Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Daily Prayer Intention




Use the form below for your Daily Prayer Intention.



  1. Saanndrah says

    Asking God for his mercies and grace upon my life
    Asking God to give me the grace to live s holy life this lent period
    Asking God for distinction

  2. Agburum Norah-ann Obianuju says

    Fr please keep praying

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      no problem

      1. Chioma says

        Father please pray for my marriage. I pray God heals my marriage

      2. Nwahiri Chinaruorunebube says

        I graduated with a good grade, finished my NYSC. Got a good job. The day am to resumed, I noticed I couldn’t write with my right hand.

        I thought it was something temporal. Up till this day fr I can’t hold a pen to write…. I have cried my eyes out to God. But it seems He has abandoned me. I am now a laughing stock, rediculed and laughed at.

        1. Nwobodo Ifebuche says

          Please dear. Still hope on God. Nothing is impossible before him. You shall give a testimony soon

          1. Collins nsaka says

            Fada remember me for financial breakthrough toward my traveling journey

        2. Chigaemezu says

          Never loose hope on God he can never abandon you just keep your hope alive…… All that mock and ridicule will come and follow you to thank God for what he has done all I want to say is keep praying and trust God

        3. Jude says

          Imagine your name. “Miracle working God ” you will soon testify again. Keep praying and don’t stop believing God for a positive end to your present predicament. It’s well with you nwachukwu.

      3. Caro says

        Father u have been an inspiration to me may the living God b with you all the days of ur life

        1. Sanctus Mario says


      4. Chidiogo Anasthesia says

        God blessed you Padre

        1. Madu Chinenye says

          Thanks a lot father.
          Remain blessed always.

          1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Vivian says

      Fr please remember my only brother Uche in prayer. He is lost for over 10year now. No contacts made

      1. Sanctus Mario says


        1. Ifesinachi okeke says

          Fr. U are doing a great work, may God bless and keep u. Amen 🙏

          1. Sanctus Mario says


        2. Chizaram says

          Fr please remember Lawrence Ekwebelem family in your daily prayers

          1. Sanctus Mario says


          2. Ifesinachi okeke says

            Father pray for me I need a male children

      2. Obi joy says

        May my destiny helper locate me amen
        Fr remember me in ur daily prayers amen

        1. Sanctus Mario says


          1. Anthony Adeyemi GOMEZ says

            Padre pray for my father Patrick who is sick from evil attack and for God grace in my family.

        2. vivian okeke says

          God bless you abundantly Father, keep you and enable you to continue winning souls for him. You are really touching lives.

          1. Sanctus Mario says


      3. Collins nsaka says

        Financial breakthrough and restoration of our mother sight

        1. Rosemary says

          Praying for marital blessing and for an excellent spirit

    3. Dorothy Mary Iyinbor says

      Thanks Father for all yo do may God continue to strengthen you.
      Please pray for my sister to have husband, she’s even considering marrying a Muslim as second wife

    4. Lady+Pauline+Maurice says

      I pray also for you Father that we u minister into will be ur consolation. May your struggles here in Earth to make heaven not be in vain.

      1. Sanctus Mario says


    5. Padre, I pray to visit you and meet you one on one! You are source of blessing to me and pray for my friend that is praying to leave this country Nigeria. That the Good Lord will come to his assistance!

      1. Sanctus Mario says


  3. Peter Anthony Dodoh says

    God bless you Padre as you bring back the lost sheep to the fold.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Ofoegbu Ebuka says

        I have submitted my prayer request

        1. Sanctus Mario says


        2. Chidinma Rachel says

          God bless you Padre.

          Prayer request:
          For success in my exams and God’s Divine favour and protection .

      2. Amara chidimma stephnora says

        Padre may the Lord who called to work in his vineyard continue to strengthen ijn. Amen. I have submitted my prayer request

        1. Sanctus Mario says


  4. Lady J Jessica says

    Submitted already

    1. Lady J Jessica says

      I have submitted by prayer intention

      1. Frances Ann says

        I have submitted my prayer intention

        1. Sanctus Mario says


      2. Chinyere says

        I have submitted my prayer request.. Please Father look into it and pray for and with me.. Thank you Padre

        1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Chinemelum says

        FR . I have sent my intention. May God Bless you abundantly

        1. Sanctus Mario says


      2. Chukwuma Joyce says

        I have submitted

        1. Sanctus Mario says


        2. Stella Maris says

          Father, I have sent my mass intention for 28th Feb, 2021, is there a way I can confirm that it delivered successfully?

          1. Sanctus Mario says

            It is

    3. Stephen Ezeibekwe says

      God bless you abundantly father.

      1. Sanctus Mario says


        1. Cynthia says

          Please keep praying for me fr. For the success of my exam which starts tomorrow. May God continue to bless you in Jesus name Amen

      2. Amara chidimma stephnora says

        Padre may the Lord who called to work in his vineyard continue to strengthen ijn. Amen. I have submitted my prayer request

    4. MADU ANGELA says

      God bless you abundantly, and make you His saint in Jesus name Amen

      1. Sanctus Mario says


  5. Ify says

    God bless you for this good work father.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Ify says

        Please remember me in your prayers for healing of my liver. May God continue to avail you His awesome grace.amen

  6. Ebere says

    Fr may God continue guide you and strengthen as you work in His vineyard.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. MADU ANGELA says

        God bless you abundantly, and make you His saint in Jesus name Amen

    2. Stephen Ezeibekwe says

      Fr, May God continue to bless and keep you now and always. IJN.

      1. Sanctus Mario says


      2. Steven says

        Fr. May the almighty God continue to bless you. Protect you. Grant your heart desires as you win souls for him

        1. Sanctus Mario says


        2. Uju Udoezika says

          Father for all the time you bring out for us, your reward will be so huge, may God continue to strengthen you in Jesus Name Amen

          1. Sanctus Mario says


  7. Obiejinwa Doris says

    May God bless you abundantly father

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  8. Emmanuella says

    Submitted already,God continue to strengthen you ichie ozioma

    1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Chidalu Ekwebelem says

      Submitted. Thank you padre. May God strength you more.

      1. Sanctus Mario says


  9. Iheanacho Chibuzor says

    My spiritual director I don’t know what to say than this,may God Almighty continue to bless you,protect you,guide you and provide for you

    1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Nwahiri Chinaruorunebube says

      That I may be healed and my original hands restored back to me. I am laughed at everyday…I am rejected but I know my God has not gotten my time.

  10. Anyadiegwu Kingfrancis Ikenna says

    God bless you Fr.

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      same dear brother

  11. Ohaegbu Ursula says

    May God continue to bless you Padre

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  12. Philip Ogunjobi says

    Keep Praying for us Fr. May God bless and reward you.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Confidence NWAHIRI says

      I have just submitted an intention now fr.

      Please remember me at mass…

  13. Christiana Dominic says

    I have submitted my intention.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Chioma. says

        Father please pray for my marriage. I pray God heals my marriage.

      2. Nwahiri Chinaruorunebube says

        Fr too need your prayers oooooo. Fellow soldiers let’s remember fr too in our daily prayers. He equally needs our prayers. Thanks

        1. Sanctus Mario says


      3. Idoko Somtochukwu says

        Good Morning Fr.
        I have submitted my intentions

        1. Sanctus Mario says



    Father please pray for me daily. May God connect my destiny helper to me and my Family. Amen

  15. Linda says

    I have submitted Padre may God continue to bless you

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  16. Christian Chikulie says

    Thank u fr,. For the good work, more Grace

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  17. Ozoana, Obinna says

    Thank you Padre, I have submitted my prayer intentions. May God keep you always in Jesus name. Amen.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  18. Lemibe Cynthia Chiamaka says

    God bless you Father ….Amen

    I have send my prayer request

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Oparaigbo Ngozichukwu Lynda says

        May God continue to bless you Padre… please continue to pray for me

    2. Josephine Nnaemeka says

      Father may God bless you because you have accepted to become lover of human nature & ft heir desire to serve God just the way you are doing. Thank you very much padre.

      1. Sanctus Mario says


  19. Christiana Dominic says

    Strength for exploit is your portion padre. And the number of your days you will fulfill.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  20. Durugbor Olivia Chizara says

    Always remember me in ur prayers fr
    I am going through alot lately

    1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Oparaigbo Ngozichukwu Lynda says

      I have submitted my prayer request. Father please remember me in your prayers…may the good Lord continue to give you the grace to work in his vineyard…Amen

      1. Sanctus Mario says


  21. Ilika grace says

    Father please always remember me in your prayers I have submitted the form.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  22. Abugu Emmanuel Mary Odinaka says

    Thanks Padre and may the good Lord continue to strengthen you in His Vineyard. Amen

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  23. Obianuju says

    God bless you father

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      and you too

  24. Uche says

    Fr. Pray for me I breakthrough in business and God’s divine touch in my prayer life and lose it

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      noted and written

    2. Cynthia Eze says

      Fr please pray for me for the success of my exam. May this semester exam results be the best results for me. May God continue to bless and strengthen u as u work in his Vineyard

  25. Lemibe Cynthia Chiamaka says

    God Bless you Father…Amen

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      Amen and bless you too

  26. vivian C. okeke says

    God bless you abundantly Father, keep you and enable you to continue winning souls for him. You are really touching lives.

    1. Sanctus Mario says



    May the Almighty God contenue to strengthen and shower his blessings upon you, thank you for this great opportunity, may God bless you. AMEN

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  28. Cynthia says

    May God continue to strengthen you as you work in his van yard. Amen

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  29. Lady J Jessica says

    May God continue to bless father

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  30. Anusi chimamaka says

    Thanks alot padre. God bless you always.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


      1. Okwuchukwu Ndubuisi says

        Please save my name, email in this browser for the next I comment

        1. Sanctus Mario says


  31. Christian says

    Fr, keep on the good work, May the good Lord grant all ur heart desires amen.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


    2. Okwuchukwu Ndubuisi says


  32. Amara Duru says

    Praying for God’s help upon my life, marital settlement God Job and God’s favours

  33. Okwuchukwu Ndubuisi says

    Please save my name, email in this browser for the next I comment

  34. Oluchi Emechebe says

    Fr. I have submitted my prayer request.Thanks & more grace upon your life

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  35. Stella Maris says

    Padre, I have forwarded my prayer request for today.
    God bless you more as you present my request to God.

  36. Orji Chinagolum says

    May God grant you your heart desires 🙏

  37. Rotji Gabriel says

    Submitted, may God continue to bless and keep you Padre for the good work you have been doing and more wisdom.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  38. Maureen says

    God bless u for the good works father

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  39. Ajoko Loveth says

    Father, may the Almighty God give you the strength to carry on to this journey in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  40. Chinyere Jane says

    Father remember me in your prayers for God’s divine intervention

    1. Sanctus Mario says

      I promise

  41. Umukoro Anthony says

    For the full actualization of my scholarship in Boston University School of Theology

  42. Linda says

    Padre I have sent mine

  43. Umukoro Anthony says

    For the actualization of my visa and scholarship in USA

  44. Umukoro Anthony says

    For the actualization of my scholarship in Boston University School of Theology USA.

  45. Chigaemezu says

    Thank you Father for your words if encouragement and prayers may God bless you sir

  46. Chigaemezu says

    thank you Father for all the prayers may God continue to give you strength to continue working in his vineyard

  47. Obianuju says

    Father please pray for me I know I have wronged God by smoking weed (sk) now it’s making me anxious want to get well again…forgive me will never do it again

  48. Nancy chizoba says

    May God keep strengthening you fr. you’re blessed.

    1. Sanctus Mario says


  49. Janefrances says

    I’m praying for all round breakthroughs and Success, especially scholarship or sponsorship for master’s abroad. St Pantaleon , please pray for me.

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Fr Sanctus Mario
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