Breakfast with the Word Saturday, January 6th. The Personality of Jesus Christ.
Breakfast with the Word Saturday, January 6th
MARK 1:7-11
The Personality of Jesus Christ.
Personality describes the unique character of somebody. It analyzes the way someone thinks, works, behaves and does. It tells us who a person is.
This is the summary of how unique we are. Understanding the personality of Jesus Christ is very important, it helps us to truly understand the person Jesus is and how we approach Him.
The beginning of the gospel of Saint Mark tells us about John the Baptist who appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Mark tells us that the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem came to John the Baptist to confess their sins. He also baptized them in the Jordan River.
Mark tells us that despite John wearing clothes made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, fed on locusts and wild honey, people come to him.
Despite his power, and popularity, John’s message was “After I, comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, John is revealing to us that the One who is coming is full of power and the Holy Spirit. He baptizes us with the Spirit of God. From this gospel, let us analyze some details about the personality of Jesus Christ.
1. The One Mightier Than I.
John tells His hearers, that Someone mightier than he is, is coming. John knows how the people at that time take him to the extent that they can travel from far distances to seek him even in the desert. But John says that despite this, someone who is greater than he, is coming.
John reveals that Jesus is much greater and full of power. In essence, whenever we come in the presence of the Lord, let us have one thing in mind, He can do all things. Let us quit limiting the power of God.
2. Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.
Shoes as used here have a signification which is so different from what we know. To keep their feet from the burning sand, the Jews fasten small pieces of wood to the soles of their feet.
They call these shoes or sandals. Then, they will put Leather, or skins of beasts which are dressed, afterwards. This shoe has a raised heel and toe and is often expensive. It is normally worn by the masters.
Whenever they enter a house, the masters usually put them off and on when they leave. Now, those who have the function to loose and bind these sandals on such occasions, are the lowest servant. Sometimes their functions are constantly to loose and carry about their masters’ sandals.
So, when John says that he cannot loose the sandals of Jesus, it first expresses how humble John is and how important and great Jesus is.
In those days, the masters are respected and adored. Therefore, John is invariably telling us that Jesus is worthy to be adored, glorified, respected and exulted. When John says that he is not worthy to loosen His sandals, John places Jesus higher in an exalted position.
Therefore, the first thing we have to do as Christians is to put Jesus first in our lives. Then we give Him the exalted position worthy of Him. He should increase, while we decrease. He must be fully welcomed into our lives. We can’t do without Him.
3. He Shall Baptize You With the Holy Spirit.
To be baptized in the Spirit” means to be fully immersed into the reality, direction, influence and power of the Holy Spirit.
We are filled with the Holy Spirit of God when we are fully immersed in the Holy Spirit. To understand this fully, let us read from Acts of the Apostles 1:4-7.
According to Luke:
On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Through Jesus, the disciples of Jesus were baptised with the Holy Spirit. They received power, became living witnesses of the gospel, defended the gospel without fear and became changed persons.
Their words touched and converted a lot of people, etc. therefore, these can happen only through Jesus Christ.
He Who goes to Jesus Christ.
Therefore, in conclusion, these reveal that He who goes to Jesus must be transformed, filled with the power, gifts and influence of the Holy Spirit, and become a witness of the gospel, living in the light, bringing souls back to God and touching souls. Let us go to Jesus always.
May God bless you beloved. May You be filled with the Power of His divine Presence. Amen.
Amen Fr
! Thank you Fr for the concise and clear breaking of God’s word, it feels really refreshing. May God continue to bless you Amen.
Amen and Amen!
Amen. God help me to always put you first in all I do. Amen
Amen! Thank you Father for another year of grace. Happy new year to you father.
Amen! God please give me the grace to take You as my all and all
thank God who always remind us daily on how to live humble life. humility is the basic quality that help us keep focused on this earthly race. happy new year all the members of this family HOV.
Amen, remain blessed Fr. Good morning
Amen, may God give us the grace to live according to his word

. Happy new year Fr
Amen,Thank you Father for this write up

Thank you my Padre, may God continue to straighten u
very inspiring
Amen, thank you padre, for this reflection, may it dwelling on my heart day in day out in Jesus mighty name I prayed. Amen.
Amen. Thanks padre very explicit. Jesus help me to feel your presence always.

Amen thanks Padre God bless you
Amen and Amen.
Thanks Padre so much for this reflection.
thanks dear JESUS CHRIST 
Amen.Thanks father
More unction to you, fr