Breakfast With the Word Wednesday Fourth Week of Easter
John 12:44-50
Today, Jesus talks about four things while his conversation with the Jews is going on, which are simply the implications when we reject Jesus in our lives.
1. First, Jesus speaks on His unity and affinity with the Father. He says “whoever sees me, sees him who sent me”. Towards the end of the gospel, He says “For I have not spoken on My own authority; the Father who sent me has instructed me in what to say and how to speak”.
This shows the oneness between the Father and the Son. Therefore, this concludes that to reject Jesus is to reject the Almighty God.
In essence, when we reject His Words, we reject the one who sent Him, we reject the Father. When we reject Jesus, we also reject the Father.
For those who mention chukwuokike and leave Jesus should know that If you mention Chukwuokike Abiama and forgets His Son, you are invariably rejecting Chukwuokike Abiama. He says “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). Jesus is also Chukwuokike. He created with the Father.
Therefore, When we live the way we want, it shows total neglect to our Creator. And this is why the world is in chaos, the creature has abandoned the Creator.
2. Jesus talks about his coming to the world as a source of light. He says “I have come into the world as light so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness”.
This means that one without Christ is in spiritual and moral darkness. He does not understand the things that the Spirit of God has revealed in God’s Word (1 Cor. 2:14), therefore, when we reject Jesus, we reject the light of God.
He who rejects Jesus is darkened in his understanding and excluded from the life of God (Ephesians. 4:18). To reject Jesus is simply to embrace the darkness.
3.Jesus says in the gospel, “I have come not to condemn the world but to save the world. Here, Jesus tells us that His reason for coming to the world is for our own good.
He has come to save and not to condemn. Therefore, rejection of Him and refusal to keep His word is also a rejection of salvation.
In essence, when we decide to turn our back on Jesus, is also the decision to reject salvation. Therefore, when we reject Jesus, we reject peace, love, holiness, joy, and eternal salvation.
Therefore, to accept Jesus is to accept blessings. To obey His word is to attract blessings from God and to reject Jesus is to reject the source of God’s blessings.
4. He says “he who rejects my word, has his judge already. The implication is that if we want to know what God wants, the way to be blessed and the path to our salvation, we need to take the gospel very serious. To reject the word leads to ignorance of what God wants from us.
5. Jesus says “The one who rejects me, and does not receive my word, already has a judge: the very word I have spoken will condemn him on the last day”.
This simply concludes that to reject Jesus is simply the easiest way to condemnation. We face judgement before God when we reject His Words. For there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).
6. Jesus says “For what I have spoken does not come from myself; no, what I was to say, what I had to speak, was commanded by the Father who sent me”.
Therefore to reject the words of Jesus and refusal to put them at work is also disobedience to the father. The implication here is that God hates disobedience. Therefore to reject His word is the easiest way to invite eternal punishment.
7. Finally, Jesus states ” I know that His commandment is eternal life, and that is why the message I give, I give as the Father instructs me”. Letting us know that the secret of eternal life is keeping the words of the Father, through Him.
So, to embrace eternal life and live with God at the end of our lives is only if we live according to His ordinances. Hence, to reject them is to embrace hellfire and eternal damnation.
Therefore, It is now left for us to make our choice. Let us embrace Jesus and take His Words very serious in our lives.
May God bless you dearest and give you the grace to conquer your temptations, may He make your faith strong again. Amen.
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Yes write it good but me. I have been waiting when this breakthrough will come to me and my entire house hold.People question me that I decided not to marry , some of them are asking me the reason why I am not yet married.I am shy to associate with my mate,peer groand class mates because I feel inferior.Their greetings are how is your children and husband. I grew up from Catholic family where we don’t joke with rosary and masses.Why must we struggle to get anything.Before my dad built his house it was hail,we prayed for yes before his relation gave him a land in between of bush.We inside that built our house but I God for sending helper who created roads for now about 3houses sourround us.I know one I will be a married woman and a mother but the pains I am into now is my mom is
gone.All she desired to be a grandma,and visit omugwo is gone.She married at her 20yrs and stay 39yrs in her marriage before death took her away from us.Had it means we married earlier my mom would have see all her grand children even great children.I hurt me I choose to live life free from premarital sex and always tell God about any man that enters my life yet still single. I will 38yrs this year.Some men have started rejecting me now because of my age😭😭😭. When I was in my 20’s many of them came sounds as if I am scary.They saw me and left immediately.How will I work towards breakthrough of this.Please hid my identity in this comment.
I keep the post public but hide your identity, so that anyone who wishes to advise you too, can see it and advise more. Be happy with yourself first. You cannot be moving around that you are a nobody because of marriage. There are many who have encountered more difficulties than yours yet moved on. Secondly, what happened to your mum has happened, you cannot bring her back again. This type of worrying cannot do anything again positive in your life. What you owe the woman is to be praying for her. Finally do not lose hope yet in yourself. Invite God into your life, take time and find out why this is happening, put it into prayers, correct whatever demands to be corrected. Please be cheerful, keep your hope alive and be happy.Do not make a final conclusion yet in your life when God has not and let no condition determine your happiness. Clear the ground for God to start working in your life. Be at peace with yourself first for God dwells where there is peace.
Amen father
Thank you Father
Sister don’t give up, I was 44 last month, I have been trusting God for marital settlement,it is not easy but God knows best. Be happy and let his will be done.
That we will always love You dear Lord and do Your will🙏
Thank you Padre. God bless you even more🙏🙏
Exactly my story now. But I can never loose hope. Amen
Amen, thank u Lord
May His words continue to be a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path in Jesus name, amen!
Amen. Thanks for sharing Padre
Amen thanks Padre
Sister welcome to my world. I had same life or experience with you,even at my late 30’s men who pretend to be serious are after to have sex with me.Guess what I stood my ground that is a sin.They left me ,even those living in Nigeria and abroad,after 4o days laten period.Guess what I had more than 10 suitors, I selected one with prayer, the guy respect me because I still closed my legs for him. I am seeing my future with him.He is different, he is intelligent and teaches me a lot.This present rosary novena and perpetual help is for God to perfect what he started,is moving smoothly.He is not rich but he has plans and he is focus.He planning to travel back to abroad because he was there before and he will not wait time to take me.He loves for who I am, intelligent and godly.Try and do this present novena with your whole heart, even if you haven’t start.Start now, you must surely win.My mom is late too,I always pray for her and I believe she is in heaven.Don’t loose hope okay, is well.
Sister welcome to my world. I had same life or experience with you,even at my late 30’s men who pretend to be serious are after to have sex with me.Guess what I stood my ground that is a sin.They left me ,even those living in Nigeria and abroad,after 4o days laten period.Guess what I had more than 10 suitors, I selected one with prayer, the guy respect me because I still closed my legs for him. I am seeing my future with him.He is different, he is intelligent and teaches me a lot.This present rosary novena and perpetual help is for God to perfect what he started,is moving smoothly.He is not rich but he has plans and he is focus.He
is planning to travel back to abroad because he was there before and he will not waste time to take me along with him.His mother stays America with his sister.He loves me for who I am,;intelligent and godly I understand how you feel,I felt the same even as people looking down on me especially some children who are married already,I always take my pain to Jesus in the holy Eucharist, chapel is my second home.I go there daily.Try and do this present novena with your whole heart, even if you haven’t start.Start now, you must surely win.My mom is late too,I always pray for her and I believe she is in heaven.Don’t loose hope okay, is well.
Amen, remain blessed Fr.
Amen. May God continue to bless and strengthen you Father. Thank you so much for your selfless sacrifices.
Thank you Fr
Thank you father, for the word of God Amen🙏🙏🙏
Amen…… Lord, please, keep me in strong faith to follow and obey your words
Good morning beloved Padre. Thank you for the message. God bless you
Amen and Amen. My sister please can you call me with this number I have my story to tell you and I believe it will encourage you. 08068357674
Amen,Lord give me the grace to follow in your ways.
Lord give me the grace to accept your word and put it into practice according to Your holy will. Amen
Lord strengthen our faith and resolve to live by your word. Amen
Amen and good night Fr
May God help us to always make ‘being one with Him’ our priority.
Thank you Father Sanctus for this wonderful reflection. More wisdom to you.
Amen and Amen
Amen Fr
Amen! & Amen! Thanks and God bless you too Fr.