Breakfast With the Word Thursday 10th Week Ordinary Time of the Year
Matthew 5:20-26.
When something becomes a priority that means that it takes the first and highest place in your life. Priority indicates something that takes the first position in our decisions in life.
When we critically evaluate today’s gospel reading, we will observe that Jesus Christ wants us to take peace as the first decision we have to make in life especially when we are dealing with others.
The opposite of peace is strife. Both are two great forces that will either make or mar us. Whatever peace does, strife does the opposite.
The Gospel of Today.
In today’s gospel, Jesus makes some statements that show that peace in the life of every Christian is not negotiable.
First, Jesus says “If your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”.
To understand this, we have to note that the Pharisees and teachers of the law are always meticulous when it comes to keeping the law.
Their interest is to make sure that laws are followed to the letters despite their hypocrisy.
So, what Jesus is telling His disciples here is to be perfect. It is not imitating the Pharisees by living a hypocritic life, but exceeding them in making sure that our virtuous lives are true and real. Therefore, our virtuous lives must come from the heart.
Here, Jesus anticipates that His disciples should seek perfection when it comes to their relationship with God and their fellow human beings.
So, when you call yourself a child of God, living in peace is no longer an option but a sine qua non. It is what would be expected of you as a Christian.
Secondly, Jesus says ‘You have heard how it was said that You must not kill, and if anyone does kill he must be answerable for it before the court. But I say this to you: anyone who is angry with his brother will answer for it before the court; if a man calls his brother “Fool” he will answer for it before the Sanhedrin, and if a man calls him “Traitor” he will answer for it in hell fire”
Here, Jesus upholds the law against murder but goes beyond that to other factors that may lead to murder, like anger, insults, injurious words, hatred etc.
What Jesus is saying is that these factors which are the foundation roots of murder must be avoided. So, it is not only avoiding murder, but avoiding anything that could lead to it and any form of it.
Hence, these factors, which could eventually lead to more problems in the future must be avoided at all cost by any follower of Jesus.
Sincerely, if every family, relationships, communities, organizations, individuals, can keep to these, there will certainly be harmony and progress. In Christianity, peace should be the watchword.
The Weapon of Strife.
Strife means conflicts, bitter disagreements, quarrelling, family discord, sometimes characterized with anger, hatred, and internal frictions between people who are once close to each other. This is the opposite of peace.
Strife is a highly destructive force that the devil uses to create confusion, bitterness and turmoil in our relationships, lives and organizations.
Strife can tear apart marriages, put relationships on hold, destroy businesses, plunge people into depression and divide lifelong friends.
Every day, the devil puts in our paths things that will take us away from God and one of the weapons He uses is the weapon of strife.
God does not dwell where there is no peace. Otherwise, when Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, He would have blamed them and cursed them for denying him and running away during the time of His persecution. He did not do that but simply tells them “peace be with you (John 20:21). Therefore, God wants us to make peace a priority.
As I was saying, We all have things that happen to us daily. Sometimes these things can infuriate us and cause great injury to our relationships but the key is to not let them make us act rude or angry.
Instead, Jesus encourages us to make peace a priority in the midst of these. Therefore, let us not give the enemy a foothold. To make it our priority is the guiding principle.
The Weapon of Peace.
Peace is a very powerful weapon, but often and always neglected. It is a weapon cherished by God but hated and dreaded by the devil.
To make peace a priority is what God wants, but the world seeks strife. These continue to destroy us and create mayhem.
Always make peace a priority. This is a word that looks weaker than war but very mighty and heals more than war itself. Peace destroys the presence of the enemy without any warring weapon. But war, though using weapons, creates more disaster and opportunities for revenge.
The devil fears where there is peace and can never function there. The devil may give you anything, but can never give you peace. This virtue is divine. It is priceless.
The first gift that God gives when He comes close to you is peace. The first gift of Jesus to His apostles after the resurrection is peace.
Without this weapon, it is always hard for a family, group, parish, community, you, etc to function properly. Where there is peace, progress and prosperity are ensured.
This is a weapon hated by the world and dejected by many. They want it through wars, court cases etc still after that no peace truly exists.
Secondly, Adversity can never defeat anyone who remains calm when life throws its darts at him. It is the only weapon in the midst of a storm.
Peace is the food of the soul, the nursery bed for miracles, the secret of every powerful prayer. The soul that prays and remains calm, believing that His prayers must come to pass is always rewarded. The Weapon of Peace is priceless.
Then the question is “Why do we choose to hate?” Why do we prefer to be jealous and wicked and work negatively behind the scenes? Why do we remain far from God?
The answer is that peace is where God dwells but we neglect to work with it.
If you want the devil to run away from you, family, relationship etc, make peace a priority. Make peace with God also and be calm even in difficult situations. Then, make peace with your brother, sister, father, mother, friends etc.
A man of Peace is a man of faith, he is simple but powerful. Christ lives in Him. In peace you find God, Elijah found God in the gentle breeze.
Let us seek peace, pursue peace and live peacefully. Let us stop looking for faults everywhere; whatever you look for, you will surely find them. Forgive and forget.
Praying with a disordered heart is like cultivating in the bush. Free yourself from grudges and move on. The Weapon of Peace is priceless.
Peace is very Important.
To show how important making peace a priority should be. Jesus gives an example with someone who is bringing His offering to the altar but has something against someone.
Jesus says that whoever is bringing His offering to the altar and there remembers that his/her brother has something against him, must leave his offering at the altar and go back and make peace with the brother before presenting his offering”.
When someone comes to the altar to offer His gifts, He believes that He is giving His gifts to God. Then this means that before you offer whatever to God, make peace a priority, reconcile with the people who have wronged you, and forgive their injuries.
Samuel asks Saul in 1 Samuel 15:22 “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obedience to His voice? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and attentiveness is better than the fat of rams”.
Therefore what this means is that to obey Jesus and make peace with the people that have wronged us and those we have wronged is more important to God than whatever we think we sacrifice to Him.
The sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God is broken spirit and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17) and not the heart that is full of grudges, envy, hatred, disunity and strife. Always make peace a priority.
Always refuse to heed to insult, argue or fight. Refuse to be sarcastic or disrespectful.
Always decide that keeping peace should be the watchword in our homes, marriages and relationships and your life, even if it means we have to swallow our pride.
Make peace a priority in your day to day dealings with people. Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” You can be that peacemaker. You can be the one to create that atmosphere of harmony in your family and organizations.
God only dwells where there is peace. The bible says “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” (James 3:16). Therefore, make peace a priority today.
May God give you the grace to live in peace. May His lovely presence be with you today in all that you do Amen.
Read More
Matthew 5: 17-20. Living the Way God wants
As A Christian This is What You Are
This Is My Body, This Is My Blood: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus
Amen! Thank you Padre
A nice breakfast for today. Thanks Fr
Thanks Father.
May God grant us peace and help us make peace our watchword.
Amen, remain blessed Fr., to the glory of God’s name

God bless
Amen oooo more grace fr
Thank you Father.
Amen. Lord grant me the grace to live in peace with myself and others. Amen
Amen thanks Padre God bless you

Amen. God, please make me an instrument of your peace.
Thank you Fr. Sanctus Mario for this beautiful reflection today.
I pray that God will help me to be an instrument of peace where ever I go
I break any spirit of delay in my life spiritual and physical in Jesus name amen
Very educating and interesting words of God. Thanks Father
Amen may God give us grace to leave in peace and Harmony among ourselves, especially in this critical time of NIGERIA
Amen. Lord please make me an instrument of peace to those around me.
thank you Padre!
E.Act 1:8
and Amen 
Amen and Amen
Father thank you for this wonderful reflection today. Indeed it is neccesary to make peace a priority in our every day lives
Amen.the reflection of today has really spoken to me. Thank you Padre
Amen ,peace be with your spirit
A. False B. True C. Shavuot D. Descent of the Holy Spirit E. You shall receive power, you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth. F. False G. True H. Ruach I. Thomas J. True
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D,E, and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
Thank you for participating in the second round, You failed no. A, D,E, and I. you are not allowed for the final round.
A) True
C) Shavout
D) Fifty
E) Acts 1 vs 8
F) False
G) True
H) Ruach
I) None
J) False
Am praying for the grace to die with Christ and raise with him in love in Jesus name!

Amen and Amen.
Amen and happy weekend Fr
. May God grant us the grace to live in peace with one another and this is the only solution to our present problems in the country – love and peace.
Well-done Padre for this great work of evangelism
Amen! Thank you Jesus for a very delicious breakfast. I pray thee to make me an instrument of peace and grant me the grace to be tolerance and calm in every situation through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Lord please help me in all my imperfections, especially in my dealings with others. May I not create room for strife but peace. IJN. AMEN.
Thanks so much dear fr ,may the peace of God stay with us always.
May God give us the grace to always make peace with ourselves and our neighbors and especially with him. Amen.
May God help us to be ambassadors of peace, Amen
Restore oh Lord the lost peace between Mirian my eldest sister and my mum together with us her siblings

Father thank you for this wonderful reflection May God continue to bless and increase your anioting in Jesus name
I have learn how to comment now yesterday own I don’t know that the thing did not go
Please GOD help me to make peace a first priority in my life every day
Amen. May God make me instrument of peace.
Am so blessed by the word
Thank you fr for reflection on today’s word of God. May God continue to bless and keep you. Amen.
Amen Fr
Very wonderful content, Father! It’s been a while since I read a Breakfast With The Word and I have to say, this is good. It really got to me as I have been struggling with all these lately. I have found courage to move on. I read four Breakfasts With The Words this night alone. God be praised!
Amen. Thank you Fr for this word of encouragement. May God give me abundant Grace to always seem for peace.
Amen and Amen
God grant us Your peace and to make it a priority in our lives. Amen
Thank you Fr
Amen more grace Padre
Amen! & Amen! Many thanks and God bless you Fr.
Thanks Fr.