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Reflections are the food of the soul. When we reflect through divine mysteries and on the biblical truths. our knowledge of God increases, hence our faith in God becomes constantly rejuvenated. We need daily reflections to keep ourselves going. Here, you will find a list of daily reflections on the bible to keep our faith alive again.
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time of the Year C
Whoever humbles Himself Shall be Made Great. Saturday 20th Week
Breakfast With the Word Saturday 20th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Life of Saint Tarsicius. Thursday with the Saint
Tarsicius was born in the age of Christian martyrdom a martyr of the early Christian church who lived in the 3rd century
The Fire that Jesus Brings. 20th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
Sunday Breakfast With the Word 20th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
St. Augustine Of Hippo. Thursday with the Saint.
In today’s Thursday meeting with the Saints, we shall look into the life of Saint Augustine of Hippo who once lived a wayward life…
These are the Reasons You Must Forgive. Thursday 19th Week Ordinary Time
Breakfast With the Word Thursday 19th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
Do These If You want to bear Fruit. Feast of Saint Lawrence.
Breakfast With the Word August 10 Feast of Saint Lawrence.