Breakfast with the Word January 3rd
John 1:29-34
Pointing People to Jesus Christ
After the next day, when some of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist who he was, John saw Jesus coming toward him, He now pointed His followers to Jesus Christ.
Remember that he was telling them that He is not the Christ.
He is only a voice crying out in the wilderness, asking the people to make straight the way of the Lord.
Now in this gospel, John saw Jesus coming, He said to them “Look, this is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! He points them to Jesus Christ.
Pointing People to Jesus Christ: Lesson from John the Baptist
The whole life and ministry of John the Baptist are to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ.
As a man of God, John was gifted in His own way. He knows He has all the popularity, gifts, and wisdom which made a lot of people flock to him. John would have used this opportunity to take the glory that does not belong to Him, rather instead of this, He channelled all his followers to Jesus Christ.
Remember that in John 1: 19-28, the people and some of the leaders are already speculating if John is Christ. They sent people to question him. Hence, in all this, John the Baptist did not claim what He is not.
Therefore, we have to understand that despite how gifted we are, the talents and wisdom that we possess, we must live to point others to Jesus Christ. We must not take the position and glory that belong to God.
Bring people to Jesus Christ, not to yourself. We are mere instruments that God is using for His work. In everything, all glory goes to God.
Pointing People to Jesus Christ: How to?
1. Immediately, John sees Jesus Christ, He said “ ‘Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. This is the one I spoke of when I said: “A man is coming after me who ranks before me because he existed before me”.
In this statement, John certified that the contents of His preachings and messages were all about God. Therefore, we do not preach ourselves. We do not let the world see us as the God we are representing. Our messages, despite how we present them, must lead to knowledge and a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Secondly, in the statement, John acknowledges that He is just a mere instrument. He is a messenger. He acknowledges the superior power of Jesus.
This shows how humble John is. In the same way, despite how, we feel we are powerful men and women of God, we must understand that the power and glory belong to God and not to us.
When God is using you, be careful, so that you will not usurp the power and glory that belongs to Him.
Therefore, we have to live our lives pointing people to Jesus Christ and not ourselves.
A Life for Jesus Christ
As Christians, we must understand that one of our vocations is to live our lives in other to touch lives.
One of our deepest aspirations and longings should be to see that others see the light. We have to become a source of consolation to people who are suffering, a light to those who have gone astray and an instrument of conversion to those who do not want to come to know Jesus.
We do not have to fold our hands and allow evil to reign. Let us always be the light that others want to see.
As John did today, let us make others know, trust and believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
When an opportunity to touch souls arises, let us not do it as if it doesn’t concern us.
When we have a little chance to defend our faith and tell the world about Jesus Christ, let us not be ashamed and tongue-tied. At the end of our lives, what we lead us through is simply, the souls we have made to encounter Jesus Christ truly.
As true Christians, our lives should be a life for Jesus Christ. The question now is, who are we living to impress? Our friends, parents, husbands, wives, siblings, or God? Do we live to impress God or do we live to impress our fellow human beings more? God should be the first.
May God bless you dearest and give us the grace to point others always to Him. May He bless this year for you and give you more life to celebrate. Amen.