Fr. Sanctus Mario
Inspiration and Bible Reflections

Thursday Fifth Week of Easter. The Way to Show Jesus True Love


Breakfast With the Word Thursday Fifth Week of Easter



John 15:9-11.


On the 14th of February which is celebrated widely as valentine day. A man came to the mall to buy expensive gifts for his wife. His friend saw how he was busy piling and buying different types of gifts.



The friend approached him and asked the reason he is spending so much on a day he knew will surely pass. The man replied that his wife is not happy with him because of a little misunderstanding they had in the family.





He acknowledged it was all his faults and now he is trying to find a way to make amends. So, he bought the gifts to show the wife how he so much loved her.





Then the friend replied ā€œthis is good but I think the best gift you can give to your wife is a change of heart. Even if you buy all the gifts and remain how you are, it means you do not truly love. If you love her, treat her the right wayā€. This became a piece of advice that changed the life of an entire family to this day.




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Jesus Loves You.



There are times in life when we abandon our faith because we feel God does not hear our prayer. Some believe that God is suffering them. Many people today who have lost faith are because of cases of unanswered prayers or more.


In the same way, while the disciples of Jesus were listening to his farewell speech, many of them felt worried and depressed. Some of them like Thomas began to question where He is going (John 14:5).


Knowing how depressed and worried they are, in todayā€™s gospel, Jesus says to His disciples ā€œAs the Father has loved me, so I have loved youā€. Here, Jesus professes the true and sincere love he has for His disciples.


To show us how serious His love for us is, Jesus compares it with the same love that exists between Him and the Father.He says “as the Father has loved me, so I have loved you, remain in my love”.



In the mountain of Transfiguration of Matthew 17, God the Father calls Jesus His truly beloved. Therefore, Jesus sees us the same way, especially if we are His true disciples.


In essence, Jesus truly loves you. The love He has for you is beyond our understanding and comprehension.




St, Padre Pio once exclaimed that ā€œBefore the Blessed Sacrament is a love that is divine, immeasurable, incomparable and incomprehensibleā€. The problem is that we reject His love.


We can say we love Jesus but yet we go back to wrong Him again and again. We turn our back on God when we feel he does not answer our prayers.



To love someone involves a change of heart. It involves being with the person both in good and in bad times. This is what we shall do if we truly love Jesus.



In essence, we can be part of this love, if we become true disciples of Jesus. A disciple knows he has a master, and whatever the master says, the servant obeys to win his heart.


In John 15:8, Jesus says that the way to glorify God is when we bear good fruits. The way to show Jesus true love is to bear good fruits. To show this, we have to live a life that touches life and not a life that destroys souls.



Jesus loves us so much, but we are the ones that turned our backs on Him. We do not have His time. We become extremely tired at a single challenge. If we truly love Jesus, our lives will be the gospel that will touch lives.



Our lives should give glory to God. In the gospel, Jesus says ā€œ I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy be completeā€.ā€™



When we live our lives only for the glory of God, there is this kind of joy that will possess your heart. We can experience this especially when we go to confession and amend our lives. There is this feeling of inner peace and joy. In fact, there is nothing that surpasses a true relationship with God. A life lived in Jesus is the best.



To Show Jesus True Love.


We love Jesus but there is a way to show that we truly do. That way is to reciprocate the love Jesus has for us. To love Jesus goes beyond merely saying it. It involves everything about us. What we say, do, think and how we relate with Him.



In the story above, the friend advised the man to go back and change the way He does. He has to change the way he treats his wife if he truly wants the wife to be happy.



In essence, the way to show Jesus true love is not how you speak in tongues but yet go home with hatred. It is now how much we pray and fast but yet become the cause of the crisis in our homes.



The way to show Jesus true love is to be the gospel that people will see and believe. Like the story of the man above, we have to change our hearts and the way we relate with our Lord.





In John 14:15, Jesus tells His disciples ā€œif you love me keep my commandsā€ and In the gospel today, Jesus says ā€œIf you keep my commandments, you will remain in my loveā€.





As a Christian, no one will accept that he/she does not love Jesus Christ, but the best way to show that we truly love Jesus is to have a change of heart and make Him happy. And the way to make Jesus happy is to obey His words. So, let us try and remain in His love.





May God bless you today and give you the grace to become a light to the world. May He never abandon you. Amen.


  1. Mailoushi James Tarwa says

    Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen

  2. Ndukwe Amanda says

    Amen Fr šŸ™

  3. Chinyere Ezemelue says

    Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for loving me. I love you and desire to do your will. Amen

  4. Eze Juliana Nkechi says


  5. Regina Ajua Mobu says


  6. Oby Okpalaeke says

    Amen šŸ™

  7. Grace Uba says


  8. Bibiana Uche Unachukwu and family says

    Amen Amen Amen

  9. John Obasi says


  10. Okonkwo onyinye says


  11. Onyekonwu Ngozi says

    Amen! Thank you Jesus.

  12. Udemezue Martina Mary says

    Amen Amen

  13. Mariajacinta Ivoke says


  14. Amalu Ebere says

    Amen. May the God gives us grace to be obeying his words so that we can abide by his love in Jesus name we prayed. Amen.

  15. Dr Nick Onyia says

    Amen and amen

  16. Dr Nick Onyia says

    Amen and amen. Remain blessed, fr.

  17. Ani Chinonyelum Emmanuella says

    Amen, thanks Padre

  18. Obizolu Assumpta says


  19. Chisom Egwudike says


  20. Ejiro Ovwigho says


  21. Odoh Nneka says

    Amen, my Lord I love You please help me to please You every day of my life

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