Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Put Your Light on the Lampstand.Thurs Week 3 Ordinary Time of the Year


Breakfast with the Word Thursday Week 3 in Ordinary Time of the Year

 Mark 4:21–25


When John was talking about Jesus in his prologue. He says that He is a light that no darkness can overcome ( John 1:1-5). Then in Luke 2:28, Simeon took Jesus in His arms and blesses Him saying that Jesus is a light for revelation to the gentiles. In John 8:12, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world”. The light here in these passages is who Jesus is. 



To be a Disciple of Jesus.



Today, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand?’ He says surely put your light on the lampstand. While Jesus was saying this, He was directly talking to the disciples.



 To be a disciple of Jesus; the Light par excellence is also a call to be a light to the world.

Then if Jesus is the light and we are called to be light too it means we are called to be like Jesus, leading souls to salvation. 



So, when Jesus talks about the light, He is invariably talking about who we are and what God makes us of.

 Also being created in His image ( Gen 1:27), we have light in us and this light is a gift from God. The light in us is wonderful and unique. It is what makes you different from others, it is a gift endowed by God to you. It is who we are by being true followers of the Lord.


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 The Light is not to be Hidden.



Do not hide the light in you. God blesses you with something that you can use to touch souls for Him. There is no one without a gift. Things become easier when we use our God-given gifts. These gifts are who you are and what sets you apart.


Hiding them, will not only affect the world in one way but also will make God unhappy. Some people may be jealous of you and talk negatively of you, the truth is that you are not working for them but God. 


If we can leave jealousy and find our gifts and use them for the glory of God and not for our glory, the world will be a better place. 




The Light in us can be anything, from having compassion, the gift of humour, ability to be a good friend and listener to others in need. 


It can be to preach, work, care, write, advise, inspire, encourage etc. We should allow these gifts that God give us to shine so brightly that those we come in contact with will feel the worth of our love and the love of God.



God wants you to put your light on the lampstand. Put your light on the lampstand and not under the bushel. Do not hide that thing that makes you unique. The world needs you. The world needs that little thing you can offer. Let your good works shine brightly so that you can touch more souls with them. 



Put your light on the lampstand so, that it can drive away the darkness in the life of people. Therefore, wherever you are, always shine brightly so that souls can receive inspiration and touched by whatever that you do. 



God does not want you to hide the gifts He puts in you. When you work, you are not doing that so that you will receive a human appraisal. You do that so that God will take all glory.



Many souls are languishing in sin. Many souls are suffering. many souls are being led astray by social media influencers. You can still be that instrument that God will use to touch their lives. 



Therefore, put your light on the lampstand. Let the world know what God puts in you. Let them know that thing or that special gift that makes you unique. 



Finally, God calls us to be a light to the world and to everyone, especially those who are deeply passing through challenges and heavily in dark times. 



Today, let us be challenged and let our lights shine in the midst of the darkened world today and touch lives. 



Put your light on the Lampstand rather than keep hiding them under the bushel. 

We do not need to hide the light God uses to make us unique because of what people will say. 

 When you start, the grace of God will surround you, for the more you give, the more He will add more unto you.




Be a Light to others.



When Jesus says “put your light on the lampstand, it means that Jesus wants His disciples or His followers to be a light to others. 

He wants us to be the light in other people’s lives. He wants us to be an instrument of salvation, a tool of conversion and a source of inspiration to people.

Therefore, you are a Christian to lead souls to God. You are not a Christian to lead souls astray. You are not a child of God or a servant of God yet many souls go astray through you. 

Therefore, be a light to souls that wander away from God, and the souls suffering. Be a light to your family, friends, even enemies. Be the light that will change the lives of others. This is what God needs from us. 




May God help us to be a light to the world, and may He also be a light to us and our families. Amen



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