Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

The Presence of Jesus Does these for Us. Easter Thursday


Breakfast With The Word Easter Thursday


Luke 24:35-48Β 





The Presence of Jesus Christ does a lot for us, which are evident in today’s gospel of Luke 24:35-48. In today’s gospel, the Emmaus disciples went back to other disciples of Jesus to narrate their encounter with the risen Lord on the road to Emmaus.


As they were discussing what happened, Jesus appears in the midst. His first greeting to them is “peace be with you”.


In today’s gospel, we can delineate from this encounter what the presence of Jesus does for us. He means a lot for us when we encounter Him or allow Him into our lives.


1.Jesus Searches for His Own.




As Jesus appears to his disciples one by one to show that He has truly resurrected, is how He continually searches for us to assure us of His ever-abiding presence. The disciples were in a state of fear, hopelessness and worry.


He appears to them to assure them that He is still alive. So, whenever we feel like giving up and losing faith, God also continues to search and strengthen our hearts. He comes to us in these moments, to assure us of His ever-abiding presence. Never lose faith when you face difficulties if truly we are close to God.




2. His Presence gives Peace


The two disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus went back to Jerusalem to break the news of their encounter with the risen Lord with other disciples. While sharing their experience, Jesus stood in their midst and His first greeting to them isΒ “Peace be with you”.




Imagine the debate that was going on before this encounter. One evidence to tell you that many must still be doubting, was their attitudes when Jesus appeared.


Imagine when someone tells you that he saw a dead person alive, some will believe, while some will not. Such a story will cause a lot of debate. This is maybe to ascertain the truth of the encounter.




In this confusion, Jesus appears in their midst with the greetings of Peace. The presence of Jesus brings peace. A soul that lives in Christ is always in peace.


The presence of Jesus gives peace to the soul, peace with yourself, peace with God, and peace with your neighbour. A family that lives in Christ always lives in peace. It is not surprising here to tell you that the devil hates where there is peace. When you encounter Jesus, you encounter peace.







3. His Presence Calms our fears


The gospel of Luke did not tell us how Jesus came into the room. This must surely be frightening.



The apostles were deeply afraid to witness such an unusual presence. Luke says they thought they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus tells them “do not be afraid”, they should not fear because He has conquered death, He has conquered the power of the devil.




Beloved never be afraid. I have never seen in the scriptures where Jesus advised his disciples to be afraid, but “do not be afraid” is littered almost in every chapter of the scripture.




There is this kind of courage that comes when one is sure of the abiding presence of God. One with Christ is a majority.


Certain experiences may be making you now to be afraid. You may not know what tomorrow may bring, God saysΒ “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).




4. The Presence of God increases Our Faith


When Jesus appeared to his disciples and saw them in faithlessness. He, first of all, took time to strengthen their faith before sending them out.


He showed them His hands and feet, yet they were astonished, He went further and told them to touch him, the disciples still unconvinced, He again took a fish and ate before them, for the Jews believe that ghosts neither eat nor can be touched, but Jesus does otherwise, like a shred of evidence to show that He is not a ghost but someone who is fully alive.




The easiest way to increase our faith in God is to accept Christ into our lives, He will surely allow you to pass through some experiences to strengthen your faith in Him.






5. The Presence of Jesus increases wisdom and knowledge of divine mysteries


When you meet someone who has a profound knowledge of God which was a product of an encounter, you will know.




Jesus did not leave His disciples today, without teaching and opening their eyes from the scriptures. This also shows the importance of the bible.


Always read the bible daily to have full knowledge of God. When we invite Jesus into our lives, He will surely open up many things beyond our understanding.




6. His Presence makes us witnesses of the gospel


The presence of Jesus in our lives, surely makes us a magnet of souls. After this meeting, He sent his disciples to become witnesses and preach repentance and forgiveness.




The first step in our journey to Christ is to repent from our sins. And allow ourselves to be used by God to touch souls.


Today, invite Jesus into your life and everything in your life will begin to change.


May God bless you dearest and give you the grace to abide with Him. May His abiding presence continually transforms us. Amen.








  1. Chinwe Agwoile says

    Lord Jesus, I invite You into my heart. Come in to stay; come in to be President and Resident over my life.
    When I receive You into my heart in Holy Communion, my Sweet Jesus, make it a fit abiding place for Your Most Adorable Body.
    May I be so transformed as to be a winner of souls. So help me God. Amen!!!

  2. Ejimmadu Noel says


  3. Grace Yina says


  4. Mailoushi James Tarwa says

    Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen

  5. Boitumelo Malebatsane says

    Thank you Lord in the name of the father, son and the holy spirit amenπŸ™πŸ»

  6. Yolanda Malebatsane says


  7. Onyekonwu Ngozi says

    Amen! Thank you Jesus.

  8. Agina Uchenna says


  9. Anidiobi Sylvia Ngozi says

    So interesting. I enjoyed this.

  10. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    Amen Amen Amen

  11. Okonkwo onyinye says


  12. Dodoh Peter Anthony says


  13. Eze Sopuluchukwu perpetua says


  14. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen. Oh God may we abiding in your peace. May your presence in our lives show ue mercy in our lives in Jesus name we prayed. Amen.

  15. Regina Ajua Mobu says


  16. Mariajacinta Ivoke says


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