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Reflections are the food of the soul. When we reflect through divine mysteries and on the biblical truths. our knowledge of God increases, hence our faith in God becomes constantly rejuvenated. We need daily reflections to keep ourselves going. Here, you will find a list of daily reflections on the bible to keep our faith alive again.
In John 11: 45-56, after raising Lazarus from the dead, many of the Jews, who came to console the family of Mary and Martha,…
John 10:31-42: How We Take the Word. Friday 5th Week of Lent
In the Gospel of John 10:31-42, the effort of Jesus to convince the people to understand who He is leads to more misunderstanding.…
John 8: 51-59 ; What We Do When We Do Not Truly Know Him.
What We Do When We Do Not Truly Know Him.
John 8:31-42: If We keep His Word. Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent
To keep the word of someone is to uphold whatever one says It is the acknowledgement of the words of that person and the desire to…
When We Do Not Have Faith; Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent
Hebrews 11 defines faith as a guarantee of what we hope for. Faith is the assurance of the things we do not see. In verse 6, it…
John 8: 12 – 20. Anyone who follows the light of the world. Monday fifth week of Lent
Light simply means the absence of darkness. Imagine in your house there is no light. Also, imagine when there is light. There is…
Sunday Rice and Stew
(Catholic Catechism)
Fifth week of Lent