Breakfast With The Word Thursday 21st Week Ordinary Time of Year B
Matthew 24:42-51.
It is always easy to think that life is always ours to take and nothing can happen. Hardly do we think that life is limited and must one day come to an end. And the surprising fact about this truth is that when it will happen is beyond our knowledge.
We do not know the time when our life will come to an end. If a man knows how limited his life on earth is, he would be careful. If a man knows that this indubitable truth will take everyone unaware, He will consciously watch and guard his steps. We do not know the time when our last day on earth would be.
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Stay Awake.
In the gospel, Jesus says to his disciples: ‘Stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming. You may be quite sure of this, that if the householder had known at what time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect”.
Today, Jesus reminds his disciples to be watchful because they do not know when the master is coming.
When Jesus said this, He had already entered Jerusalem in preparation for his death, So, gradually He was advising and preparing his disciples for the work ahead and what might befall them.
The whole of Mathew 24 was devoted to the signs of the end time and how the son of man will appear in glory later.
Therefore, to effectively prepare for this coming and not to be taken unawares, Jesus informs his disciples to be watchful and be alert. We have to stay awake because we do not know the time our judgement would come.
Be Watchful.
Literally, to be watchful means to be alert, vigilant, and wakeful. One is watchful when he knows everything that is happening around him. He is not accustomed to rest or sleep. Matthew uses the Greek word γρηγορειτε ουν (grēgōreite oun), which is an imperative from εγειρω — egeirō meaning to keep awake, alert, keep looking, etc.
Therefore, this is a call for everyone to be always ready and prepared. To do this is the only way to be sure of eternal life. To do this is the only way to stand against temptations. (Luke 21:34-35, Matthew 26:41), to do this is the only way to conquer the devil (1 Peter 5:8).
To be watchful is not giving up on God despite how trouble comes, it is a continual faith in God. It also involves being consistent in your prayers without getting tired and remaining firm in your good works whether good or bad. We need to be watchful because the time will take us unawares. We do not know the time.
Therefore to be watchful is knowing deep down within us that one day we are going to leave this world and consequently leave our positions behind. It is knowing that man is not the owner of his life, the life he is living was given to Him which one day will be taken away from Him. So, He should not live as if he is the creator of the world.
A man comes into a world without knowing how he came and like he came to the world without knowing, he must also depart without knowing. To be watchful is to know this and keep our souls constantly clean for the journey to eternity.
At an Unknown Time.
It is sometimes crazy to hear or read about how some people are predicting when the end of the world will be.
In the gospel, Jesus says “if the householder had known the time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. As we continue to predict, life continues to elongate.
Only God knows the last hour. This is is why we have to be ready at all times. No one knows the hour or the day. We do not know the time. All those who predicted the last end have been disappointed that life continues.
After thinking that we shall live more than a hundred years, at an unknown day and time, death comes knocking. After thinking that God does not exist, at an unknown day and time, Jesus will appear in His glory.
Hence, after thinking that faith is baseless, at an unknown day and time, we will still leave to go back to our creator. How it will happen, when, and where, we do not know.
After thinking we still have a lot to achieve and celebrate, at an unknown day and time, we might not even reach half of it.
After thinking that we do not need God, at an unknown day and time, when death comes knocking, we begin to look for the last hour of salvation.
Life can take us unawares because we do not know the time. We do not know the time, God will call us home. We do not know the time, the master needs us to return. Therefore we must be ready at all times.
Nothing is more satisfying than a life built on God. Also finally if you are suffering and praying hard for God to answer your prayer. Do not also give up, He also answers at an unknown time and day.
When God does His own thing is only best known to him. Our work is to prepare. The question today is ‘how are we preparing? What are we preparing for? As we make effort to be successful in life, what of our soul?
At the End.
Jesus says to day “What sort of servant, then, is faithful and wise enough for the master to place him over his household to give them their food at the proper time? Happy that servant if his master’s arrival finds him at this employment. I tell you solemnly, he will place him over everything he owns”
In the end, there will be a reward for the servant who was alert and did not give up. God does not forsake those who kept doing their good work without losing hope. There will be reward for that servant, who keeps his faith despite the crisis and temptations. These types of servants are always ready.
They always prepare. They keep waiting for that hour, and ready for the day it shall be. Such souls are not taken unawares. Hence, there will be damnation for those who think that life is only food and drink that they forget that man is not only a body. They forget their God and build their relaxation garden only in this world.
Sometimes, because of the wealth we have acquired, and the positions we have occupied, we think that we will remain here forever. Sometimes some use their positions and power to perpetrate evil. Always know that life can catch us up unknowingly.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and be persistent in your prayers. Let us not forget that it was while Ishbosheth slept upon his bed at noon, that Baanah and Rechab took away his head. (2 Samuel 4)
The enemy strikes when we think everything is going well. He creeps in when we sleep and then tends to rest. The devil comes when men are asleep. The parable of the wheat and tares is enough to explain this ( Matthew 13;24-30).
Therefore, let us stay awake and be ready. Let us confess our sins now and return to God. The time to do this is now. We do not have the time. We have to be ready. How ready are You?
May God bless you, dearest and give us the grace to stay prepared always. Remain blessed.
Amen 🙏
Amen, remain blessed Fr.
Thank you 🌹 Padre and remain Blessed
Amen, thank you Father.
Give us the Grace oh Lord to stand ready at all times in prayers and keeping our faith alive until you return.
Thank you dearest Padre. More grace upon you for the ministry. May you finish the race and finish well in Jesus name. Amen
Amen! Thank father for all your encouragements.
Amen 🙏.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Oh Lord, help me to be always prepared for your coming in Jesus mighty name, Amen 🙏🙏
Amen. God bless you brother.
Amen, God’s blessings upon you Fr
Amen Fr