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Reflections are the food of the soul. When we reflect through divine mysteries and on the biblical truths. our knowledge of God increases, hence our faith in God becomes constantly rejuvenated. We need daily reflections to keep ourselves going. Here, you will find a list of daily reflections on the bible to keep our faith alive again.
Sunday Breakfast with the Word Second Sunday of Advent Year B
To be Vigilant: Sunday Breakfast with the Word First Sunday Advent Year B
Sunday Breakfast with the Word First Sunday of Advent Year B
Jesus is the True King: Feast of Christ the King. Reflection
Solemnity of Christ the King Year A
The Way to be of Great Value. 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year A
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year A
Be Ready at all Times. Sunday Breakfast with the Word 32nd Sunday Year A
Sunday Breakfast With the Word. 32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time of the Year A
Invite Jesus into the Temple: Feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica
Today the church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica which is the oldest of the major basilicas in Rome .…
The Role Model To Love: 30th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year A
Sunday Breakfast with the Word 30th Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year A