Breakfast with the Word Wednesday Week 1 in Ordinary Time of the Year
Mark 1:29–39
When we say that someone is always at work, it means that the person is always at work at all times and on all occasions. On all occasions includes both those times we think He is working and not working.
Therefore, God is always at work even when we do not see what He is doing. We cannot limit everything that God does for us only with our physical eyes. What God does for us is also beyond the physical.
There are times in life when we feel that God is very far from us. Some difficulties may besiege us, and we may feel God is already tired of our welfare.
In these moments, we feel like giving up on Him. There are also a few moments we have derailed, and we think He is very angry or He has given up, on us.
When the Jews accused Jesus of working on the Sabbath day in John 5, Jesus tells them that He has come only to work. He says in John 5:17, that the Father is always working, and so is He.
Therefore, He does not get tired of doing the Father’s will. The implication is that if God is always working, then it means that He does not give up on us.
Beloved, everything about God is never-ending. God is infinite, supernatural, limitless, and He is always at work. Our God we know can never and will never get tired of bringing people to Himself. He is always on the move to save His children.
God is always at work to save, to cause us to repent, to bless us with His grace, heal us and forgive us. But when problems come, we think He keeps quiet. God is always at work even in those seeming silent times. No one knows what He is doing in those silent moments.
God may be using those times to develop you, teach, direct, guide and inspire you. for during our trying moments are always the times we learn a lot of lessons.
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The Reason He came.
In the gospel, When Simon and his companions set out in search of Jesus, and find him, they tell Jesus :
“Everybody is looking for you”.
Jesus answers them “Let us go elsewhere, to the neighbouring country towns, so that I can preach there too because that is why I came”.
Jesus says that this is the reason He came. He has come to work and save lives.
Jesus does not give up on us even when we have given up on ourselves. He does not give up on bringing us always close to God.
Jesus is not tired of healing us and saving us. He is always at work. Therefore, do not think that God is tired of you. God is always at work.
Even when He sends challenges, He may be gradually working on you. Not all challenges are bad in themselves.
God is Always at Work in saving Lives.
After Jesus preached at the synagogue, He visited Simon and Andrew with James and John. Not tired, He continues His work and heals Simon’s mother-in-law.
In the evening of that day, they brought to Him all who are sick and possessed, He did not tell them to wait or postpone their healing, He did not excuse Himself for being tired, rather He goes further to heal their various ailments and delivered all those who are possessed.
Not minding the tediousness of the work the previous day, Jesus still rises early in the morning and goes to a lonely place to pray and communicate with the Father.
When the apostles later found Him, He still proceeds with them into the villages, preaching, teaching and driving out demons. What an indefatigable God? He never gets tired in His work of saving grace.
He is Always there for Us.
Let us always bear in mind that God is always at work. When people lose faith in you and think you have no future, know that God is always at work. The table always turns.
When many hope and think you will suffer and die miserably, always bear in mind that God knows how to save us. He does not get weary.
Also, When you feel the worst has happened and God has forgotten you, He may still show up when you least expect. He does not give up on us.
When your prayers seem unanswered, always know that God is always at work. Some prayers were answered immediately, some after one week, some takes months, while some may take a year or years. Do not give up on God.
He does not give up on us. We are the ones who easily lose hope and give up on God. A father will always be there for His children.
A father can deny himself, only to make sure that his children do not lack. In the same way, God is always there for us in good and in bad times.
At that point when you think all hope is lost, know that He has not given up on you yet. The future can be brighter.
At that moment, when you feel like cursing Him, do not be surprised He is already working something in your favour.
When you feel like God must punish you because of what you did in the past, do not be surprised He is still working on you to make you perfect.
Then, If God can not and will not give up on us, giving up on Him should never be an option for us then.
May God bless us dearest, and give us the strength to hold on to Him despite whatever we go through Amen.
Amen and Amen
Amidst all temptations and trials to give up on God, may he give us the grace to stick to him and not lose hope no matter how tough it will always look like. May we maintain our relationship with God and be optimistic that his plan for our existence will definitely come to pass. Amen
Today’s message is a great inspiration for me. I am currently going through some challenges with housing but this message has really lifted my spirit. May God’s grace be abundant in your ministry Father and may He continue to enlarge you in Jesus name. Amen
May I always remember that God is always at work in our lives. Isaiah 40:28 Our God is the everlasting God, ….he never grows weary or tired.
Dearest mother please give me the grace and straight to hold on to your son Jesus Christ despite what am going through now in Jesus name amen
Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me, I will not give up on God. God bless you Padre.
Amen. God, please give us the grace to always believe and trust you in every moment of our life. May we understand that you are always with us no matter the circumstances surrounding us.
Amen! Thank you Father for this encouragement.
Father Lord thank you for your word this morning and grant me grace never to give up on you no matter what may what may befall us through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Thank you Padre
Help me oh Lord 🙏🙏. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for not giving up on me.
Many God Almighty strengthen our faith in Him and believe in His love for us always through Christ our Lord.
I will wait onto the Lord until my change come
Father, grant me the grace never to give up on You, because You will never give up on me
Amen. God never gives up on His children.
Amen. Thank you fr
Amen. Thank you Lord for always being there for me.
Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Dear God may we not lose faith,may we always acknowledge that you are always there for us both in good and bad times
Father your grace is all we need give us the spirit and grace to preserve to the end no matter the UPS and downs of this life that we never give up on God
Amen… I pray for the grace to always look up to God at all time
God never fails in times of trouble. Glory be to Him 🙏🙏
Lord I need your grace to be steadfast in you, no matter d situation I find myself in, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Thank you Fr.
Amen Amen Amen
Thank you Lord for I am ‘Work in progress’ no matter how rough things may be today,let your saving grace and love always remind me of this through christ our Lord Amen
Amen and Amen! Thank you Padre 🙏🙏
Give us Your grace to follow Lord, Your grace is enough for us🙌🙌🙌🙌
May the Lord continue to enrich us in his grace and may we always have faith in him. Thank you Lord, for the marvelous works you’ve been doing in our lives 🙏
God help me not to give up on you no matter the situation and challenges I find myself. Amen
Thanks fr. For another hope you gave me this night
Amen. Lord Jesus see me through. Amen
Thank you Jesus for not given up on me even when I have derailed countless times.
Help me by your grace to look unto you in good and bad situations. Amen
Good morning Padre
Thank you Lord Jesus for not given up on us.thank you for everything.
Father, thank you for your encouraging words. One should trust that God is always working even when it seems like nothing is happening
Amen.thank you father.
It’s a blessed assurance. His words says I’m with you always till the end of time.
God never gives up on anyone, not even the most miserable of sinners.
May God help us to trust him with our life.
It’s a blessed assurance. His words says “I’m with you always till the end of time”.
God never gives up on anyone, not even the most miserable of sinners.
Almighty God, please renew and increase my faith in you to enable me maintain steady trust and unwavering hope in your ever protecting hands whenever I feel threatened by the evil one, in Jesus name, amen. More grace to you fr.
Might God,Please increase and Strengthen my Faith.. Because, I know you are always at work in my Situation… Thanks a lot Father for this wonderful reflection.. God bless you..
May God give us the strength and wisdom to work in His vineyard and to always have patience to hearing from Him, in Jesus name Amen
Very consoling. Thank you Jesus
Amen, nay God bless and give us the grace to always believe and wait on him.
Amen ooo,may God give us the strength to hold on steadfast in him not to give up hope through Christ our Lord Amen
Thanks Padre
O Lord help me
Thank you Jesus for loving us with an everlasting love. Increase our love for you oh lord!
Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me. Always help me not to give up on you..Amen
There are times when I feel so empty and lonely, I feel like God is far away from me, I keep asking several questions. Thank you Padre for this inspiring message, I feel great now to know that God will never abandon nor forsake me.
Amen Fr.
Amen, Lord, may I not give on you. Amen
Thank You Lord for not giving up on me.
Amen ooooooooo.
Thank u for this wonderful words
Amen, Lord Jesus give me Your grace so that will not give up on You.
Thanks Fr. and God bless you abundantly. Amen
Lord Jesus, never allow my life challenges to make me give up on You. Always stay by my side. I’ll never stop loving and trusting You. Thank You, Lord for always being there for me.
Amen, God bless you Fr.
Thank You Jesus for not giving up on me.Help me not to abandone Your ways.Amen.
May God’s grace be sufficient for us to hold steadfastly unto him, thanks Padre
Amen and amen
Amen 🙏
God I thank you for your words today. Restore my peace lord
Amen! Thank you Heavenly Father for your great assurance this morning. Oh my God I trust you with all my heart. Increase my faith in you through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Amen Fr
Amen oh…. Thanks fr for the reminder
Am🙏en! Bless you too.
Beautiful morning Fr
Oh God, make me to always know that your love for me is greater than what l think, that you are always there for me.
God I thank you for this words on encouragement . And I pray that I will never give up despite any condition I may find myself because I know that you will always be there for me. Amen.
Amen, remain blessed Fr., good day
Amen and Amen!
Amen. God give me the grace not to give up in life no matter the condition.
Thank God for you and your time to touch people and help us with this divine food, it really nourished my soul.please feed me with this always it’s my heart desire, thanks a lot.
Ameeeeeeeeen 🙌
God morning all
May I not lose hope on God and may I never give up on him .Amen.
Amen your Grace I seek o Lord 🙏
Amen! Thank you father this encouragement.
father give me the strength to hold on to you. Amen
The Lord is my help and my salvation. The Lord is my shepherd. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen 🙏
Thanks Padre.
Lord I know you can never abandon me even now I still have confidence in you.i know and am very sure your working on me
Amen and Amen 👏.
The spirit of consistency I ask of you oh Lord, and make me live in you and for you till the end…
May the name of the Lord be praised forever 👏.
I will never give up on you Lord. No matter how gloomy things may look sometimes hive me the Grace to keep keeping on bc once there is Life there is hope through Christ our Lord Amen
Amen 🙏🙏🙏 thanks so much Fr, O LORD please help me 🙏
God please give me the virtue of Perseverance. Amen
Amen, may God help us to hold him strongly in all our challenges because he never done with us. He is always there for us.
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen.
Amen and amen oooooooo
The grace to hold firm I ask O Lord.
Amen 🙏
Thank you Fr.
Thank you Father for this wonderful reflection. I really needed it. It was just as if it was written for me. I pray for the strength to keep holding onto God no matter the challenges or circumstances.
Amen. God bless you Padre
my GOD please give me the GRACE to hold unto you, despite whatsoever I’mgoing through in JESUS Name 🙏 AMEN
Amen. Thank you Padre for always taking your time to instruct us. May His grace be sufficient for you always. Amen.
Amen.. Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me.
Amen , Padre and God’s Divine wisdom and strength.
God give me the strength to hold onto you. Even when my prayers seems not to be answered…
God bless you Father..