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Sunday Breakfast with the word is a weekly reflection, especially for Sunday sermons and homilies. We break the word every Sunday to enrich our souls with the word of God
Sunday Breakfast with the Word Second Sunday of Advent Year C
The Way We Relate to God and Others.Monday 1st Week of Advent
Breakfast With the Word Monday First Week of Advent Year B A
The Day Is Coming.Breakfast with the Word. 1st Sunday of Advent Year C
Sunday Breakfast with the Word First Sunday of Advent Year C
The Kingdom Where Jesus Reigns: Solemnity of Christ the King Year B
Sunday Breakfast with the Word Solemnity of Christ the King Year B
There is Hope At Last. Sunday Breakfast With the Word 33rd Week
Sunday Breakfast With the Word 33rd Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
What Happens When We Encounter Jesus. 30th Sunday Year B
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 30th Sunday Ordinary Time Year B
The Way To serve As Jesus does. Sunday 29th Week Ordinary Time
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 29th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B