Breakfast with the Word: Tuesday After Epiphany
Mark 6:34-44
As we go through the week of epiphany, the church gradually teaches us about the personality of Jesus.
Gradually the church is teaching and letting us know the mission of Jesus, who He is and what He can do for us. The gospel text today, simply reveals the type of person He is.
Therefore, when we go in His presence, or when we decide to have an encounter with Him, we should always know who we are going to meet.
Sometimes, when we come in the Lord’s presence, or when we have little challenges, we think that He is heart hardened.
So, in today’s reading, we have to know truly the type of person that Jesus is through His encounter with the crowd.
In essence, whenever we decide to meet Him we do not have a double mind about who He is.
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New Year Breakfast With the Word: Make Everything New.
Epiphany of the Lord: The Manifestation of the Child Jesus
Jesus and the Crowd.
In today’s reading, As Jesus steps ashore, He sees a large crowd, and He takes pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Then, He begins to teach them at some length.
Then when it was getting late, some of his disciples come up to Him and ask Him to dismiss the crowd because they are in a lonely place. It is getting late, so it could be so risky to keep the crowd there by that time.
They ask Jesus to send the crowd away so that they can go to the farms and villages round about, to buy themselves something to eat.’
Instead of sending them away as they request, He replies, ‘Give them something to eat yourselves.’
They told Jesus that what they have is only two hundred denarii, then ‘Five loaves of bread and two fish. Instead of sending the crowd away, He demands that the people sit on the green grasses, then He feeds them.
In this Gospel text of Mark 6:34-44, as Jesus sees the crowd today, He does these five things: 1. He had compassion on them for they were like sheep without a shepherd
2. He teaches them at a great length.
3. Jesus did not send the crowd away even when His disciples pressured Him to.
4. He ordered them to sit on the green grasses. Then
5. He feeds them. This is Jesus for us.
When We Go In His Presence.
The crowd today experience the mercy of Jesus. They encounter His love and care.
They discover that He could not abandon them at the time of their need. So, at the point of our needs, let us know that He is always there for us. This is Jesus for you. We have to know this if we truly desire to know who He is and have an encounter with Him.
Also, the crowd also encounter His peace when He asks them to sit down. The crowd also were taught by Him personally. Then the crowd was fed. This is Jesus for you.
Therefore, when we come in His presence, we must encounter the mercy and compassion that only Jesus can give.
When we come to pray before Him, we do not see Him as that One that takes time to answer prayers. We do not see Him as that person that does not listen to our prayers.
In essence, when we come to His presence, we do not see Him as that One that is so heart-hardened, or that God that keeps a list and the scores of our pasts waiting for a day to punish us.
We have to know that the heart of Jesus is the seat of mercy and compassion. He cannot but have mercy.
Therefore, Jesus does not hate you. Even when the apostles wanted to send the crowd away, He refuses. This is Jesus for You.
Therefore, in the presence of Jesus are the abundance of grace, mercy, wisdom, words of eternal life, peace, calm mind, and daily nourishment. The crowds experienced these today.
He cares for You.
Through the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus shows us that He truly cares for us. He cares for us in our weak, painful and lonely times. Jesus is always there for us in our moments of lack and difficulty.
He is ready to welcome us to Him when others have abandoned us. When others do not care for our safety and provision, Jesus is always available to fill those gaps.
Therefore, He shows Himself to be sensitive to the needs of people who are in search of Him. He cannot just remain indifferent to the needs of those He meets on the way. Jesus feels compassion when He sees the great crowd that has been following Him “like sheep without a shepherd” (Mk 6:34).
This is Jesus for you. When we understand this about who He is, we are ready to go.
Therefore, let us know the type of person that Jesus is, as He is constantly revealing Himself in this week of epiphany.
Give them Something to Eat.
When the apostles intend to send the crowd away, Jesus makes an implausible proposal to the apostles “You yourselves give them something to eat: (Mark 6:37).
Therefore, Jesus is not only worried about spiritual bread but also about their bodily food. This is Jesus for you. He is always deeply concerned about our welfare, especially those who remain in search of Him and make themselves available to Him. One thing about Him is that He loves us more than we think.
Give them something to eat is also a command, Jesus made to His apostles on what they would do to the crowd. He is telling them not to forsake the physical needs of the people.
Therefore, He is also telling us to care for our flock both spiritually and physically. So, We have to do the much we can to feed the hungry and save the lost.
May He be with you today dearest in all your challenges today Amen.
Jesus our good shepherd continue to feed us with spiritual food in Jesus name Amen
Jesus is the Lord of all, full of mercy and compassion. He feeds us both spiritually and physically. All who come to him are sure of all these.
We are also encouraged to show mercy and compassion to our neighbours for ” blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”.
This is very helpful father, You have calmed down my worry of what to eat today. We move believing that Jesus are for us and will take care of every aspect of my life
Thank you Lord Jesus for who you are to me.
Thank you Padre for today’s reflection. May the Lord continue to shower us with His mercy and compassion. Amen
Thank you Jesus Christ for always being there for me, even at the moment of my difficulties.You always make yourself available to prove to me that lam your daughter… Thanks and God bless you Father.
Thank you Jesus Christ for always being there for me, even at the moment of my difficulties.Thanks and God bless you Father.
Amen. Thank you Padre
Amen! & Amen! Thanks & God bless… May the Msg of today continue to give us insight on who Jesus is really is. May he grant us his peace & continue to show us his mercy & compassion as he did to the crowd today who came to him by taking care of their spiritual & material needs, Amen!
Lord Jesus as we are coming to your presence every day, may you continue to enrich us with your merry through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Thank you Jesus!
Amen, may God give us the grace to give no matter how little we have to the glory of His name, Amen
.may God give us the grace to care for our fellow human beings as Jesus carers for us
May God Almighty help us and give us the grace to persevere in doing His will, live a life worthy of emulation and spread His good new to others in Jesus name. Amen
And and Amen, thank you fr. More grace.
Father Lord I pray that you give us the heart like yours so that we will love, care, have compassion on our fellow human being just as you taught us today and in everything may we never lose the sight of who you are and what you can do in our lives
May God Almighty help us and give us the grace to persevere in doing His will, live a life worthy of emulation and spread His good new to others in Jesus name. Amen
Help me to know you lord.
And always, Amen.
Thank you Father.
Amen! Thank you Father.
Amen. Thanks for your encouragement.
May God continue to refill you with His oil of anointing.
Amen, compassionate Jesus may I encounter you in a special way this year as I will always be in your presence
Our Lord is the living bread, he nourishes our soul and body
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus. glory
Amen. O merciful Jesus, have mercy on my family
Amen. Give me the grace to always see you in people and accept them as you do, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Deeply nourished by these.
God strengthen you Padre
Very consoling and assuring words from the Lord even when others abandon and neglect us,Jesus is always available to fill the gaps.
Thanking God for his wisdom upon you Padre.
Amen!!! Lord give me fortitude to care for others around me… Amen.
Thanks Fr
Amen. Thank you padre for massaging my soul. May God continue to bless you.
And be with you also as you are taking care of us too.
Amen!!! I pray that Jesus helps me to grow physically and spiritually. Amen
Jesus is the Lord of all, full of mercy and compassion. He feeds us both spiritually and physically. All who come to him are sure of all these.
We are also encouraged to show mercy and compassion to our neighbours for ” blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”.
The love of God is greater than the love of man
I pray that God should gave me the grace to love as he do to the crowd
Lord teach me to know you, love you and serve you all the days of my life. Amen
Thank you Jesus for revealing yourself to us. Amen 🙏
Amen 🙏. Jesus I Trust in You!
Thank you fr for making me to understand more about Jesus
Amen 🙏
And also with you 🙏🙏
Thank you Jesus for your love and care for me
May God give us the grace to encounter him and the grace to remain steadfast in him at all cost. May he also give us the grace to look after those under our care just the way he did to the crowd. Amen
Thank you Jesus for not abandoning me in this my time of challenges.i believe that as I have read this breakfast with the Lord,am assured of your love and care upon my life and household. Please, show your mercy and compansion upon me and my household and answer our prayers as am writing this in tears
Thank you Jesus for all your love and care, despite my unworthiness. I pray for sufficient grace to love God, and be your faithful follower for the rest of my life. I pray in Jesus name, amen. More unction to you, Fr Sanctus.
Amen. Jesus be my Shepard in this my present condition. Amen
May continue to be with us all. Amen
Thanks you Lord Jesus for your love
Amen,may the good Lord continue to show himself to us also to understand that he care for us and to know who he is to us
Amen. Thank you father.
I need You morethan ever Oh Lord, continue to give me and my family something to eat in Jesus most precious name i pray, Amen 🙏
Amen…. Thank you Father
Amen…. Thank you Father…. God bless you
Come to Jesus and not doubting if he is the one because He always reveals himself.
Thank you Lord
Amen thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus🙏🙏 for your care, provision, and love towards me even when I don’t show concern to reciprocate. Help me also to be generous and humble
Amen thanks Padre God bless you 🙏
Amen. Thanks Fr. Is it possible to have the reading written out before the reflection?
I link the reading
Thank you Jesus, with today’s word,I am sure of Jesus feeding me and my house hold. Amen
Amen, God bless you Padre
Father Lord I thank you for lovely me unconditionally even when I don’t deserve the love 🙏🙏🙏.
May Jesus continue to be our good shepherd.Amen
Thank you Jesus for the gift of life.
Come to Jesus and not doubting if he is the one
Jesus cares for me.
Amen! I pray for special grace of God to always show compassion when occasion calls and to to dispose myself to care for people who need my attention without segregation. Help me in this undertaking, o Lord! Thanks dear and remain richly blessed.
Sweet Jesus how wonderful you are.
Amen Fr
Amen, may we always have the grace to feed the hungry around us
Thanks for giving us this view of Jesus
Amen.thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus for your word today… Help me to have an encounter with you today and always …feed me Lord both spiritually and my path for I am like a sheep without a shepherd.. do not cast me away but draw me closer to you so that I may receive your grace …Amen
Thank you Jesus for having compassion on me
Lord Jesus, I know You will neither fail nor abandon us; thank You for Your faithfulness despite our unfaithfulness/faithlessness.
Thank you Padre for always being there. May God through the intercession of Mary our Queen and Mother grant you fulfilment of all your heart holds dear. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen. Thank you Jesus for who you are. Teach us always to live like you did in Jesus name…Amen
Amen. Thanks father
Jesus remains the opposite of what man is! Alleluia! Yes, He’s full of love and compassion! And He knows that we can’t repay Him. That’s just the strange thing about such overwhelming goodness…
Thank you Jesus!
Oh Lord! Please let me encounter you. Let me encounter your mercy, love, care and peace. Amen