and already helped by God…Jehova Ebenezer
May the Lord bless and give you more grace, may he answer the sponsor’s prayers in Jesus name amen
God. bless the sponsor and replenish his Puckett a hundred fold.
Thank you very much Father. This was an eye opening reflection, I read it with my entire family and we learnt a lot. May God give us the grace to be faithful and have a childlike confidence in Him at all times.
May God bless him and Grant all his heart desires amen
May his prayers be answered through Christ Our Lord Amen
Thank you Father for this encouraging words, it is soul lifting.
For the sponsor of this breakfast with the word, may God grant his heart desires and granted the grace to keep looking on the Lord, who is the author and finisher of our faith Amen
Thank God for you padre; God will continue to enrich you with his wisdom and understanding
Amen thanks brother
May God bless the donor and grant all his/her intentions
Amen! & Amen! Many thanks & God bless you too Fr for this comprehensive and informative piece which can truly go a long way in guiding us towards the way we relate to God and our attitudes toward prayers, our faith & believe in God etc..
Also praying that God in his infinite Mercy intervene & grant the sponsor of this BWTW all his intentions according to his will.
Equally praying that God meets each & every member of this great family(HOV) who persistently look up to him at our point of needs & according to his will and to his glory IJN, Amen!!!
I pray for the grace to remain in prayer always
Amen and God bless you abundantly.
May God grant the intentions of our sponsor, Amen
Please Dear God, help me to trust in you always, hope in you, knowing fully well that you cable of answering prayers

May the grace of God continue to abound in his life
Life inspiring
Hmmmmm much response. Thank God. God in Ur goodness reach out to our brother, Fr and other members of this house who are in need of Ur gentle touch. Bless us richly so we can be a blessing to others Amen.
Amen, May God answer his secret prayers and grant his heart desires.
This message has uplifted my spirit and given me the courage to stop worrying and have faith. I pray that the good Lord will bless you Padre for this inspiring message.
I also pray for the person who sponsored this message to receive his/her heart desires.
May God continue to bless the person the sponsored this reflection in Jesus name. Amen!!!