Breakfast with the Word Tuesday 27th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Luke 10:38-42
Our top priority in life is that thing that we set as the most important thing in our lives.
It is that single objective that we place superior among the many things that occupy our day to day activities.
Our top priority in life is that thing that ranks first among the many things we do in life. We do have this sole concern to do them first.
Our top priority in life occupies our minds often. We choose them as a top prerogative.
We may ask “What truly occupies our mind that if you do not do it, you get worried? The answer to this will reveal what our top priority is.
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What should be Our Top Priority; Today’s Gospel
In today’s gospel, Jesus visited the house of Mary and Martha. In this visit, both Mary and Martha were busy doing different things which can represent what we do in life.
Martha was busy trying to show hospitality to Jesus which is not bad in itself and Mary was busy listening to Jesus.
Martha complains about Mary not helping her to prepare for the household chores. Because of this, Martha asks Jesus to tell Mary to help. Instead of accepting Martha’s request, Jesus replies that she is worried about so many things, for Mary has indeed chosen a better part. In essence, this better part should be our top priority in life.
The Better Part
What is this better part? We see this better part in Mary who chose to come to the Lord and listen to His word. Mary does not only choose to listen to the word but she chooses God’s presence.
The reading of today simply creates a sharp contrast between these two sisters.
One was busy trying to find something to give to Jesus but the other was busy seeking to tap the wisdom, inspiration and graces that come from Jesus.
This in essence teaches us that our concern in life is not solely on what we shall eat or wear, the cars we are going to ride, and the houses we are going to build. These are necessary for good living but they are not the most important.
What should be our top priority is how to be close to Jesus. To be in the Lord’s presence should always make us hungry. This should always make us uncomfortable when have not done it.
Therefore, what should constantly disturb our minds is how we can come back to God again and seek His presence. It entails also how we are to relate with Him to ensure that our souls are safe after our earthly sojourn. Have we for one day thought of our end? What would be our fate?
Secondly, our priority should be how to come to God’s presence always and listen to His word. To read and listen to God’s word, should be among our top priorities in life. The word of God should give us joy. Man shall not live by bread alone. But man must eternally live through His word.
Enjoying the Presence of the Lord
In the house of Martha and Mary, we see Jesus who came to visit them. So, the presence of the Lord is already assured.
Martha decides to be away from this divine presence to face other necessities of life while Mary chooses to embrace this presence by going more close to the Lord.
Also, in our churches today, God blesses us with this divine presence in the chapel. Like Mary and Martha, we choose whether to embrace this presence or face other worries of life.
Our Lord stays there every day asking for just a few minutes of our time. But sometimes we do not care and don’t even believe that the Blessed Sacrament is Jesus.
Enjoying the presence of the Lord and developing a love for His word should be our top priority in life. They need to take the first position in our lives.
After our earthly sojourn in this world, we must leave everything we have acquired and go back to meet that same creator we have abandoned when we are enjoying life on earth. Therefore, the presence of the Lord should give us joy.
The psalmist prefers to be a doorkeeper in the presence of the Lord than a thousand years elsewhere. ( Psalm 84:10).
Nothing gladdens the soul more than enjoying his presence and listening to Him. This should be our top priority. Visitation to the Blessed Sacrament gives great joy to the soul.
When you make it a devotion, everything in your life will begin to change, especially spiritually.
The irony is that we do pay huge attention to our worldly cares, our problems, how to improve our finances etc but hardly spend time thinking about our soul.
Sometimes, many people will go to any extent to acquire material possessions. Sometimes we do not even care if God exists or not.
Let us not forget that God also needs to relate and communicate with us. Out of 24hours a day, how many minutes can we also give to our Creator? We have to assign this as our priority.
Consider this as Out Top Priority.
Therefore, just like Mary does today, we should consider as our top priority to always be at the feet of Jesus, to listen, obey and follow Him.
At the mountain of transfiguration in Mathew 17, The voice from heaven gave only one directive. The voice says; ‘listen to Him’.
In John 2, at the wedding at Cana, Virgin Mary gave the best advice to the servants awaiting the first miracle of Jesus to “do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5).
When the devil comes to tempt Him with material things, Jesus reminds Him that it is only by His word that man can live (Matthew 4:4) And today Jesus refers to it as the only thing that is needed (Luke 10;42).
Therefore, listening to His word, coming to His presence and obedience to Him is surely the route to eternal life. Every other thing we tend to acquire will surely end in this world, but the only thing that will lead us to the world beyond is how close we are to our Creator. Let it be our top priority.
As we also worry about the food we are to eat, the friends we have to keep, how to make our loved ones happy, the house we are to build, the work we are to do, the money we are to make etc, also remember to worry about how to relate with God, come to His presence, how to talk and communicate with Him often and how to listen and keep to His word. “What will God tell me today” should also give us great concern.
May God bless you, dearest and give us the grace to develop deep hunger for the word. May all your efforts in life never go in vain. Amen