Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Daily Morning Declaration for Financial Breakthrough and Blessings through the intercession of Saint Luke.


Daily Morning Declaration for Financial Breakthrough and Blessings through the intercession of Saint Luke.


Dear Saint Luke, I come before you today seeking your intercession for financial breakthrough and prosperity in my life.

I declare that I am open and receptive to the abundant blessings that the universe has in store for me.

I declare that I am divinely aligned with the flow of wealth and abundance. I release any limiting beliefs or negative patterns that may have held me back in the past.

I affirm that I am worthy of financial prosperity and success. I ask for your guidance and assistance in making wise financial decisions, attracting opportunities for growth and expansion, and managing my resources responsibly. I trust in your powerful intercession and believe that you will guide me towards the path of financial abundance.



Thank you, Saint Luke, for your divine support and for assisting me in reaching my financial goals. I commit to taking inspired action, staying motivated, and maintaining a positive mindset towards my financial journey.

I am ready to receive and manifest unlimited financial blessings.

Through the intercession of Saint Luke, I declare that financial breakthrough and prosperity are manifesting in my life now. So it is, and so be it.


Through the intercession of Saint Luke:

I declare that all my financial needs are abundantly met. I attract opportunities that align with my highest good and bring financial prosperity into my life.


I declare that I am a magnet for money and wealth. I receive financial ideas daily. I attract financial abundance effortlessly and joyfully.

I declare that all my financial endeavors are successful. I am guided towards lucrative ventures and profitable investments.

I declare that I have a positive relationship with money. I release any scarcity mindset and embrace a mindset of abundance and prosperity.

I declare that all financial obstacles and challenges are removed from my path. I am divinely supported in overcoming any financial difficulties.

I declare that I am financially free and independent. I have the resources and means to live a life of comfort, generosity, and financial security.

I declare that my financial blessings multiply and expand. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life.

I declare that I am a wise steward of my financial resources. I make sound financial decisions and manage my money with intelligence and integrity.

I declare that I attract positive financial opportunities and supportive individuals who contribute to my financial success.

I declare that I am aligned with the divine flow of prosperity. I trust in the universe to provide me with all the financial blessings I desire.

Through the intercession of Saint Luke, I affirm and declare these financial blessings and breakthroughs into my life. May they manifest in the most miraculous and abundant ways. So it is, and so be it. I will come back to give thanks.


(Say these declarations every day, especially in the morning and before you sleep. Remember to speak these declarations with faith, gratitude, and believe in their manifestation. Come back and give thanks if it works for you)

If you have a testimony, post it at the comment section.


  1. Chikaodinaka Nwanesi says

    God bless you more and make life more easier for you through Christ Jesus our Lord, AMEEEEEN

  2. Nwankwo Chinwendu says

    Praise God Hallelujah.Our God is a great God. I got married last year. After a while I started looking for the reason why I be pregnant. Doctor said that I have to take foreign drug worth over #300,000, the fact is that I don’t have even 10 percent of the money. At the beginning of Lenten program I got pregnant even though it later went out but is a good sign that God did. During that period I got a job without application letter or stress. Finally my Mother and my brother was saved from fatal accident on Sunday, Prayer is the best key to Success. Thank you Jesus for All you have been doing in my life and family, please continue.

  3. Amalu Ebere says


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