Breakfast With the Word 16th week Ordinary Time of the year
When We stay Close to Jesus
It is not a new thing today that having a good time with the Lord and coming close to Him has been seen by many as burden and waste of time.
True worship of God is becoming only by mouth and not by deed. The only way to know God and understand Him is to be close to Him. It is good to stay close to Jesus. It is when we come close to Him that His true nature, love, and will for you will be gradually revealed.
They went up to Him to Ask Him
Today the disciples of Jesus went up to Jesus to ask Him the reason He speaks to them in parables. And Jesus responded to them with intimate attention. Just like they asked him “Lord teach us how to pray” ( Luke 11:1-13).
The disciples went up to Jesus and asked, ‘Why do you talk to them in parables?’
Jesus replies to them that ‘the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to them, but they are not revealed to others.
Jesus says that the reason He talks to them in parables is that they look without seeing and listen without hearing or understanding. So in their case this prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled:
You will listen and listen again, but not understand,
see and see again, but not perceive.
For the heart of this nation has grown coarse,
their ears are dull of hearing, and they have shut their eyes,
for fear they should see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their heart,
and be converted
and be healed by me.
Then Jesus says to the disciples
“Happy are your eyes because they see, your ears because they hear! I tell you solemnly, many prophets and holy men longed to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear, and never heard it.’
The Pointer
The point here is that Jesus loves His disciples and responds to any quest to increase their faith. When we stay close to Jesus, He satisfies our deepest hunger to know Him. It is good to stay close to Jesus. He will take you as His own. He will love you and teach you the secrets of the kingdom.
To You has been given the Secrets
1. The secrets of the kingdom are inner mysteries on the knowledge of God, understanding his salvific work, and realising the nature of God’s love for us. These are not meant for everyone but for those who humble themselves to be close to Him.
2. This indicates that understanding the gospel is something that is not made known by flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God. This is a gift, given by the Spirit of God. It is not something you will wake up to interpret something we do not understand. We need the Holy Spirit. Many do not have time to listen to those trained in the Word of God but will be fast to download everything someone wakes up to write against Christianity. It is a pity. We need the Holy Spirit. When we stay close to Jesus, He will give us the Spirit of knowledge and understanding.
When We do not Understand
We look but do not see, hear but do not listen or understand because we are like the crowd, following Jesus up and down without inner disposition to know who he is. We do not understand because we are like mere church goers, but lack true and sincere devotion.
Sometimes, We go to God only for signs and wonders but when problems come, we turn our hearts away from God to find solution elsewhere because we are not true disciples of Jesus Christ.
When we understand that He loves us, nothing will make us lose faith in God.
Those who stay close to Him are blessed. It is then our hearts and spiritual eyes will be opened, we develop the hunger to eat his word daily.
When we stay close to Jesus, Like He always responds to His disciples, He will satisfy our hunger to know Him and then we begin to understand God in a different dimension.
Then, the way we talk about God and the way we see reality then begin to change. We can then stand firm despite the challenges and oppositions because we understand He who is our Shepherd.
Always stay close to Jesus, you will never regret it
May God bless you dearest and give us the grace to continually come close to Him and encounter Him especially in our moments of crisis. Amen

Give me thy grace to always stay close to you oh Lord, my God Amen
Thanks fr.
Amen! & Amen! Many thanks and God bless you too Fr for the msg and for everything you are doing for our good and to bring us closer to God.
May God continue to strenghten you more as you work in his Vineyard, Amen!
Thank you Lord Jesus for everything,for your love,peace,for strengthen me and guide me in prayers,even when I am in deep pain and sick,you always whisper in my ears to remind me of you, my Lord to call on are my only hope,my helper,my Lord and savior,thank You Lord Jesus

Amen and Amen
Oh Lord! May I encounter you every day of my life in everything I do in Jesus mighty name.
Amen. May you Oh! My Lord give me the grace never to depart from you again in Jesus name Amen!!!
Amen Fr
Amen. Thank you Padre.
Amen. Draw me closer to you lord.
Amen. Thank you Padre for this beautiful explanation. May the Lord give us the grace to serve Him from the depth of our heart. Amen
Amen, Lord draw us closer to you every day in Jesus name amen
. Please Lord Jesus Christ take me closer in love with you I pray. Amen.

I’m grateful Lord
Amen! Thank you Jesus as you draw me daily nearer to you through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Amen, thanks Padre
Amen like thunder

Amen thanks Padre God bless you
Thank You Lord!
Lord please draw me closer to thee
Thank you Jesus. We ask for the grace of God so that we will detach ourselves from things that draw us away from God. Amen
God please give me grace to come closer to you always. Amen
Amen. Thanks fr more grace in Jesus name amen
Amen, remain blessed Fr