Virgin of the Incarnation, a thousand times we greet thee, a thousand times we praise thee for thy joy when God was incarnated in thee. Because thou art so powerful a Virgin and Mother of God, grant what we ask of thee for the love of God.
For the 21 Days Prayer Journey with Mother Mary for Impossible Requests use the form below and send your intentions. The Holy Mass is a form of sacrifice. If you want to offer for the mass (financially) send me a private message through my whatsapp at +639165006146. You are free to send your intentions through the email below.
I wish you a fruitful program.
For Mass stipends Use 3123 26 2795 FIrst Bank Name Chrysantus Okechukwu Ugwoegbu.
The Stipend for the 21 Days Prayer Journey with Mother Mary for Impossible Requests is #3000. Despite that, you can what you agreed with your heart in honour of your relationship with the Our Blessed Mother.
For members from other countries, send a message to any of your admins.
How to send your mass Intentions
You can use the email to send your intentions. We use the direct email so that I can be able to send a reply to you.
Put your name
WhatsApp number and
Home of Victory group.
Send your intentions to
Tap on the email or copy and send your intentions.
Use 3123 26 2795 FIrst Bank Name Chrysantus Okechukwu Ugwoegbu for the stipend.
If you find it hard to send through email feel free to send me a message through the WhatsApp.
God bless you 🙏