Breakfast With the Word Friday 16th Week Ordinary Time of the Year
Matthew 13:18-23
In many passages of the scriptures, God tells us about the power of His Word. Also, Jesus teaches us about the need to listen to the Word of God and keep to it. We can see this in many biblical passages.
From this, we can conclude that it is certain that if we put the word of God in action, it will yield positive results.
The Word of God bears fruit when we understand it, accept it as what it is ” the Word of God”.
When we receive the word, without doubt, apply it and keep to it despite the challenges, it must yield bountiful harvests.
So, in today’s gospel, Jesus explains the parable of the sower in detail. Our emphasis from Jesus’ explanation will be on the reasons the word does not bear fruit in us.
From Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the sower, we want to glean the reasons the Word of God does not bear fruit in us. Jesus also mentions them in detail. The reasons are:
1 . When We hear The Word and do not understand It.
Jesus says that these are the seeds that fall along the path. It is when we hear the word of God and do not understand it. When this happens, we allow the devil to snatch it away from us.
This happens when the Word of God is not what we want to hear. And when we give it interpretations to suit our purposes
We may hear the word of God and do not understand it because we refuse to read or listen to the word with deep attention.
It also happens when we do not like the person saying it or when we do not pay deep attention to the word.
It also happens when we come to the church only to read newspapers, search for new friends, showcase our new attire and go. Then our minds are not on the word of God but some other thing.
This is also when our intention of coming to church is to come for thanksgiving or donation and go, or when we attend liturgical services just to showcase our wealth and not interested in the Word.
We may also hear the word and do not understand it when we are busy with social media even during mass.
With these distractions, we refuse to pay attention. Then although we may hear, we do not understand. So, we go back as we came.
The seeds of that day fell along the path. The devil at this time is playing his role very well.
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When There is Hunger for the Word of God
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2.When the Word has no Root in Us.
Jesus says these are those that fall on the rocky path. It is when we receive the word, and welcomes it at once with joy. But the word has no root in us. Because of this, it does not last.
It is also when we allow some trials, and persecution on account of the word to make us drift away.
Here, we receive the Word of God with joy immediately but due to problems, temptation and persecutions we fall easily.
It also happens when we read or hear the word, wow, we feel excited, clap for the preacher etc., some will even exclaim that the “Word of today is for me”. Some will say, “wow this is great” but when problems come, we feel God is not real. Then we will begin to think that the word of God we heard does not work or it was just to make us feel good. Because of this, we turn away from God and blame Him for failing to answer prayers.
The seeds that fall along the rocky path are those who lose faith in God when difficulty arises. These problems can come in the form of a death of a loved one, setbacks etc. Sometimes our faith in God is affected by this. Hence, because our faith has no deep root, we lose faith in God.
3.When Worry and Quest for Riches choke the Word.
Another set of seeds are those that fell among thorns. Jesus says that those who receive the seed in thorns are the people that hear the word, but the worries of this world and the lure of riches choke the word and because of this, they produce nothing.
It happens when we hear the word of God, but the quest for wealth, materialism, care for the things of this world choke it and it yields nothing.
It also happens when we decide to worry about our situations instead of being faithful to God’s word. Worrying is a sign that we do not believe in God, who can do all things.
The word of God that we hear may not bear fruit because we focus more on how to make money than we focus on the salvation of our souls.
Such a thing happens when we put all our energy into how to make money to the extent we relegate God to the background.
Many of us will attend prayer sessions, not for our spiritual transformation. Hence, our sole interest is in seeking solutions by any means. Such things happen when we see God like an ATM.
This is also when we care for our loved ones and swallow hook and sinker whatever they tell us even when some of the things they tell us are not good.
It is when our care for the people we love supersedes our interests in the things of God. Therefore, this is when we choose to sin against God than keep our faith in God.
To be wealthy or make money, some people steal, murder, kidnap, embezzle public funds, bribe and commit acts of immorality to keep life going. Hence, they relegate the word of God and see it as something that does not work for them.
This is also when we choose immorality to make peace with a loved one than seeking peace with God. The seed truly fell among thorns when the cares of this world supersede the love of God.
In the parable, the seeds fall among thorns because we allow the quest for the things of the world to snatch the word away from us.
When The Seed Bears Fruit.
The Word of God bears fruit when we receive it, understand it and puts it into practice. Even when challenges, temptation, and problems come, we keep our minds very strong. In essence, the seed bears fruit when we choose the word of God as first above everything.
May we try to keep the word of God. The word of God is for our own good.
May God bless you and give us the grace to develop the hunger for the word, and may he help us to overcome our challenges. Amen
Thank you lord for your word,help me to understand it and apply it as it is.
May God always give us the spirit to listen to his word Amen
Lord let your word be our guide in all circumstances

Amen, remain blessed Bro
Amen Thanks
Thanks father.
A big Amen
Thank you Padre!
Amen. Lord, please make me not just hearer of your words but also doer of the word. Amen

Amen! Thank you father for all your encouragements.
Amen, thank you Padre
Thank you Jesus. We pray that ur word that we have read today and believe in will bear fruit in our lives…Amen
Thanks brother. Amen
I thank God for His Words today. I pray that he gives me the Grace to listen to his words and put them into Practice, so I can bear good fruits and be able to overcome challenges and temptations… Amen
I thank God for His Words today. I pray that he gives me the Grace to listen to his words, put them into Practice and bear good fruits and be able to overcome challenges and temptations… Amen
Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen
Lord, may I seek to love you above all things. May my worries and quest for material things never make me to abandon your ways. Draw me closer to you whenever I deviate from your ways. Thank you Father for this spiritual food.
Amen ! have mercy on me God and let word bear fruit in me
Amen and Amen. God bless you padre.
Amen. May almighty God help us to listen to his words and keep it in Jesus mighty name we prayed.
Amen in Jesus name