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Reflections are the food of the soul. When we reflect through divine mysteries and on the biblical truths. our knowledge of God increases, hence our faith in God becomes constantly rejuvenated. We need daily reflections to keep ourselves going. Here, you will find a list of daily reflections on the bible to keep our faith alive again.
Breakfast With the Word Thursday 22nd Week Ordinary Time of the Year
When You Stand for the Truth. Beheading of John the Baptist
Breakfast with the Word. Beheading of John the Baptist
What We want to hear. Monday 22nd Week Ordinary Time
Breakfast with The Word Monday 22nd Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
The Power of Humility. 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
Sunday Breakfast With the Word 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time of the Year C
We Do not Know the Time.Thursday 21st Week Ordinary Time of Year
Breakfast With The Word Thursday 21st Week Ordinary Time of Year B
Living A Straightforward Life. Feast of Saint Bartholomew
Breakfast with The Word: Feast of Saint Bartholomew
The Life of A Hypocrite. Monday 21st Week Ordinary Time
The word “hypocrite” refers to an actor, someone playing a part. A hypocrite is someone who shows what he is not.