Breakfast With the Word Tuesday 14th Week Ordinary Time of the Year.
Matthew 9:32-38
Harvest means the time of gathering, reaping and collecting farm products. As Jesus moves around, He sees the crowd who are like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus moves with pity towards them. He tells His disciples that the Lord’s harvest is plenty, but labourers are very few.
Jesus came to gather the nations into God’s kingdom, letting us know that the souls to gather for this mission are plenty, but those who are to gather them are very few.
The Work of God is Plenty.
The use of abundance by Jesus reveals that there are many things we can do for God.
The problem is not that there is no work. Hence, it is not that there is nothing we can do for God.
The problem is that few workers are willing to. Therefore, this is a pointer that the work of God is inexhaustible.
So, the harvest is plenty for us to gather and collect the farm products. We have many things to do for God. So, which one are you cultivating for the Lord?
Many times we feel there is no work to do for God. There are many of them. Choose any apostolate you want.
There is this young lady who answers Nelojosh on her Facebook page. She specializes in visiting old aged people across the eastern states, putting smiles on their faces. Whoever thought that such could be a kind of apostolate? So, let us come out of our comfort zones and find something to do for God.
We need More Labourers.
Today, Jesus sees that the people are like sheep without a Shepherd. They look abandoned, dejected and harassed. Jesus now asks His disciples to pray to God for more labourers.
The essence is that we need labourers who are willing to put their hearts in the Lord’s work.If we can teach and defend the faith, help those in need, speak to the suffering and encourage them, visit the orphans, visit the sick people at home etc, then there we go. They are part of the apostolate.
Christians can organise in their different parishes and communities to form something like a hospital apostolate. And visit many people who are suffering in the hospitals.
We can have something like a peace forum where a group will concentrate on making peace for families that disintegrate.
Also, many people are suffering. Many people are looking for someone who will encourage them. We can be a light to them.
We can also see today that many people are losing faith. Some do not go to church any longer. Hence, we can form groups who can make out time to visit them and be an instrument of conversion to these souls.
There are many children today who do not have anyone paying their school fees. Some of them are suffering in their homes. Many of them are living beside you, under your watch, before you and close to you. Hence, It can also be a form of apostolate.
Therefore, there are many apostolates we can do. Everything must not be limited to speaking in tongues and doing signs and wonders. So, we need labourers for the Lord’s harvest.
We have to understand that the harvest is plenty and enough. Let us be part of the labourers Jesus is praying for.
The Harvest is Plenty: Face Your Farm.
After Jesus healed the dumb who is under demonic possession, the crowds were astonished, but the Pharisees were not. However, they accuse him of driving out demons with the help of the prince of demons.
So, while others were praising God, those who felt that their honour and respect were at risk began to grumble: which is a sign of jealousy.
In the book of Samuel, when Saul felt that His position was at risk, He became jealous of David and did everything to terminate his life. Jealousy breeds hatred and unnecessary competition.
The harvest is always plenty. Hence, there is no need for unnecessary competition. Let us face our farm. So, we have a lot of work to do. Let us face one.
In essence, we must not imitate others. Sometimes we forget that we have a lot to be done, but we spend more time developing jealousy and hatred for the people trying to use their gifts. The work of God is abundant and enormous. Let us face our farms.
Paul takes time to explain in 1 Corinthians 12 that though we are one body, there are many gifts abundant and enough for everyone and all for the building of the same body in Christ.
Therefore, let us not be like the Pharisees who can never see any good thing in what Jesus is doing. There are many works to be done. Let us find one and put all our heart into it.
Read More
How to Surrender Your Problems To God. Monday 14th Week
The Challenges of Our Mission And What To Do. 14th Sunday
Ten Good Things About Saint Thomas. Feast of Saint Thomas
The Harvest is not Ours.
The harvest belongs to God. Jesus is the Lord of the harvest. So, It is not ours. We are only mere instruments that God uses. Therefore, any position, gift, talent that we possess or services that we do were given to us by God. There is no need to compete with anyone. Use what you have for the glory of God.
To do this, what we need most is the grace of God. Let us always go to the Lord of the harvest to fill us with the graces and strength necessary for the work. He is willing if we are willing.
May God bless you dearest, and help us find what to do and do it with all our hearts. Amen
Amen. Thank you Padre and may God keep blessing you.
Amen father
Amen. Jesus, help me
Amen and good morning Fr
This is really thought provoking, may God grant us the grace to work for Him and for the good of humanity.
Thank you Father.

Amen. Lord give us the grace to work continually in your vineyard to increase the labourers in Jesus name
May God help us in our weaknesses, may the light in our eyes be open that we may see the need to work for the glory of our Lord, Amen.
Good morning Fr. Santus
Amen . Fr please always Remember Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in ur prayers
Thank you for the enlightenment which leads to growth in our faith. The harvest is indeed full and there is so much to be done. Fr, you have mentioned some things that I myself can plunge myself into and I thank God I am doing some. Also, minding my own farm and not allowing detractors to distract me; and myself not distracted by what others are doing in their own Farms will go a long way in reaping in the harvest.
I may not solve my problems by focusing on myself alone but when I give myself to be concerned for God’s people and my fellow men, my problems will definitely take back stage and I may not even notice them anymore.
May God enable us to seek him and always ask for his grace. Amen.
Thank you Fr.
Amen and amen
This is really thought provoking, may God grant us the grace to work for Him and for the good of humanity.
Thank you Father.