Breakfast with the Word Friday 24th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Luke 8:1-3
Someone who is on a mission indicates that He is sent to achieve or fulfil a particular assignment. I believe that we have a mission. To accomplish this mission is the reason we come to this world.
We do not come into the world to become onlookers. We do not come into the world only to whirl away our time. God has an intention that He sends us to this world to accomplish.
Therefore, we need to make decisions and choose the path we need to follow in working for God within the small time that we have on earth.
When you have a mission you want to accomplish, there is always this inner hunger that will motivate you to strive more despite the challenges that you encounter along the way.
The gospel of today though may look so dry but when we look at it critically we can see in it a guide on what we are to do when we have a mission to accomplish.
There are so many works we can choose to do for God with our whole heart, without expecting the gain. There are many of them. You can choose any and do it with your whole heart. Let us look critically at the gospel.
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The Key to Any Mission.
The gospel today simply tells us how Jesus made His way through the towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God.
After this, Luke mentions that Jesus went with the twelve and some certain women who he cured of evil ailments. Jesus knows the reason He comes to the world, therefore, Luke is trying to tell us how Jesus was so devoted to this work, to the extent that many people decided to support Him with their resources.
When you have a mission to accomplish you need to put your heart, soul and mind inside it. Let that thing you do for God give you sleepless nights. Put your whole mind in that and be dedicated to it.
Also when you have work to do, when you have a duty that was given to you to perform or to accomplish, put your mind inside it and do it from your heart.
Jesus was moving from town to town doing what he came to accomplish. He did not for one day complain about His work. He did not get tired.
Likely, there is something that God wants you to do where you are now. There is a reason you are working where you are, use that opportunity and give your best.
Therefore when you have a mission to accomplish do not get discouraged. Do not get tired of doing what you are called to do in life. Let that thing motivate you further.
Thirdly, as Jesus was moving about proclaiming the good news and preaching the word, we are also called to be living witnesses of the gospel.
Our call is to be a light to souls that have lost hope in God. God calls you to use your youthful energy and save souls from damnation.
Therefore, As Jesus was moving, proclaiming the gospel, let our lives be the gospel that others we see and repent.
Let what we do make a difference. We have to understand that we are ordinary instruments God intends to use, let us count ourselves in.
Fourthly, as Jesus was moving about proclaiming the good news, He does not segregate. That is why Luke also reminds us that even in the twelve, other women were core disciples of Jesus.
Among them are Mary Magdalene, Joana, wife of Herod’s steward Chuza and others who provided for the apostles and Jesus from their resources.
The ministry of Jesus is for all both men and women. And these women were the people that were supporting Jesus from their pocket. Now we can see where Mary Magdalene belongs.
Luke says that Jesus expelled seven demons from her. There is no connection to sin here. In the bible, most of the people that Jesus delivered from demonic oppression were either sick, dumb, lame etc.
Luke says also that Jesus cured her of different ailments. Therefore, the deliverance of the evil spirit that was in Mary Magdalen could be deliverance from sickness or unknown ailment.
The presence of the twelve and the women show that when you want to succeed in your mission, you need people who are going to give you the moral and spiritual support to move on.
We can never do the work of God alone. There is still something that the other person can contribute. We have to involve them. It means that when we have a mission to accomplish, we need the contributions of others.
Fifthly, in this gospel, we can see that Jesus was busy with His calling. Yet He was not deprived of those who were of help to Him. Luke says that they provide their resources and financial support for the ministry of Jesus.
Therefore, when you have a mission to accomplish, or when you are truly working for God, do not worry about your providence.
Do the best you can. God can raise a benefactor or benefactors that will be of good help to you. Therefore, face the work and not the gain. The gain will come at the appointed time.
Jesus is the Center.
Today’s gospel also shows that the twelve and the women were always with Jesus wherever He goes. If not, Luke would not have mentioned them in his account, It is clear that these are the close and core disciples of Jesus.
It is this closeness that makes them follow Jesus to the foot of the cross during his agony and even monitor where they bury Jesus (Luke 23:55).
They were the first to see the empty tomb (Luke 24:1-8) and the first to share the good news of the resurrection (Luke 24:9-11).
Therefore, these women made Jesus the centre of their lives and ministry. Therefore, when you have a mission, when you have work to do for God, the closeness we have with the Lord should be our motivating factor. Jesus should be at the centre. We do it for Jesus and not for any other selfish ambition.
The love you have for Jesus will motivate you. He should be at the center of everything that we do.
Secondly, we can see that these women receive deliverance and healing from Jesus and they, in turn, show their gratitude and love by supporting Jesus with the resources that He needs.
Not only that, the healing and the miracle they encounter makes them strong disciples of Jesus.
These women show through the service to God that they are truly thankful for what Jesus has done for them. Their lives were once filled with sickness and darkness but now they are free. So, just as Jesus has willingly delivered them, they willingly decided to serve Jesus and follow Him and also support Him.
In the same way, the work we do for God is what we willingly decided to do not for any sordid gain but to show how grateful we are to Jesus, who also died for our sins.
Then the questions are: what have you decided to do for Jesus for dying and saving you? How do we appreciate God for His goodness all this while? He willingly gives us his grace, we have to serve Him wholeheartedly.
Our service to God should be a sign of how we truly appreciate all that He does for us.
Support Your Church.
Today’s gospel simply illustrates that Jesus has people who also support His ministry. Therefore, Jesus and His disciples depended on the generosity of some people to survive.
So, it is good to find a way and support your church. Support the work of God in any way and despite how little.
Do everything for the sake of the gospel and for the sake of all that God does for you. It is not wrong to support your church.
May God give us the strength to serve Him through our duties. May our work bring souls back to God and May He be with you today. Amen.
Amen and AMEN bless you fr. More grace.
Amen. Thank you Father